S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat @ ウィキ




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だれでも歓迎! 編集

    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_about_sci_guards_1">
        <text>We've got a few good fellows. Spartacus' group, for one. Stand-up guys, real professionals, lots with a law enforcement background. If they're available, you won't fine a better protection detail anywhere.</text>
少ないがいい連中を紹介できるよ。Spartacus のグループとかな。切れ者やプロ中のプロ、殆どが軍や警察出身だ。あいつらを雇えば、そこ以上に安全な場所なんて見つからなくなるぞ。
<!-- 文脈に合わせて修正 Spartacus は人名。たぶん。 -->
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_about_sci_guards_2">
        <text>I might've had some names for you a while back, but not anymore. None of the local stalkers will sign up for that.</text>
ちょっと前までなら何人か紹介できたんだがな、もう無理だ。ここの Stalker 連中がその仕事を受けることは無い。
<!-- 若干修正 -->
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_about_sci_helpers_0">
        <text>Who can I hire to take measurements for the scientists?</text>
Scientist の為に測量を行うのに、誰か雇えないか?
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_about_sci_helpers_1">
        <text>There's a group of stalkers, Gonta's the man in charge. Talk to him, he might sign up... I'm sure they'll welcome a break from shooting mutants.</text>
Gonta が仕切ってる Stalker 達のグループだな。奴に話せば、首を縦に振るだろう・・・ミュータント狩りから抜け出せるってんで喜ぶだろう。
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_about_sci_helpers_2">
        <text>If Gonta was here with his group, I'd refer you to him... But since he's not... I don't have anyone suitable in mind.</text>
もし Gonta が彼のグループと共にここに居れば、お前に勧めるんだがな・・・しかし、もうここにはいない・・・俺が知っている中ではもう適した奴はいないな。
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_b52_about_nimble_0">
        <text>Have you bought weapons from Nimble? Would you know if he deals in stolen goods?</text>
Nimble から武器を買ったのか?奴が盗品を扱っていることを知らなかったのか?
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_b52_about_nimble_1">
        <text>Think he's sneaky enough to pull off shit like that behind my back?... Nope. No friggin' way. I've got a gut feeling Nimble is no dealer.</text>
奴が俺に隠れてそんなクソを売りつけるような、陰湿な奴だったかな?・・・んなこたぁないよ。 Nimble が欲に塗れた売人でないのは分かってるんだ。
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_b52_about_snag_0">
        <text>I'm looking for Snag. Do you know where I can find him?</text>
Snag を探している。奴がどこに行ったか知らないか?
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_b52_about_snag_1">
        <text>Snag - sure, I know him. A real numbnut, that one. Some of the boys saw him over at the dock cranes the other day. Must be his new hangout spot. Check it out.</text>
Snag か、もちろん知ってる。真の大バカ野郎の一人だ。どっかの野郎が奴を先日岸壁クレーンで見たと言っていた。奴の新しいアジトだろうな。調べてみろ。
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_start_dialog_11">
        <text>Hello stalker. How would you like to earn some cash and help out our camp at the same time?</text>
<!--same の単語に適応するよう修正-->
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_start_dialog_12">
        <text>Hello stalker. You still here? You keep this pace up and bloodsuckers will soon wipe us all out.</text>
やあ、Stalker。まだいたのか? あんたはここでただブラブラし続けてればいいさ、Bloodsucker に俺もお前も全員吸われ尽くされるまでな。
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_start_dialog_14">
        <text>Talk after. I've got something else to check out.</text>
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_task_dialog_0">
        <text>What kind of job can you offer me?</text>
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_task_dialog_1">
        <text>Here's the deal. Several stalkers have gone missing. No one has heard anything about them, but just the other day they found one body. No signs of violence, but it was bled completely dry. Tremor searched the body, he could give you more details... Anyway, it's got to be bloodsuckers! I talked to Danila the hunter and he went off to search for their lair. Haven't seen hide nor hair of him since.</text>
よく聞いてくれ。 Stalker が何人か消えた。 目撃者は誰もいなかった。だが行方不明になった一人が死体で見つかった。 目立った外傷は無いんだが、一滴残らず血を抜かれてたんだ。 詳細は検死を行った Tremor から聞いてくれ。 どのみち、 Bloodsucker の仕業に違いねえだろうがな! Hunter の Danila に依頼して奴らの巣穴を調べに行ってもらったんだが、これまた跡形もなく消えちまったんだ。
<!-- 「ねぐら(漢字の「塒」は第二水準の漢字なので使用不可)」よりも「巣穴」の方が漢字が使えてわかりやすい -->
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_task_dialog_11">
        <text>What do I need to do?</text>
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_task_dialog_111">
        <text>You have to find the lair and hopefully track down Danila. The job ain't pretty, but I'll make it worth your while. OK?</text>
巣穴を見つけ出して、出来れば Danila も捜し出してくれ。大した仕事じゃないが、礼はするぜ。どうだ?
