S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat @ ウィキ




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だれでも歓迎! 編集

    <string id="jup_b4_freedom_squad_start_dialog_0">
        <text>You did the right thing, man. You helped those dudes and brought us reinforcements. Respect.</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_freedom_start_dialog_0">
        <text>Thanks for making an arrangement with Freedom.</text>
Freedom の為に手配をしてもらって感謝するよ。        
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_about_stolen_items_0">
        <text>Do you know who could have stolen things from a personal box?</text>
誰がパーソナル BOX の物を盗ることができたのか知ってるか?
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_about_stolen_items_1">
        <text>I don't know - there's all kinds of folk around here... You could try asking Bonesetter, he knows almost everyone in this place...</text>
俺は知らん。 ここにはこの辺りに居る奴らがみんな集まってるからな・・・ Bonesetter に訊いてみたらどうだ。彼はここに居る奴らのことなら大体知っている・・・
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_goto_zulus_0">
        <text>Let's go see Zulu.</text>
Zulu に会いに行こう。    
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_goto_zulus_1">
        <text>OK. I hope he's not going to shoot when he sees my old armor! We need to pick it up on the way... and return the one I'm wearing.</text>
OK. そいつが俺の古いスーツを見た瞬間銃をぶっ放さない様願うよ!俺たちは途中でそれを持ってくる必要があるな・・・そして、俺が着ている物を返さなくては。
<!-- 後半部分を若干修正。 -->
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_goto_zulus_11">
        <text>Let's go.</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_goto_zulus_2">
        <text>Wait. Emissions ain't healthy... Let's wait a bit.</text>
待て。 Emission は健康には良くないからな・・・ 少し待とう。
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_need_help_0">
        <text>What happened?</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_need_help_1">
        <text>Well... We don’t remember how we got here. I remember that we were a Monolith squad... We had this burning desire to reach the center of the Zone. That’s where the Monolith is - it’s a meteor, that brought the beginnings of new life from other planets... I remember reaching the CNPP together... And then it’s all fragmented. I remember a bright light... cosmic cold... and a clear voice...  Everything was just... perfect. I don't remember what that voice ordered me to do now. Several years of my life... just gone. The boys are the same... We don’t know what to do. We definitely need somewhere to take cover from emissions... and mutants, right? Do you have any ideas about where we would be safe?</text>
ああ・・・ 俺たちはどうやってここまで来たのか、憶えてないんだ。俺の記憶に残ってるのは、俺たちは Monolith のチームで・・・ Zone の中心に到達するんだっていう燃えるような願望を持ってた。そこは Monolith がある場所で - Monolith は他の惑星から新しい生命の起源を運んできたいん石だって考えてたんだ・・・ CNPP に到達すると同時に・・・その考えが崩壊したことを覚えてる。俺の記憶に残ってるのはまぶしい光・・・底知れぬ寒気・・・そしてはっきりとした声・・・まさに全てが・・・完ぺきだった。今となってはその声が俺に何をしろって命令したのか覚えてない。俺の人生の内の数年が・・・消え去ってしまった。こいつらも同じだ・・・ 何をすればいいのか分からないんだ。まず、俺たちには Emission やミュータントから身を隠す場所が必要だ・・・、そうだろ?どこか安全な場所を知らないか?
<!-- 「隕」は使用できない漢字です -->
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_need_help_11">
        <text>There's a stalker base not far from here, I can point it out to you on a map.</text>
ここからそう遠くない場所に Stalker の拠点がある。あんたのマップに場所を指示しよう。
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_need_help_111">
        <text>I’m not sure that’s safe... When we were on our way to the CNPP, we were treated with suspicion...  I think we actually killed stalkers afterwards. Do you know how people treat our faction right now? They’ll probably start shooting... Can you help us? Could you tell everyone at the stalker camp that we’re not killers anymore? Could you speak to them and get them to accept us?</text>
それが安全だとは思えない・・・ CNPP へ向かっていた時、俺たちは疑わしい奴らだって受け止められてた・・・ 実際にその後 Stalker 達を殺したと思う。今、人々が俺たちの派閥をどんなふうに扱うか知ってるか?きっと銃をぶっ放してくるだろうよ・・・ 俺たちの手助けをしてもらえないか? Stalker の拠点にいる奴ら皆に俺たちはもう殺人鬼じゃないって伝えてくれないか? 俺たちを受け入れてくれるように話してくれないか?
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_need_help_1111">
        <text>No problem, I'll speak to them the next time I'm at the base.</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_need_help_1112">
        <text>Sorry, I can’t help you.</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_need_help_2_0">
        <text>What kind of help do you need?</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_need_help_2_1">
        <text>We need somewhere to take cover from emissions... and mutants, right? Can you find a place where we would be safe?</text>
Emission と・・・ ミュータントから隠れる場所が必要だ。どこかに安全な場所を見つけてもらえないか?
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_need_help_2_11">
        <text>OK. I’ll ask the folks at Yanov.</text>
分かった、Yanov に居る奴らに訊いてみよう。   
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_need_help_2_12">
        <text>Sorry, I can’t help you.</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_need_outfit_0">
        <text>You'll need a suit with a closed-cycle respiratory module to get to Pripyat. </text>
Pripyat に到達するには内部循環呼吸装置の付いたスーツが必要になる。
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_need_outfit_1">
        <text>That's fine - I kept my Monolith armor and it comes with exactly that. The problem is that I can't be seen wearing it at Yanov.</text>
丁度いい - その通りの装置を搭載している Monolith suit を持ってる。問題は Yanov でこれを着ているところを見られるわけにはいかないってことだな。
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_pripyat_group_0">
        <text>I'm putting a squad together to go with me to Pripyat. Will you join us?</text>
俺と一緒に Pripyat に向かうチームをまとめているんだが、参加しないか?
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_pripyat_group_1">
        <text>I'd go... I mean, I'm more than curious to find out what happened to us there. But I can't go now. I can't leave my boys here . They've been through a lot as it is.</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_pripyat_group_2">
        <text>Yes, I'll go with you. I want to know what happened to us. I have my fingers crossed that we'll find the answer to that question in Pripyat. I just have to warn Loki, but I doubt he'll object.</text>
ああ、一緒に行こう。俺たちに何が起きたのかを知りたいんだ。その答えを Pripyat で見つけられるようにって祈ったよ。Loki に伝えなければならないが、彼が反対するんじゃないかが心配だ。
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_pripyat_group_3">
        <text>Yes, I'll go with you. I really want to know what happened to us. I hope to find the answer to that question in Pripyat. I just have to warn Shulga, but I doubt he'll object.</text>
ああ、一緒に行こう。俺たちに何が起きたのかを知りたいんだ。その答えを Pripyat で見つけられるよう願うよ。Shulga に伝えなければならないが、彼が反対するんじゃないかが心配だ。
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_pripyat_ready_0">
        <text>Are you ready to go?</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_pripyat_ready_1">
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_start_11">
        <text>Hello, stalker. Could you help us?</text>
よう Stalker 、ちょっと俺たちの手助けをしてくれないか?    
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_start_12">
        <text>Hello. Did you find out if we can go to the stalker base?</text>
よう。俺たちが Stalker の拠点に行けるかどうか分かったか?
<!--ここで言うstalker baseはYanov駅。stalker baseという地名ではないので訳した方が良い。-->
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_start_121">
        <text>No, I'm still working on it...</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_start_1211">
        <text>Hurry up, 'cause you never know what could happen here.</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_start_13">
        <text>Hello. Thanks for helping us.</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_start_14">
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_wassup_0">
        <text>How are things?</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_monolith_squad_leader_wassup_1">
        <text>Things are OK, the squad is in order, but I really want to know what happened to us.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_mercs_0">
        <text>What are the mercenaries doing here?</text>
Mercenary 達がここで何をやってるのか知ってるか?   