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_task_dialog_1111">
        <text>I agree.</text>
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_task_dialog_11111">
        <text>OK. OK, I've earmarked two places to check first. I uploaded one of the coordinates to your PDA. I'm gonna go run some errands and then check out the other place. I'll let you know what I find.</text>
良し。いいか、まず調べたい 2 箇所に目印を付けてあるんだが、今、その内の一箇所の座標をあんたの PDA に転送した。俺は幾つか用事を片付けてから、もう片方を調べに行くつもりだ。何か見付かったら連絡するぜ。
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_task_dialog_111111">
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_task_dialog_1112">
        <text>I think I'll pass.</text>
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_task_dialog_11121">
        <text>Come back if you change your mind.</text>
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_task_dialog_12">
        <text>Not interested.</text>
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_cop_task_dialog_2">
        <text>The same one... As long as there's a bloodsucker lair about somewhere, we're all out on a limb. And we still haven't heard from Danila the hunter. Would you help us deal with this?</text>
さっきと同じだ・・・ Bloodsucker の巣穴が何処かにある限り、俺たち全員が危険に晒されるんだ。Hunter の Danila がどうなったのかも分からんしな。捜査に協力してはもらえないか?
<!-- Hunter は原文ママで -->
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_medic_bloodsucker_dialog_0">
        <text>Grouse told me you searched the body of one of the missing stalkers. Do you think it was a bloodsucker that killed the man?</text>
Grouse から聞いたんだが、行方不明だった Stalker の死体を検死したのはあんたらしいな。あんたから見ても Bloodsucker の仕業だと思うか?
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_medic_bloodsucker_dialog_1">
        <text>Yeah, I did... Just like all the other dead bodies... No other creature is capable of doing that, that is, sucking all the blood out of a man's body, down to the last drop. All the evidence points to a bloodsucker attack... What other conclusion can I make?</text>
ああ、僕が診たよ・・・ 今までに診てきた死体と同様にね・・・ 他のどんな生き物でも、あんな事は出来やしないさ。あんな、人の血を一滴たりとも残さずに吸い尽くすなんて真似は。どう見ても、Blooksucker に襲われたとしか考えられない・・・ 他に、どう結論付けられるって言うんだい?
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_medic_info_actor_dialog_0">
        <text>Tell me about yourself.</text>
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_medic_info_actor_dialog_1">
        <text>I'm a medic. A trained brain surgeon. What else would you like to know? I can excise a hypothalamus with laser precision, but I haven't had any such orders in the Zone so far. Here I'm just a regular physician, one of many, who knows his trade well.</text>
僕は医者だ。 専門は脳外科。そんな事を知ってどうするんだい? レーザーみたいな精度で視床下部を切り取る事だって出来るけど、Zone でそんな依頼は来ないね。僕もここでは単なる一介の医者だよ、自身の本分をよく分かっているにすぎないさ。
    <string id="zat_b38_stalker_medic_start_dialog_11">
        <text>I'm listening.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_mechanic_b207_about_dealer_pda_0">
        <text>Can you decrypt a black box?</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_mechanic_b207_about_dealer_pda_1">
        <text>Well... That's not really my specialty. All those charts and algorithms... Not my cup of tea. Bring me something that's based on simple physics and I'll figure it out in a snap... Fiddle here, twiddle there and everything's working hunky dory.</text>
あぁ・・・それは俺の専門じゃない。構造もアルゴリズムも・・・全部俺には向いてないんだ。 簡単な力仕事なら、すぐ解決してやれるんだがな・・・作業はここやそこで何時でも出来るぜ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_mechanic_b52_about_nimble_0">
        <text>Think Nimble might be dealing in stolen goods?</text>
Nimble が盗品を売ってるかもしれない、と考えたことはあるか?