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_mercs_1">
        <text>You should speak to Hermann about that. He deals with all administrative aspects of the laboratory. As far as I am aware, the mercenaries have made an agreement with Hermann concerning the protection of our laboratory. I am not familiar with the details of this arrangement. However, I must point out that they have proven themselves as reliable fighters on numerous occasions.</text>
そのことについては Hermann に訊くんだ。彼はこの研究所の管理に関しての一切を取り扱っている。私が知る限りでは、Mercenary 達は Hermann と研究所の防衛に関しての契約を結んだらしい。私はこの取り決めの詳細についてはよく知らない。しかしながら、彼らは様々な出来事の中で彼ら自身を信頼に足る戦士だと証明した、ということに注目しなければならないな。
<!-- 派閥名を単数形に修正 -->
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scientists_0">
        <text>What are you doing here?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scientists_1">
        <text>A rhetorical question, don't you think? We are researching. Are you interested in something specific?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scientists_1111">
        <text>What is the purpose of your research?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scientists_11111">
        <text>We have no specific objective in mind. We're scientific scouts, if you will. We are seeking to identify correlations in certain phenomena, develop theories and prove or disprove them. Some of our theories have no practical purpose as we know it.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scientists_1112">
        <text>What do you know about the Zone?</text>
Zone について何か知っているか?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scientists_11121">
        <text>I can only hypothesize at this stage... I believe that the Zone was formed as a consequence of some new force. Electromagnetic fields, physical force or radiation couldn't have changed the biosphere so quickly. Obviously, some mutations can be explained by radiation... But, excuse me! An ordinary pig would need hundreds, if not thousands, of years to mutate into flesh! In the Zone the mutation occurred in a couple of years. It's as if someone directly altered the genetic information in individual animals. The thought of that is enough to send shivers down my spine.</text>
今の段階では仮定を立てる事しか出来ない・・・ 私は Zone は何か新しい力の結果として形成された物だと信じている。電磁場、物理的な力、放射線では生物圏をあれほど素早く変えることが出来るはずが無い。確かに、若干の突然変異は放射線によって説明することが出来る。・・・だが、普通のブタが Flesh に変異するには 100 年、いや 1000 年は必要だろう! Zone では変異は 2、3 年の内に起こった。誰かが個々の動物の遺伝情報を直接変更したかのようにね。背筋がゾッとするような考えだ。
<!-- 「仮定を行う」は不自然なので修正 -->
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scientists_1113">
        <text>How long have you been in the Zone?</text>
Zone にはどのぐらいいるんだ?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scientists_11131">
        <text>No more than a week. It took tremendous effort to cut through all the red tape and organize this expedition. If it weren't for Hermann, we might've still been waiting on the borders of the Zone, while stalkers removed invaluable items from it.</text>
まだ一週間に過ぎない。お役所仕事な手続きを済ませてこの遠征を計画するのには相当な努力をしたよ。もし Hermann が居なかったら、Stalker 達が Zone から貴重なアイテムを持ち出している間も Zone の境界線の上で待たなければならなかったかもしれない。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scientists_1114">
        <text>That's all I wanted to know.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scrutiny_0">
        <text>Ozersky, why did Hermann hire me to protect the squad during the taking of measurements?</text>
Ozersky、なぜ Hermann はチームが計測を行っている間、それを守るのに俺を雇ったんだ?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scrutiny_1">
        <text>It was my idea. He didn't see the point, but I convinced him. My research indicates that the effects of our high wave equipment on anomalous fields induces a heightened state of aggression in nearby mutated species, as well as, boosts their activity levels. Long story short, they start looking for something to kill.</text>
<!-- Anomalous field はミッションで回る事になる各アノマリーを示すのでアノマリーとした方が意味がわかりやすい。high wave equipment →測定装置なので「高周波装置」でなくそのものズバリ「測定装置」としてもいいと思う、mutated species→平たく言うとミュータントの事で、「ミュータント」としても良かったが原文を尊重し「変異体」としておいた-->
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scrutiny_learned_0">
        <text>Ozersky, I've got news.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scrutiny_learned_1">
        <text>Yes? I'm listening.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scrutiny_learned_11">
        <text>You were right. The mutants wouldn't let us rest for a moment while we were taking measurements, but as soon as the devices were switched off, things calmed down.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scrutiny_learned_111">
        <text>What?! If... if my hypothesis proved correct, it is probable that mutated animals that acquired the ability to access informational fields can telepathically receive signals from outside... artificial signals... in which case... the unnatural similarity in mutations and these typical changes in cell structure... are not accidental...</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scrutiny_learned_1111">
        <text>Could you be more specific? And could you actually make some sense this time?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_about_scrutiny_learned_11111">
        <text>No! These are but my conjectures. Oh, how terribly rude of me! Thank you very much for your assistance in our research.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_anomalous_grove_0">
        <text>What needs to happen for you to talk to Hermann about a suit?</text>
Hermann にスーツのことについてあんたから話してもらうには何が必要だ?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_anomalous_grove_1">
        <text>An area filled with a previously unknown anomalous plant has appeared near the edge of the quarry. I really want a sample of this plant, but stalkers refuse to go near the place. If I had one of those plants, I could speak to Hermann about rewarding you with one of the spare suits.</text>
これまで知られていなかった特異な植物で満ちたエリアが採石場のはずれの傍に現れた。その植物のサンプルがどうしても欲しいのだが、Stalker 達はその場所に近寄りたがらないんだ。もしその植物を手にいれることが出来たのなら、報酬のスペアスーツについて Hermann と話してもいいんだが。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_anomalous_grove_11">
        <text>I'll find the plant for you.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_anomalous_grove_111">
        <text>OK, I uploaded the anomaly coordinates to your PDA.</text>
よし、君の PDA にアノマリーの座標をアップロードしておいた。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_anomalous_grove_12">
        <text>Maybe next time.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_anomalous_grove_121">
        <text>Drop in if you change your mind.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_anomalous_plant_0">
        <text>Here, I brought the plant you wanted. Now how about that suit?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_anomalous_plant_1">
        <text>Great. Hah, Sokolov has actually let slip that the suit is for him. Well, it doesn't matter. I'll show Hermann the plant and he'll agree to hand over the suit in no time. Tell Sokolov to come and collect it.</text>
素晴らしい。さて、実は Sokolov はスーツが彼のための物だってことをうっかり漏らしてしまっていたんだ。まあ、それは問題ではない。Hermann にこの植物を見せれば、彼はすぐにスーツを渡すのに同意するだろう。Sokolov にここに来て取ってくるように伝えてくれ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_aproach_0">
        <text>I can find some new guards for you.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_aproach_1">
        <text>That would be kind of you. Please speak to Hermann about this matter since it falls within the scope of his responsibilities.</text>
君は親切だな。このことについては Hermann の責任範囲内だ。彼と話してくれ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_b1_psi_emission_dialog_0">
        <text>I'd like to check my resistance to the psy-field.</text>
俺の Psy-field への抵抗力を確かめたいんだが。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_b1_psi_emission_dialog_1">
        <text>Hah, so Hermann sent you to see me? OK, let me explain this as simply as I can. In order to properly analyze your resistance to psy-emissions, I will need a scientific research complex and years of study. What I actually have is a field kit with a couple of dirty test tubes.</text>
ふむ、なるほど、Hermann が君を寄越したんだな?よし、できるだけ簡単に説明しよう。君の Psy-emission への抵抗力を正しく分析するためには、科学研究複合体と数年の詳細な調査が必要になるだろう。今私が持っているのは汚れた試験管が2、3個付いているフィールドキットだけだ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_b1_psi_emission_dialog_11">
        <text>It's impossible, then?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_b1_psi_emission_dialog_111">
        <text>Not so fast. We're not talking about a full analysis. For our aims we merely need to assess the resistance of your neurons to psy-emissions.  A basic examination will do just fine. So... It seems that your head is in order. That is to say that you can be affected by relatively high levels of psy-emissions without losing consciousness.</text>
そう急くんじゃない。完全な解析ならば、ということだ。抵抗力を知りたいのなら、君のニューロン(脳の神経)の Psy-emission への抵抗力を算定すればいい。基礎的な試験なら上手く行くだろう。なるほど・・・君の頭はきちんと動いているようだな。すなわち、君は意識を失うことなく比較的高い濃度の Psy-emission を受けることが出来る、ということだ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_hypotheses_about_0">