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_mechanic_b52_about_nimble_1">
        <text>Whoa, whoa... Nimble and stolen goods? I'll never buy that. When I was building my workshop it was none other than Nimble who helped me. Didn't charge me a penny, either... No matter what anyone says, I know that Nimble is a good man.</text>
えっ、嘘だろ・・・Nimble が盗品だと? 俺は信じねえぞ。俺が作業場を建てているときに助けてくれたのは Nimble だけだ。金すら要求してこなかった・・・誰が言ったか知らないが、俺は Nimble が潔白だと信じるぞ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_mechanic_electro_toolkit_dialog_0">
        <text>Got any work for me?</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_mechanic_electro_toolkit_dialog_1">
        <text>Oh, sure. I need a few tools but I have no time to go look for them. Hardware is like that, takes up all your time. If you bring me a few useful gadgets, I'll show you what upgrading is all about. You'll also make a buck or two.</text>
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_mechanic_electro_toolkit_dialog_11">
        <text>Okay, I'll keep an eye out.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_mechanic_electro_toolkit_dialog_12">
        <text>No. Maybe later.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_mechanic_electro_toolkit_dialog_2">
        <text>Oh, sure. I need tools, remember? A bit of help for me and a bit of coin for you.</text>
おお、本当か。工具が欲しいんだ、忘れないでくれよ? ちょっとした助けにはちょっとした報酬ってな。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_mechanic_ufo_memory_repair_0">
        <text>Can you unblock a memory module?</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_mechanic_ufo_memory_repair_1">
        <text>Nah, man, can't help you there. All this modern electronics, computers... Not my field. Better find someone younger... they soak that stuff up with their mother's milk, man.</text>
いや、ここじゃ役に立てないな。現代の電子工学全般にコンピューター・・・ 俺の専門外だよ。もっと若いのを探した方がいい・・・ 乳離れより前からどっぷりつかってた様な奴らをな。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_b33_about_snags_container_0">
        <text>Can you break into a steel container?</text>
<!-- 用語統一 -->
<!-- jupiter3の同じ文と統一 -->
<!-- こっそり人の物を分捕る時の台詞なので、若干荒っぽく -->
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_b33_about_snags_container_1">
        <text>That's a cinch. Top service for only 500.</text>
チョロい仕事だ。最高のサービスが今なら 500 RU だ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_b33_about_snags_container_11">
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_b33_about_snags_container_111">
        <text>Okay, lemme fix that... Lift this, push here... And bam! All ready! Ain't a thing been invented that I couldn't open with a crowbar and a hammer.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_b33_about_snags_container_12">
        <text>I don't have that much.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_b33_about_snags_container_121">
        <text>Come back when you do. I ain't goin' nowhere!</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_b33_about_snags_container_13">
        <text>I'll think about it.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_drink_1_0">
        <text>Got some booze. Want a shot?</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_drink_1_2">
        <text>Nah, I'm off the bottle, man. When I saw item 62, I thought "That's it, I'm having the jumps"... See, booze just screws you up. Not a part of a healthy diet. And if I'm gone, who's gonna hammer out ammo for your Gauss rifle?</text>
いんや、もう酒は止めたんだよ、旦那。"#62"を一目見て、俺は思ったんだ。"コレこそが俺の求めていたものだ、震えが来やがる"・・・ってな。ほら、酒は人をダメにするもんだ。体にいいもんでもないしな。それにもし俺がくたばっちまったら、誰があんたの Gauss rifle の弾を作るんだい?
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_drink_2_0">
        <text>Here's another bottle for you.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_drink_3_0">
        <text>I've got a third one, if you need more.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_instruments_0">
        <text>I brought you tools.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_instruments_1">
        <text>Nice. Which ones?</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_instruments_11">
        <text>The ones for basic work.</text>
Tools for basic work だ。
<!-- 工具名の用語統一 -->
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_instruments_111">
        <text>Cool! Now I just need tools for fine work and calibration.</text>
イカスぜ!あと必要なのは Tools for fine work と Calibration tools だ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_instruments_12">
        <text>The ones for fine work.</text>
Tools for fine work だ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_instruments_121">
        <text>Cool! Now I just need tools for basic work and calibration.</text>
イカスぜ!あと必要なのは Tools for basic work と Calibration tools だ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_instruments_13">
        <text>The ones for calibration.</text>
Calibration tools だ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_instruments_131">
        <text>Cool! Now I just need tools for basic work and calibration.</text>
イカスぜ!あと必要なのは Tools for basic work と Tools for fine work だ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_instruments_14">
        <text>None, for now.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_instruments_141">
        <text>Great. Now just some calibration tools and I'm good.</text>
いいぞ。あと Calibration tools があれば最高なんだが。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_instruments_151">
        <text>Great. Now just some tools for fine work and I'm good.</text>
いいぞ。あと Tools for fine work があれば最高なんだが。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_instruments_161">
        <text>Great. Now just some tools for basic work and I'm good.</text>
いいぞ。あと Tools for basic work があれば最高なんだが。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_instruments_171">