        <text>What about the hypothesis concerning increased mutant aggression?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_hypotheses_about_1">
        <text>I have two theories about that. The first is that mutant aggression may be caused by the intrusion of several people into their territory, in which case that is normal behavior for most unmutated species, including humans. The other theory is that mutants are somehow capable of receiving the active emissions of our measurement devices. Clearly, the latter theory is far more intriguing.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_hypotheses_about_11">
        <text>How could this be tested?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_hypotheses_about_111">
        <text>The measurement device should be activated in an area where there was no previous mutant activity. Furthermore, in order to minimize the human intrusion effect, the experiment should be conducted by a maximum of one person.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_hypotheses_confirmed_0">
        <text>I brought the scanner.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_hypotheses_confirmed_1">
        <text>What results did you get?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_hypotheses_confirmed_11">
        <text>I don't know what your device will show, but I believe the hypothesis fully checks out. After I activated the scanner, it took all of five minutes for snorks to come charging at me.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_hypotheses_confirmed_111">
        <text>That's what I thought. For some reason, it is usually the most undesirable theories that prove to be right. In any case, it is a good thing that you tested this. Now we'll have to make sure any squad we send out to take measurements is ready for some rough stuff. </text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_hypotheses_volunteer_0">
        <text>I'm ready to try to confirm or disprove the hypothesis. </text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_hypotheses_volunteer_1">
        <text>I'm delighted that there are still people in the world who are willing to make sacrifices for the greater scientific good. The best place to conduct the experiment is the landslide on the southern edge of the quarry - that area is full of gravitational anomalies that mutants normally try to avoid. The device I am giving you has a built-in mutant detection sensor. When you return the device after you have completed the experiment, I will be able to track the effects of emission levels on mutant aggression. Are you prepared to do this?</text>
まだ世界には科学の発展のためにその身を犠牲にすることを厭わない人間が居る、ということが嬉しいよ。実験を行う場所は採石場の南側のはずれにある地滑りが最適だろう - そのエリアは普段はミュータントが避けようとする重力アノマリーで満ちている。君に渡した装置にはミュータントを探知するセンサーが内蔵されている。実験を終えたあとに装置を返してくれれば、放射のレベルがミュータントの攻撃性への影響を追跡することが出来るだろう。準備はいいかね?
<!--コメント欄でアノマリー名は訳さないという話が出ていたが、今回は「gravitation アノマリー」への変更は行わなかった。-->
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_hypotheses_volunteer_11">
        <text>Yeah, I'll do it.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_hypotheses_volunteer_12">
        <text>Not at the moment.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_soldier_outfit_0">
        <text>Is there any way I could get a scientific suit?</text>
何か Scientific suit を手に入れる方法はないか?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_soldier_outfit_1">
        <text>That's against protocol. We have to account for every item of equipment we have. Then again, knowing Hermann, he probably ordered more than we need. I think that in certain circumstances, he could be convinced to part with one of them.</text>
それは協定に反する。私たちは全ての装備に対して責任を負わなければならないんだ。だが、抜け目のない Hermann のことだ、おそらく必要な分より多く発注しただろう。事情によっては、スーツのうちの一つを分けてもらえるかもしれないな。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_stalker_assistant_rival_0">
        <text>Do you need any artifacts found?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_biochemist_stalker_assistant_rival_1">
        <text>No, sorry. We don't send random people on artifact hunting assignments anymore. We signed a contract with an experienced artifact hunter, and whatever we may need, he gets it for us.</text>
すまないが、無いよ。これ以上誰とも知れない人間をアーティファクト探しに送り込むことは出来ない。私たちはベテランのアーティファクト Hunter と契約したんだ。必要なものは彼が採ってきてくれる。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_aproach_0">
        <text>I can find some new guards for you.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_aproach_1">
        <text>That would be good. The Zone is never peaceful... Talk to Hermann about it - he's the boss around here.</text>
それは良い、Zone は穏やかじゃないからね・・・ このことについては Hermann と話してくれ - 彼がここのボスだ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_b32_give_scanner_0">
        <text>You're supposed to issue me with scanners for anomaly research.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_b32_give_scanner_1">
        <text>Take this. Three, as Hermann said.</text>
これを持っていけ。 Hermann が言っていた通り3つだ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_b32_give_scanner_2">
        <text>Take this. Two more, as Hermann said.</text>
これを持っていけ。Hermann が言っていた通り、もう 2 つだ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_soldier_outfit_0">
        <text>How can I get a scientific suit?</text>
どうすれば Scientific suit を入手できる?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_soldier_outfit_1">
        <text>Hermann is in charge of inventory. But I'll save you the trouble of asking: you won't get anything from him. Try talking to Ozersky instead. On the one hand, he's a bit more laid back, on the other - he can influence Hermann.</text>
Hermann が物品の管理を担当している。しかし、彼に頼んでみてもどうにもならんだろう。その代わり、 Ozersky と話してみろ。彼なら少しはおおらかだ。それに、彼なら Hermann に働きかけることが出来る。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_start_11">
        <text>What brings you here?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_start_12">
        <text>Listen, where did those mercs go? The ones who were protecting you?</text>
ちょっといいか、あの Mercenary 達はどこに行ったんだ?あんたらを護衛してた奴らは?
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_start_13">
        <text>How's life?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_start_14">
        <text>Listen... Someone gunned down those mercs who were protecting you. I didn't like them much myself, but that's going a bit far...</text>
よく聞け・・・ 誰かがあんたらの護衛をしてた Mercenary 達を撃ち殺した。俺もあいつらのことは気に食わなかったが、少しやりすぎだな・・・
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_start_15">
        <text>CS-3a - cool! That's pretty good armor... Reminds me of the good old days...</text>
CS-3a - 素晴らしい!とても優秀なスーツだ・・・古き良き日々を思い出させてくれるな・・・
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_ufo_memory_repair_0">
        <text>Can you unblock a memory module?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_ufo_memory_repair_1">
        <text>Let's have a look... No problem. I've done this before... It won't take more than an hour. I'll do it for... hrm, 2,000. Deal?</text>
どれ、見せてみろ・・・問題ない。以前にもやったことがある・・・ 一時間もかからないだろう。そうだな・・・2,000 で引き受けよう。どうだ?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_ufo_memory_repair_11">
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_ufo_memory_repair_111">
        <text>Good. I'll let you know once I've unblocked it.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_ufo_memory_repair_12">
        <text>I haven't got that much money.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_ufo_memory_repair_121">
        <text>Hrm. Well, you know where to find me. I doubt anyone can do a better job of this than me.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_ufo_memory_repair_13">
        <text>I'll think about it.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_ufo_memory_repair_2">
        <text>Like I said, I'll do it in an hour for 2,000.</text>
前に言ったように、2,000 で一時間後には終わらせてみよう。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_ufo_memory_repaired_0">
        <text>So, did you unblock the memory module?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_ufo_memory_repaired_1">
        <text>The hour ain't up. I told you I'd contact you when it's done.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_medic_ufo_memory_repaired_2">
        <text>Yes, here it is. It's ready for you to access the information.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_halfartefact_zat_b14_0">
        <text>I found a strange semi-artifact. You interested?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_halfartefact_zat_b14_1">
        <text>Of course. Where did you find it?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_halfartefact_zat_b14_11">
        <text>At Zaton, in the abandoned dredge station.</text>
Zaton の破棄されたしゅんせつ船でだ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_halfartefact_zat_b14_1111">
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_halfartefact_zat_b14_1112">
        <text>No thanks! I'll look for another buyer.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_mercs_0">
        <text>What are the mercs doing here?</text>