        <text>Awesome! Way to go! What's your secret, man? Now I've got the full range of mods, hah! Watch me make a machine gun out of lighters!</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_end_0">
        <text>I brought the schematics and documentation for item 62.</text>
#62 の設計図と関係書類を持ってきたぞ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_end_1">
        <text>You did it! Cool! I knew the bastards wouldn't have enough time to destroy everything. Let me have a look... Mm-hmm... So that's what those sons of bitches are up to. Fine! I need a couple hours to sort this out for good. Leave the Gauss rifle with me, I'll try to patch it up. Wait here, I need a minute to get this baby singing again!</text>
やったな!すげえ! クソッタレ共が全部処分する時間が無いのは知ってたんだ。 見せてくれ・・・ うーむ・・・ こいつぁくそったれな。 よし! 内容を整理するのに2,3時間いるな。 修理できるかやってみるから Gauss rifle を置いてってくれ。 待ってろ、時間をくれればこの赤ん坊にまたホギャーと言わせて見せるぜ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_make_battery_0">
        <text>I need batteries for my Gauss rifle.</text>
Gauss rifle のバッテリーがほしい。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_make_battery_1">
        <text>You get my favorite customer price: 2,000.</text>
お得意さんだから 2,000 RU でどうだ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_make_battery_11">
        <text>Here you go.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_make_battery_12">
        <text>I'll think about it.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_make_battery_13">
        <text>I'm a tad short at the moment.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_repair_gauss_0">
        <text>You done with the Gauss rifle?</text>
Gauss rifle はどうにかできたか?
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_repair_gauss_1">
        <text>Piece of cake. The power supply system is clear as day. If it starts acting up, just bring it back here for a tune-up.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_repair_gauss_2">
        <text>Still working on it. I just love to put my hands to work...</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_show_0">
        <text>I've got an unknown weapon model.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_show_1">
        <text>What do you mean, unknown? Give it here, lemme take a look...</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_show_2">
        <text>Have a look... Ever seen anything like this before?</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_start_0">
        <text>Ah-h, it's you... We had a hell of a time, heh. I had a dream where you brought me something from the past... Good drinking I haven't been thing...</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_start_1">
        <text>It wasn't this here weapon in your dream, was it?</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_start_11">
        <text>Whoa, man... I guess it wasn't a dream, after all. This gun is a Gauss rifle, or item 62 as it used to be called officially. Whew... Back then I used to do contract work for the Jupiter plant. I designed weapons, if memory serves, "based on the principle of projectile acceleration via an electromagnetic field." See those reels? I made those... Too bad they shut down the project in 2004. We never did find a compact enough energy source.</text>
ああ、やれやれ・・・夢じゃなかったのか。その銃は、公式には Gauss rifle 、又は #62 と呼ばれていた。ふう・・・あの頃、俺は Jupiter 工業団地で請負業務をしていた。記憶が確かなら”電磁場中の磁性体が加速される原理に基づいて”兵器を設計した。そのリールが見えるか?それは俺が作ったんだ・・・2004 年に計画が中止されたのは残念だ。小型で十分なエネルギー源を見つけられなかったんだ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_start_111">
        <text>This rifle has been fired before. What could have changed?</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_start_1111">
        <text>Who the hell knows? To be honest, I wouldn't dare stick a screwdriver in that battery. There's also some mechanical damage in the power supply system. The schematics would be real handy right about now. The testing workshop I worked in handled all the production documentation. Maybe the schematics and support documentation for this Gauss rifle are still there... Funnily enough, I've still got a keycard to the workshop...</text>
そんなこと、誰が知ってるんだ?率直に言って、そのバッテリーにドライバーを突っ込む気はない。電源系にも何らかの機械的な損傷がある。今正に回路図が役立つだろうな。俺が働いていた試験場では、全ての製造資料を取り扱ってた。たぶん、この Gauss rifle のための回路図と補足資料がまだそこにある・・・面白い事に、俺の手元にはまだ試験場のカードキーがあるんだ・・・
<!-- cardan から借りるカードのアイテム名称が「古いカードキー」なので、以下の会話分の該当アイテムを示す部分は全て「カードキー」に統一した。またZatonの地下は工場ではなく試験場なので(実際に地下に降りると製造設備ではなくGaussCanon/rifleの威力計測施設を想定している事がわかる/クエストアイテム内の書類等も試験場になっている)、Zatonの地下の名称を「試験場」に統一したいがどうだろうか?返信求む ←統一した-->
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_start_11111">
        <text>Would you give me the keycard?</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_produce_62_start_111111">
        <text>Yeah, well... I guess so. Just try not to lose it. If you bring me those documents, I just might fix that gun.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_return_access_card_0">
        <text>Here's your access card back, safe and sound.</text>
<!-- 返却のシーンなので少々変更 -->
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_return_access_card_1">
        <text>Thanks. It reminds me of the good old days.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_1111">
        <text>So?... You, err... feel free to bring me all your broken shooters, suits full of holes and whatnot... I ain't half as good when I'm sober, but I'll give it a shot...</text>
どうした・・・? あんた、あー・・・ ぶっ壊れた銃だか、穴だらけのスーツだか、まあ色々あったら・・・ 何でも遠慮無く持って来い。しらふだと手が震えちまうんだが、まあやってみるぜ・・・
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_1112">
        <text>Where have you been? I was getting worried, looked everywhere for you. Where is that stalker, I said... Cheers, eh?</text>
どこをほっつき歩いてたんだ? 心配したんだぜ、そこら中、探し回ったんだぞ。あの Stalker はどこだ、って言いながらな・・・ 乾杯しようぜ、なあ?