Mercenary 達はここで何をしているんだ?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_mercs_1">
        <text>We have a contract with them for the protection of the mobile laboratory. In anticipation of your question, I will tell you that I had no choice but to recruit them. Due to some secret military operation, we were not given the appropriate protection for laboratory deployment. That fact coupled with stalkers suddenly going bonkers for artifact hunting and I had no other choice but the mercenaries if I wanted to keep the laboratory safe.</text>
私たちは移動研究所の護衛について彼らと契約をしたんだ。君の質問に先回りして答えるが、彼らを雇う他仕方が無かった。Millitary からは幾つかの極秘作戦のために、研究所の設置に際してちゃんとした護衛をつけて貰えなかったんだ。Stalker 達は突然アーティファクトハンティングに狂ったようになるし、研究所の安全のためには Mercenary を選ぶほかに無かった。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_scientists_0">
        <text>What do you do here?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_scientists_1">
        <text>We research various phenomena.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_scientists_1111">
        <text>What is the purpose of your research?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_scientists_11111">
        <text>We are conducting fundamental research. In other words, we are not here to test suits, invent new drugs or things like that. We are trying to find a logical explanation for the things we see in the Zone. If we uncover the secrets behind even ten percent of the phenomena we see here, that would give global technological development a massive shot in the arm.</text>
私たちは基礎研究を行っている。つまり、スーツのテストを行ったり、新しい薬品や物を開発するためにここに居るのではない、ということだ。Zone で発見した物に対して論理的な説明を行おうとしているんだ。私たちがここで見つけた現象の秘密を 10% でも解明することができれば、世界中の技術開発は大いに活気付くだろう。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_scientists_1112">
        <text>What do you know about the Zone?</text>
Zone について何か知っているか?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_scientists_11121">
        <text>Not much, if I'm honest. We are just starting to understand the mechanisms that drive some of the phenomena we encounter, and unfortunately we're far from understanding the Zone as a system. This is particularly difficult by the fact that the Zone evolves over time. I don't mean the appearance of new anomalies or little things like that. I'm talking about more serious changes, ones that cannot always be spotted with the naked eye. The weakening of the magnetic field is an example of this. The saddest thing is that we don't know what this is all leading to. All that is left for us to do is to sit and wait.</text>
正直に言えば、あまりないな。私たちはまだここで遭遇した現象のメカニズムを理解し始めたばかりだ。それに残念ながら、システムとしての Zone のことは何も知らない。Zone は時間の経過と共に変貌して行くから、ことさら難しいんだ。新しいアノマリーが現れるとか、そういう小さなことではない。もっと大きな、必ずしも肉眼では捉えられない変化だ。例えば、磁場が弱まったり、といったようにね。嘆かわしいことに、これらがどのような結果に繋がっているのかは分かっていないんだ。座って待つほかに我々が出来ることは無いよ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_scientists_1113">
        <text>How long have you been in the Zone?</text>
Zone にはどのくらい居るんだ?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_scientists_11131">
        <text>Not long, about a week. That said, I did visit Sakharov's laboratory a few times. I still regret the fact that we failed to get this expedition off the ground faster. I told the people at the Ministry of Education many times that we must always have two fully equipped mobile laboratories ready to go at any moment... they just nodded their fat heads at me and that was it! Thanks to them we almost missed the greatest research opportunity the Zone has ever provided!</text>
そう長くない。大体一週間くらいだね。とは言え、 Sakharov の研究所には何度か訪れたことがある。もう少し早くこの遠征を行うことが出来なかったのが残念だよ。教育省の役人たちに何度も言ったんだ、常に2つは出動の準備ができているフル装備の移動研究所を所持しておかなければならないと・・・ そうして、彼らはやっと愚かな頭を縦に振ったんだが、彼らのおかげで Zone にあった大きな研究の機会をほとんど逃してしまったよ!
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_about_scientists_1114">
        <text>I see.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_artefact_spawn_0">
        <text>Is there any information on the scanners I placed in the anomalies?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_artefact_spawn_2">
        <text>Which anomaly are you interested in, specifically?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_artefact_spawn_21">
        <text>The anomaly by the parking lot.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_artefact_spawn_211">
        <text>Yes, our devices indicate the presence of artifacts in that anomaly!</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_artefact_spawn_212">
        <text>Unfortunately, there are no signs of artifacts in that anomaly.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_artefact_spawn_22">
        <text>Concrete Bath anomaly</text>
Concrete Bath アノマリー
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_artefact_spawn_23">
        <text>Bitumen anomaly</text>
Bitumen アノマリー
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_artefact_spawn_24">
        <text>Fen anomaly</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_artefact_spawn_25">
        <text>Ash Heap anomaly</text>
Ash heap アノマリー
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_artefact_spawn_26">
        <text>That's it for now.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_investigation_anomaly_1">
        <text>I'm listening carefully.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_investigation_anomaly_11">
        <text> Recent events have made it very clear that our research team is not sufficiently prepared to conduct proper field work. You, on the other hand, managed to deal with the controller on your own! That is quite astounding!</text>
最近の出来事から、私たちの調査チームには十分に実地調査を行うだけの用意がないことが分かった。一方、君は一人で Controller を相手にすることが出来る!全く仰天するほかないね!
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_investigation_anomaly_111">
        <text>What's your point?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_investigation_anomaly_1111">
        <text>My point is that it would be only logical for us to at least attempt to recruit such a capable expert as you. Our science group is most positively in need of your assistance. We need to take measurements, position scanners...</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_investigation_anomaly_11111">
        <text>Go on...</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_investigation_anomaly_111111">
        <text>I am trying to find the correlation between emissions and the appearance of artifacts in anomalies. I have a theory that the next emission can be forecast using the number and quality of artifacts that appear. In order to make specific calculations, I will need to gather statistics. All we need to do is position a few scanners in the middle of anomalies of different types.</text>
私は Emission と、アノマリーの中に現れるアーティファクトとの間の相関関係を発見しようと努めているんだ。私は、出現したアーティファクトの数と品質から次の Emission を予測することが出来る、という理論を持っているんだ。ある計算を行うために、統計を集める必要がある。そのためには、幾つかのスキャナーをそれぞれちがった種類のアノマリーの中に設置しなければならないのだが。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_investigation_anomaly_11112">
        <text>Sorry, but I'm not interested.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_investigation_anomaly_111121">
        <text>That's a pity. You could have served science.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_investigation_anomaly_2">
        <text>OK, I'll help you out.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_investigation_anomaly_21">
        <text>Excellent! You need to get the scanners from Novikov and position them in the anomalies marked on your PDA. When you're done, come back to see me - I have another matter that concerns scanners and measurements to discuss with you.</text>
素晴らしい! Novikov からスキャナーを受け取って君の PDA に示したアノマリーに設置してきてくれ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_investigation_anomaly_3">
        <text>I'll think about it and come back later.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_scanner_placed_0">
        <text>I put the scanners in the anomalies.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_b32_scanner_placed_1">
        <text>Excellent! I already have the first results. I can't wait for an emission - it will provide us with the necessary statistical sample...</text>
素晴らしい!既に最初の結果が来ているよ。Emission が待ちきれないね。Emission のおかげで我々は必要不可欠な統計サンプルを手に入れられるはずだ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_bubble_1">
        <text>I'm listening very carefully!</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_bubble_11">
        <text>When I got near it and got the scientific detector out, everything around me began to warp, as if it was being compressed. Then, after a while, dead stalker bodies dropped out of thin air! Then it stopped.</text>
俺が傍に近づいて探知機を取り出したら、周りにあったあらゆる物がまるで圧縮されるようにワープし始めたんだ。そして、しばらくすると、死んだ Stalker の体が空中から落ちてきた!そうしたら今度は止まったんだ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_bubble_111">
        <text>That's incredible! Obviously, the information is devastatingly scarce and nothing can be deduced from that for certain, but we will enter this description in our records. We'll call the anomaly a Space Bubble!</text>
し、信じられん!情報は圧倒的に不足しているし、はっきりと推測できることは何もないが、この出来事を我々の記録に加えておこう。そのアノマリーを Space Bubble と呼ぶことにしよう!
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_found_guards_0">
        <text>Looks like you've got new guards?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_found_guards_1">
        <text>Yes, they're quite nice. We feel very safe with them around. Thank you for your efforts - here's your reward.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_gauss_rifle_docs_0">
        <text>Have a look at these documents.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_gauss_rifle_docs_1">
        <text>Let's have a look... I won't ask how you got these, but this is simply incredible! Let me make a copy of this... Oh, by the way, here's your modest reward.</text>
どれどれ・・・ 何処でこれを見つけたのかは知らないが、本当に驚いたね!コピーを取らせてくれ・・・ おっと、ともかく、これが君へのささやかなお礼だ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_guards_0">
        <text>What happened to your guards?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_guards_1">
        <text>I don't know, they just disappeared!</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_guards_11">
        <text>I have connections in the Zone. I could find you some new guards.</text>
俺は Zone にはコネがある。あんたらに新しい護衛を見つけてやれるかも知れない。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_guards_111">
        <text>That would be wonderful! They will be given full scientific support and the latest technological developments in exchange for their work! You'll get a reward, too!</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_guards_1111">
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_guards_11111">
        <text>I can't wait!</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_guards_1112">
        <text>I've changed my mind.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_guards_11121">
        <text>That's a pity.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_guards_12">
        <text>It happens.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_guards_121">
        <text>Anything else?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_guards_2">
        <text>Our guards were killed! Gunned down right outside our bunker!</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_jupiter_docs_0">
        <text>I found some documents at the Jupiter plant.  Would you like to have a look?</text>
Jupiter 工業地帯で書類を見つけたんだが、読んでみるかい?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_jupiter_docs_1">
        <text>That's interesting, but not very useful. Thanks for your efforts anyway. If you find anything else, bring it here.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_jupiter_docs_11">
        <text>I was attacked by mercenaries while I was looking for documents. Here's their leader's PDA.</text>
この書類を探していたら Mercenary の連中に攻撃されたぞ。これがヤツらのリーダーの PDA だ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_jupiter_docs_111">
        <text>Wow, and I thought that they were here to protect us. Looks like I'll have to bring this up to my superiors... Thank you very much, young man.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_jupiter_docs_2">
        <text>Unfortunately, it doesn't contain any interesting information.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_jupiter_products_1">
        <text>There is something: we need to find out about the latest developments made at the Jupiter plant. I really need the technical documents concerning these developments. You should probably look for them in the administrative part of the plant.</text>
私たちは Jupiter 工業地帯で最後に開発された物について調査を行う必要があるんだが、その開発物についての技術文書がどうしても必要なんだ。工場の管理部門で文書を探してきてもらえないだろうか。
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_jupiter_products_11">
        <text>I'll look for them and bring back whatever I find.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_jupiter_products_12">
        <text>No, I won't be able to help you with that.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_jupiter_products_info_0">
        <text>I brought the documents back from Jupiter.</text>
Jupiter から文書を持ってきたぞ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_jupiter_products_info_1">
        <text>That's interesting, but not very useful. Thanks for your efforts anyway. If you find anything else, bring it here.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_jupiter_products_info_11">
        <text>I was attacked by mercenaries while I was looking for documents. Here's their leader's PDA.</text>
この書類を探していたら Mercenary の連中に攻撃されたぞ。これがヤツらのリーダーの PDA だ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_jupiter_products_info_111">
        <text>Wow, and I thought that they were here to protect us. Looks like I'll have to bring this up to my superiors... Thank you very much, young man.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_results_11">
        <text>I'll try to find the anomaly.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_results_12">
        <text>I haven't got time.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_0">
        <text>I'm here to see you about my participation in your research.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_1">
        <text>I know that I speak for all of the team when I say that we would be delighted if you agree to serve science once more. What are you interested in?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_11">
        <text>I would like to help with taking measurements.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_112">
        <text>You're really willing to assist us in carrying out a full external scan? </text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_1121">
        <text>Yes, I'll help - tell me what to do.</text>
ああ、やろう。 - 何をすれば良いのか言ってくれ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_1122">
        <text>No, I need to think things over again.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_12">
        <text>You mentioned positioning scanners.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_121">
        <text>I am trying to find the correlation between emissions and the appearance of artifacts in anomalies. I have a theory that the next emission can be forecast using the number and quality of artifacts that appear. In order to make specific calculations, I will need to gather statistics. All we need to do is position a few scanners in the middle of anomalies of different types.</text>
私は Emission とアノマリーの中に現れるアーティファクトとの間の相関関係を発見しようと努めているんだ。私は、次の Emission は出現したアーティファクトの数と品質から予測することが出来る、という持論を持っているんだ。ある計算を行うために、統計を集める必要がある。そのためには、幾つかのスキャナーをそれぞれちがった種類のアノマリーの中に設置しなければならないのだが。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_1211">
        <text>OK, I'll help you out.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_12111">
        <text>Excellent! You need to get the scanners from Novikov and position them in the anomalies marked on your PDA.</text>
素晴らしい! Novikov からスキャナーを受け取って、君の PDA に示したアノマリーに設置してきてくれ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_1212">
        <text>I'll think about it and come back later.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_122">
        <text>The scanners in anomalies are transmitting information. All we have to do is wait for the results. You can place a few more scanners in anomalies if you want. We could always use extra information and as your reward, we'll inform you when artifacts appear in anomalies.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_1221">
        <text>I agree.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_12211">
        <text>Excellent! You need to get the scanners from Novikov and position them in the anomalies marked on your PDA.</text>
素晴らしい! Novikov からスキャナーを受け取って、君の PDA に示したアノマリーに設置してきてくれ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_1222">
        <text>I'll think about it and come back later.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_131">
        <text>Unfortunately, we have a rule which prevents us from assigning more than one task at a time to the same person. I'm sorry but we have to stick to it.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_complete_0">
        <text>Did you get the anomaly field measurement results from the squad I protected?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_complete_31">
        <text>Oh yeah, your measurements clearly got mutant's and zombie's attention. It took some time and effort to fight them off.</text>
ああ、あんたの観測がミュータントと Zombie の注意を引いたのは間違いないな。あいつらを退けるのに少し手間取った。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_complete_311">
        <text>Hrm, so you think they reacted to the scans? Interesting. Well, in that case,  it looks like you're confirming Ozersky's hypothesis that mutants telepathically access various fields. I think it's worth discussing it with him. Here is your payment for the work you've done. You've earned it!</text>
ふむ、では君は奴らがスキャンに反応したと思うのだね?興味深いな。なるほど、その場合、君はミュータントはテレパシーで様々なフィールドにアクセスする、という Ozersky の仮説を裏付けたことになる。彼と議論するだけの価値はありそうだな。これが君の仕事への報酬だ。君の努力の賜物だよ!
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_scan_anomaly_complete_312">
        <text>Hrm, so you believe they reacted to the scans? Interesting. Well, in that case it seems Ozersky's hypothesis that mutants telepathically access various fields is confirmed by you as well and you should probably tell Ozersky about it. It's a pity about the stalkers. A portion of our modest funds will be used to pay compensation to their families. The rest is your fee for the work you've done for us. Thank you!</text>
ふむ、では君は奴らがスキャンに反応したと信じるのだね?興味深いな。なるほど、その場合ミュータントはテレパシーで様々なフィールドにアクセスする、という Ozersky の仮説は君によって裏付けられたと考えて良いだろう。君は Ozersky に伝えてやるべきだな。Stalker 達のことは残念だった。私たちのささやかな資金のうちの一部は彼らの家族に補償金を支払うのに使われるだろう。残りは君の仕事への謝礼だ。感謝するよ!
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_soldier_outfit_0">
        <text> Is there any way I could get a scientific suit?</text>
なにか Scientific suit を手に入れる方法はないか?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_soldier_outfit_1">
        <text>No! The number of suits is strictly limited and I simply cannot afford to give them away!</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_start_11">
        <text>What would you like to say to me?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_start_12">
        <text>Have you by any chance seen the people responsible for guarding our bunker?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_start_13">
        <text>Go on.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_start_14">
        <text>You won't believe it but someone killed our guards, right next to our bunker!</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_0">
        <text>Do you need help?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_1">
        <text>We're trying to collect a new type of samples at the moment. They don't have any anomalous effect on their own, but experiments we conduct with them produce incredible results!</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_11">
        <text>Keep going...</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_1111">
        <text>Cut the crap and tell me what needs doing.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_11111">
        <text>OK... The stalkers who found the psy-field believe that it contains a mutant lair. I don't really believe them... I mean, no mutant other than a controller can survive in an intermittent psy-field! Don't worry, our boys will deal with the mutants. We need you simply because regular contact with psy-fields has reduced our stalkers' resistance to their effects.</text>
分かった・・・ Psy-field を見つけた Stalker 達が、そこにミュータントの巣があると言うんだ。私には信じられん・・・ 私が言いたいのは、Controller でもなければ断続的な Psy-field の中では生き延びることが出来ない、ということだ!心配することはない、ミュータントはうちの Stalker 達が相手する。うちの Stalker 達は Psy-field との定期的な接触で Psy-field への抵抗力が下がってしまっているので、君が必要なんだ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_111111">
        <text>Let me get this straight: you want me to go into an unknown psy-field and get you a sample of something that might not even be there, and if it is there nobody knows what it looks like?</text>
少し整理してみよう。俺に未知の Psy-field まで行って、そこに居るかどうかも、どんな姿形なのかも分からない物のサンプルを手に入れてこい、ってことだな?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_1111111">
        <text>Exactly! This mission is essential for science in general and for our team in particular. Your help would be invaluable. If you have any doubts, go see Ozersky. He will conduct the necessary analysis, which will identify your current resistance to psy-emissions. You can also ask our stalkers and they'll explain it all to you. So, are you willing to aid science?</text>
その通りだ!このミッションは科学、とくに私たちのチームにとって不可欠なものだ。君の手助けはかけがえのないものになるだろう。何か疑問があるのなら、Ozersky に会いに行くといい。君の Psy-emission への抵抗力を確認するのに必要な分析を行ってくれるだろう。それに、うちの Stalker 達に聞けば必要なことは説明してくれる。さて、科学に貢献するつもりはあるかね?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_11111111">
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_111112">
        <text>You don't know? Your stalker squad is dead.</text>
知らないのか?あんたらの Stalker の部隊は死んだ
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_2">
        <text>Given that you failed to show up at the tunnel the last time, it will be very difficult for me to convince the team to work with you.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_21">
        <text>That was an accident.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_211">
        <text>I believe you, but our sample collection team is made up of peculiar people - you shouldn't let them down. I'll speak to them again and I should be able to persuade them into changing their minds. But don't fail me this time, I'm waiting for the sample.</text>
私は君のことを信じよう。だが、私たちのサンプル収集チームは一風変わった人々で成り立っている - 彼らを失望させるんじゃない。彼らと話して、心変わりをしてくれるよう促そう。しかし、今度は私の期待を裏切らないでくれ。サンプルを待っているよ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_3">
        <text>Forgive me for this, but I must refuse. Your equipment is simply unsuitable for an intermittent psy-field - you will meet a swift and painful death, and I don't need that on my conscience.</text>
すまないが、断らせてもらうよ。君の装備では断続的な Psy-field には対応できない - 君はすぐに苦痛に満ちた死を迎えてしまうだろう。それに、それでは私の良心がとがめる。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_complete_0">
        <text>I got you the sample.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_complete_1">
        <text>Really? Show it to me, I can't wait to see it!</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_complete_11">
        <text>I got your sample and as it turned out there was a controller in the tunnel. It tried to take over your squad and almost succeeded. I managed to kill it before it did.</text>
サンプルを手に入れた。それに、トンネルの中に Controller が居たことが分かった。あいつはあんたらのチームを乗っとろうとしてて、もうほとんど成功しそうになっていた。その前に俺が何とか殺ったが。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_complete_111">
        <text>You're amazing! You killed a controller and saved the stalkers from a psy-attack... If I didn't know it was true, I would never have believed you! It's excellent experience and a fantastic sample. Your contribution to science is noteworthy indeed. Thank you from me personally, on behalf of my team and all the scientists of the world!</text>
君には全く驚かされるな! Controller を倒し、Stalker 達を Psy-attack から守った・・・ もしこれが真実だと知っていなければ、もう君のことを信じられなかっただろう!これは素晴らしい経験と、最高のサンプルになる。君の科学への貢献は全く特筆に値するね。私のチーム、それに世界中の Scientist 達を代表して、個人的に君に感謝するよ!
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_complete_12">
        <text>Unfortunately the squad was attacked by a controller. I had to defend myself. The controller is dead, but so are the stalkers.</text>
不運にも、チームが Controller に襲われた。俺は自分の身を守らなければならなかったんだ。Controller は死んだ、だが Stalker 達も死んでしまった。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_complete_121">
        <text>A controller, you say? How terrible, who could have known? I mourn the loss of those brave boys... They were loyal servants of science. Even though they were not technically scientists, they did more for science than many professors! Thank you and please take this modest reward...</text>
Controller と言ったのかね?なんと恐ろしい、誰がそんなことを知り得ただろうか?勇敢な彼らを失ってしまって、本当に悲しいよ・・・ 彼らは忠実な科学のしもべだった。専門の Scientist ではなかったけれども、数多くの大学教授よりずっと科学のために尽くして来たんだ!ありがとう、このささやかなお礼を受け取ってくれ・・・
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_complete_13">
        <text>Unfortunately the squad was attacked by a controller. I barely made it out.</text>
不運にも、チームが Controller に襲われたが、なんとかやった。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_mercs_0">
        <text>What are the mercs doing here?</text>
Mercenary はここで何をやっているんだ?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_mercs_1">
        <text>Getting in my way. But that's my personal opinion. At first they kept asking me to fix this or attach that... And then yesterday they lost whatever shame they had left and started asking how our equipment works. I simply fail to see how that's going to help them guard the bunker.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_new_upgrade_0">
        <text>What equipment modifications can you perform?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_new_upgrade_1">
        <text>You can see, this is a scientific complex... There's no Kevlar or weapons for spare parts here. What I can do is patch up body armor or modify it using one of my personal developments. As you can imagine, I've got plenty of top notch equipment to spare.</text>
見ての通り、ここは研究所だ・・・ ケブラー樹脂も武器のスペアパーツもここには無い。俺が出来るのはスーツの修理か、スーツを俺の個人的な発明品を使って改造することだ。あんたの想像の通り、最高の設備をたっぷりと持ってる。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_new_upgrade_2">
        <text>Thanks to you and the sample you retrieved from the psy-field, Ozersky was able to come up with something to protect people from emissions. I converted his idea into something practical... that I can install in your suit if you want.</text>
あんたと、あんたが Psy-field から回収してきたサンプルに感謝するよ。Ozersky は何か人々を Emission から守る方法を思いついたらしい。俺が彼のアイディアを実用的な物に変換する・・・ もしあんたが望むなら、それをスーツに組み込んでやろう。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_new_upgrade_3">
        <text>Well, other than the usual upgrades, I can offer you filtering and psy-protection modifications. After all, you were the one who helped to make them happen... Ozersky and Hermann were happy like pigs in shit!</text>
そうだな、普通のアップグレード以外の、ろ過と Psy-protection の改造が出来る。そして、あんたはそれを実現させた奴らのうちの一人だ・・・ Ozersky と Hermann は最高に幸せだろうよ!
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_new_upgrade_4">
        <text>Well, other than the usual upgrades, I can offer you isolation and psy-protection modifications. After all, you were the one who helped to make them happen... Ozersky and Hermann were happy like pigs in shit!</text>
そうだな、普通のアップグレード以外の、絶縁と Psy-protection の改造が出来る。そして、あんたはそれを実現させた奴らのうちの一人だ・・・ Ozersky と Hermann は最高に幸せだろうよ!
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_new_upgrade_5">
        <text>I've got the full range of mods: isolation, filtering and psy-protection. A suit that has all of those installed will allow you to walk into any anomaly... And you might even be able to walk back out. By the way, thank you for participating in Hermann's research. Without that, I wouldn't have all these options for you.</text>
絶縁、ろ過、 Psy-protection の全ての改造が出来るようになったぞ。その全てが揃ったスーツなら、どんなアノマリーにでも歩いて入っていけるだろう・・・ そのまま歩いて戻って出てくることさえも出来るかも知れないな。ともかく、 Hermann の研究に加わってくれて礼を言うよ。あんたが居なかったら、全てのオプションを提供することは出来なかっただろう。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_scientists_0">
        <text>Tell me about your bunker.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_scientists_1">
        <text>Hrm. What do you wanna know?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_scientists_1111">
        <text>What does the laboratory do?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_scientists_11111">
        <text>I doubt even Hermann and Ozersky can answer that question. Obviously they do all sorts of research... But the end result is measly at best. Then again, you could have a chat with Ozersky... I was able to come up with a couple of decent suit modifications on the basis of his theories.</text>
Hermann と Ozersky でもその質問に答えられるかは疑わしいな。どう見ても、あらゆる種類の研究をやってるからな・・・ だが、結果は良くてもほんのちっぽけなものでしかない。Ozersky とおしゃべりしてきたみたいだな・・・ 彼の理論に基づいて2,3の悪くないスーツの改造法を思いつくことが出来た。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_scientists_1112">
        <text>What do you know about the Zone?</text>
Zone について何か知っているか?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_scientists_11121">
        <text>Nothing in a scientific sense, but I've got a lot of practical experience of the Zone. The only thing of value here is something that increases your chances of survival. The Zone doesn't care whether you're a bandit or a stalker collecting artifacts to feed his family. Only those who are best suited to life in the Zone survive here.</text>
科学的には何もない。だが、Zone では数多くの実践的な経験をした。此処の唯一の価値は、生き延びるための方法を学べることだけだな。Zone はあんたが Bandit であろうと、家族を食わせるためにアーティファクトを集めている Stalker であろうと構いはしない。Zone での生活に適応できた奴だけが、ここで生き残ることが出来る。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_scientists_1113">
        <text>How long have you been in the Zone?</text>
Zone にはどのくらい居るんだ?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_scientists_11131">
        <text>A while now. At first, I was hunting for artifacts just like everyone else, but my health was declining steadily until I realized I just can't do it anymore. Thankfully, I've got a brain cell or two, so it's not difficult to find work. I spent about a year with a faction made up of former scientists. They were good people... it's a pity they died in a blind pursuit of some hazy goal. After that I spent some time wandering the Zone and then I started working for the scientists. No regrets so far.</text>
ずいぶん長いことになる。最初のうちは、他の奴らみたいにアーティファクトを探してたんだ。だが、俺の体は着実に衰えてきていて、気づいたときにはこれ以上何も出来なくなっていた。ありがたいことに、脳細胞はいくらか残ってたから、仕事を探すのは難しくなかった。俺は元 Scientist で成り立っていた派閥で一年程を過ごした。みんないい奴らだった・・・ 見えないゴールを必死に追い求めて行くうちに、皆死んでしまった。残念だよ。その後は、しばらく Zone をふらついていた。それから、Scientist のために働き始めたんだ。これまでのことに未練はない。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_about_scientists_1114">
        <text>That's all I wanted to know.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_b1_psi_emission_dialog_0">
        <text>I'm planning to go into the intermittent psy-field. You got any advice for me?</text>
周期的な Psy-field に進入しようと思うんだが、何かアドバイスはあるか?
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_b1_psi_emission_dialog_1">
        <text>What can I say? I doubt you're familiar with the informational-energy field theory... You can be sure that brief exposure to the psy-field is not dangerous... in the long run, anyway. But don't relax too much when you're in there. Those who underestimate psy-fields end up as zombies.</text>
説明に困るな。あんたが情報エネルギー場理論に詳しいとは思えないしな・・・ そうだな、Psy-field への短時間の露出は危険ではないと言えるかも知れない。長い目で見ればな・・・ だが、そこに居るときはあまりリラックスしないようにな。Psy-field を甘く見ている奴は、Zombie になっちまう事になる。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_b33_about_snags_container_0">
        <text>Can you break into a steel container?</text>
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_b33_about_snags_container_1">
        <text>That's not for me. I don't have the right equipment... And it's against our health and safety rules.</text>
遠慮しておく。丁度いい装備も無いしな・・・ それに、健康と安全規則に障る。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_blackbox_0">
        <text>Can you decrypt a black box?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_blackbox_1">
        <text>I can, but I'm not going to. I used to do that kind of thing... And I didn't like it. Too much hassle... I get enough work from the scientists.</text>
出来るが、やるつもりはない。この類のことは良くやったが・・・好きじゃなかった。面倒だしな・・・ 仕事は Scientist から十分貰ってる。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_csky_outfit_0">
        <text>What's special about the CS-3a?</text>
何か CS-3a スーツについて特筆すべき点はあるか?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_csky_outfit_1">
        <text>Other than the fact that I designed it?... It's one of the best suits in the Zone. That's why you're wearing it, right? It's light, mobile and has solid army body armor at its core. I added the anomaly protection stuff myself... It's a pity that we had a shortage of materials in those days... But what else do you expect in the middle of a swamp... Still, all it would take is a couple of patches and you've got a real modern suit... I've got plenty of top notch equipment to spare, so that's no problem either.</text>
俺がそのスーツを設計した、という以外に何か必要か?・・・ Zone の中では最高のスーツの内の一着だ。アンタも着ているしな。そうだろ?軽くて動きやすいし、信頼できる軍用のボディーアーマーがコアになってる。俺が自分でアノマリー防御用の素材を仕込んだんだ・・・ そのころは素材が不足していたのが残念だ・・・ だが、沼地の真ん中で他に何が期待出来る・・・ 今でもまだ、幾つかの部分を改善してやれば立派に一線級のスーツになる・・・ 俺は沢山の最高の設備を手に入れた。そんなことなら簡単に出来るぞ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_zat_b30_actor_about_owl_0">
        <text>Do you work for Owl?</text>
あんたは Owl のために働いてるのか?
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_zat_b30_actor_about_owl_1">
        <text>No. He helped me get something the other day... A favor for a favor.</text>
いや、彼には前にある物を手に入れるのを助けてもらったんだ・・・ ただの好意だ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_zat_b30_actor_bring_detectors_0">
        <text>Owl asked me to bring you detectors. Here they are.</text>
Owl は俺にあんたに探知機を持っていくように言った。これがその探知機だ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_tech_zat_b30_actor_bring_detectors_1">
        <text>Good. I'll do some work with them and return them to Owl with the guides... Anything else is personal business between you and Owl.</text>
よし、これを使って少し仕事をしたら Guide を使って返しておくようにしよう・・・ 後はあんたと Owl との間の個人的なビジネスだ。
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_0">
        <text>Oh! So you were the one selling weapons to bandits at Zaton!</text>
それじゃあ、お前が Zaton の Bandit に武器を売ってる奴か!
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_1">
        <text>Shh... Are you crazy talking about that shit here? We don't know each other, you got that?</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_11">
        <text>Got it.</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_12">
        <text>How about I tell the commander about your little business on the side?</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_121">
        <text>And what are you going to tell him? You got nothing on me. I mean, you were the one who helped to take out the witnesses. You got no proof, and you'll look like an idiot accusing me of stuff with no evidence.</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_with_pda_0">
        <text>I found a PDA on some dead mercs. It contains a contract to assassinate me. With you as the client.</text>
何人かの Mercenary の死体から PDA を見つけた。俺を暗殺するって契約が入ってたよ。あんたが依頼人でな。
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_with_pda_1">
        <text>I've had enough of you... Listen, give me the PDA and I'll give you an excellent weapon used exclusively by elite Duty troops. So, how about it?</text>
もうたくさんだ・・・ 聞け、PDA を寄越せば Duty の精鋭部隊だけで使われてるいい武器をやろう。どうだ?
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_with_pda_12">
        <text>OK, I'll take that shooter.</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_with_pda_13">
        <text>Keep it. I don't need handouts from a backstabbing snake!</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_with_pda_2_0">
        <text>I have another PDA with a contract to assassinate me. You're the client, again.</text>
俺を暗殺する契約が入ってる PDA をまだ持ってるんだが、こっちもあんたが依頼人だったよ
<!-- クライアント→顧客に変更 -->
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_with_pda_2_1">
        <text>Damn it... Friggin' mercs... can't trust them to do shit... Listen, let's put an end to this... Here's what we'll do. The mercs are going to stop looking for you and you're gonna leave me alone. In order to compensate your losses, I will lead you to Duty's secret warehouse where you can take all the weapons you can carry.</text>
クソッ・・・あの忌々しい Mercenary 共が・・・ こんなことをする奴らを俺は信じないぞ・・・ 聞け、これで終わりにしようぜ・・・ こうしよう。Mercenary 共はあんたのことを付け回すのを止めるだろう。あんたも俺のことはほっといてくれ。あんたの損失を保証する代わりに、あんたが持てるだけ武器を持っていくことの出来る Duty の秘密の倉庫に案内するぜ。
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_with_pda_2_11">
        <text>OK, let's do that.</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_with_pda_2_111">
        <text>Good, let's meet there. The stash is next to the quarry.</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_with_pda_2_12">
        <text>I'm not going anywhere. You'll have to give me all that stuff right here.</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_with_pda_2_121">
        <text>I don't have anything here! I'm not that stupid! Either we meet by the stash or you don't get anything.</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_with_pda_2_1211">
        <text>No, thanks.</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_duty_illicit_dealer_b207_blackmail_with_pda_2_13">
        <text>I don't need handouts from a backstabbing snake!</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_leave_zone_0">
        <text>I want to leave the Zone.</text>
Zone から離れたいんだ。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_leave_zone_1">
        <text>You sure? There ain’t no way back.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_leave_zone_11">
        <text>I’m sure. Let’s go.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_leave_zone_12">
        <text>Actually... I’ll stay for now.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_stalker_medik_need_health_care_2">
        <text>Let’s have a look... Well, your liver is bigger than I'd expect, but that's an occupational hazard, right? Apart from that, you’re as healthy as a burer.</text>
どれ、見せてみろ・・・ ふむ、あんたの肝臓は思ってたより大きいが、まあそれは職業病ってやつだな。そうだろ?それを除けば Burer と同じくらい健康だよ。
    <string id="jup_b1_stalker_lead_info_1116141">
        <text>It would be just about normal if it didn’t glow. It’s a scary thing, the way it is now. Go have a look for yourself... I doubt you’ll enjoy the visit though.</text>
もし光ってさえいなけりゃ普通と同じだろう。おっかねぇモンだったぜ。今のところはこのくらいだ。自分で確かめてみてきな・・・ 楽しいもんじゃないだろうけどな。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_1112">
        <text>OK, it’s your choice.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_2">
        <text> "Former" Monolith fighters? Well, it’s your call... Will you vouch for them?</text>
"元"Monolith の兵士だと? 教えてほしいんだがアンタはヤツらが大丈夫だって保証できるのか?
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_2">
        <text> "Former" Monolith fighters? No, thanks. The last thing I need is a rabid mob of fanatics.</text>
"元"Monolith の兵士どもだって?いいや結構。気違いじみた信者の集団なんて俺が最も必要としないものだよ。
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_chief_actor_self_dialog_2">
        <text>Hah. Good boy. You take care of your own, and that means you know you gotta keep my palms nice and greasy. So what have you got for me, an artifact or the 15,000?</text>
ハッ、良い子だ。もし無事で居たいんなら、俺にたっぷりと握らせることだな。それでアーティファクトと 15,000、どっちを持ってきてくれたのかな?
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_chief_actor_self_dialog_14">
        <text>I brought an artifact.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_chief_actor_self_dialog_141">
        <text>All right, which one?</text>
<!-- Banditがアーティファクトをせびる時のセリフのようなので変更 -->
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_chief_actor_self_dialog_15">
        <text>I don't have an artifact worth that much.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_chief_actor_self_dialog_1411">
Flame だ。
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_chief_actor_self_dialog_1412">
Goldfish だ。
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_chief_actor_self_dialog_1413">
Firefly だ。
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_chief_actor_self_dialog_1414">
Snowflake だ。
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_chief_actor_self_dialog_1415">
        <text>Hrm... None, for now.</text>
ふむ・・・ 今のところは無いな。
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_chief_actor_self_dialog_151">
        <text>Well, I've said what I had to say. Now I wanna hear you talk.</text>
    <string id="jup_b19_freedom_yar_break_dialog_0">
        <text>See ya.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_4">
        <text>Of course! The intermittent psy-field still needs to be studied, and the sooner, the better. Let me ask, how certain are you of the relative safety of this venture? We most positively need your assistance in obtaining a test sample. So, are you willing to help science?</text>
もちろんだ!周期的な Psy-field にはまだまだ調査が必要だ。早ければ早いほどいい。少し尋ねさせてくれ、この冒険での君の安全はどのくらい確かかな?テストサンプルを手に入れるには絶対に君の助けが必要だ。さて、科学に貢献するつもりはあるかね?
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_employ_stalkers_0">
        <text>I may be able to find a few good people to staff your new research group.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_employ_stalkers_1">
        <text>Indeed? Such help would be most welcome and, I suppose, warrant a reward.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_employ_stalkers_11">
        <text>All right. I will hire the right people.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_employ_stalkers_12">
        <text>I'll think about it some more.</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_complete_14">
        <text>Here it is. I found a controller in that tunnel. Then I killed him.</text>
これだ。あのトンネルの中で Controller を見つけたが、なんとか殺った。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_complete_141">
        <text>You're amazing! You killed a controller and obtained what we needed... If I didn't know otherwise, I would never have believed you! It's excellent experience and a fantastic sample. Your contribution to science is noteworthy indeed. On behalf of me personally and scientists everywhere, please accept my sincerest gratitude!</text>
君には驚かされるな!Controller を倒し、私たちが必要とする物を持ち帰ってきた・・・ もしこのことを知らなければ、君のことを信じちゃいなかっただろう!これは素晴らしい経験と、最高のサンプルになる。君の科学への貢献は全く特筆に値するね。私のチーム、それに世界中のScientist 達を代表して、心からの感謝の気持ちを受け取ってくれ!
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_complete_15">
        <text>Here it is. I found a controller in that tunnel. I barely made it out.</text>
これだ。あのトンネルの中で Controller に襲われたが、なんとかやった
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_physicist_b1_variable_psi_emission_dialog_complete_151">
        <text>A controller, you say? How terrible, but who could have known? The important thing is that you brought us the sample and thereby made a noteworthy contribution to science. Thank you, and please take this modest reward.</text>
Controller と言ったのかね?なんと恐ろしい、誰がそんなことを知り得ただろうか?重要なのは君がサンプルを持ち帰り、その結果科学に著しく寄与した、ということだ。感謝するよ。そしてこのささやかなお礼を受け取ってくれ。
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_employ_stalkers_done_0">
        <text>How do you like your new research group?</text>
    <string id="jup_b6_scientist_nuclear_physicist_employ_stalkers_done_1">
        <text>Oh, just fine. Competent young men, I must say. Please take this. We appreciate your, err, human resources skills.</text>


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