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_1113">
        <text>Howdy. Nice of you to come by. Make yourself at home... Did you bring me something to fix or something to drink?</text>
いよお。また来てくれるとは嬉しいね。自分の家だと思ってくつろいでくれよ・・・. 修理が必要な物とか、酒は持ってきてねえのか?
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_1211">
        <text>Whew! Cool! My hands aren't shaking, but my head says "I want more"... Pour me another one, young man!</text>
ヒュー! 良いねえ! 手の震えが止まった癖に、頭ん中じゃ「もっとくれ」ってささやきやがる・・・ もう一丁くれ、若えの!
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_1212">
        <text>Why so slow? Open the next bottle, c'mon! Let's drink to our common cause. Yeah. Vodka brings out the mechanic genius in me, I shit you not.</text>
何グダグダしてんだ? 次のボトルを開けろ、ほら!俺たちのキズナに乾杯しようじゃねえか。ああ、まったくだぜ。ウォッカが俺の中からメカニックの才能を引き出すんだよ。嘘じゃあないぜ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_1312">
        <text>I wish Joker was here, we'd drink to Barge together... Well, may he rest in peace. He was good man, a real die-hard. Tough like a rock.</text>
Joker がこの場にいれば、Barge の為に乾杯するってのによ・・・ ああ、あいつが成仏しますようにってな。良い奴だったよ。本当に頑固者で、まるで岩みたいな奴だったんだ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_1313">
        <text>I wish Barge was here, we'd drink to Joker together... Well, may he rest in peace. He was a good man, always there for you. Never went back on his word.</text>
Barge がこの場にいれば、Joker の為に乾杯するってのによ・・・ ああ、あいつが成仏しますようにってな。良い奴だったよ。いつも他人想いで、絶対に約束を破りゃしなかった。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_1314">
        <text>Uhh... Barge... Joker... How did it all come to this... So, one thing leads to another...</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_1315">
        <text>Mm-hmm?... What do we got here? I'll deal with the armored SMGs tomorrow... Don't worry, it ain't no thing. Got some good booze waitin'...</text>
あーん?・・ここで何してる?強化したサブマシンガンの取引が明日あるんだ・・・ 心配するな、物はある。良い酒でも飲んで待ってろ・・・
<!--SMG = サブマシンガンの略-->
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_14">
        <text>That number sixty two... I'd really like a peek at the circuit schematics.</text>
#62 だな・・・マジで回路図が見てぇ。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_15">
        <text>A wise choice, my friend. Gotta keep your gun in mint condition. And if you got a bottle or two on you, I can make it upgrade galore in here. Want a parachute sewn to your shotgun? I can do that, hehe.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_16">
        <text>Would you look at that! They stuck an electrostatic artifact into the battery! Hah! I knew it was some kind of weird anomalous shit! The principle is a no-brainer - now I can hammer out these cells myself.</text>
見たいだろ!バッテリーの中に電気を帯びたアーティファクトが入っている!あぁ!ある種の奇妙なアノマリーだと知っている!原理は簡単だ - 自分の手でバッテリーセルを完成できた。
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_17">
        <text>Need some nut-and-bolt work?</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_stalker_tech_start_18">
        <text>This reads like gibberish. I guess I haven't read technical documents in a while...</text>
<!--技術文書より技術書の方が自然、また地下試験場で手に入るクエストアイテムは「~technical document」という名前ではないので特に統一する必要は無い-->
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_about_1">
        <text>Yeah, I came to Zaton with two of my buddies, Barge and Joker... Young kids, full of piss and vinegar! Itching to get their hands on mountains of artifacts, dying to be the first, the fastest... And I looked at those burning eyes and I said to myself, that ain't gonna do them no good. Loot's nice to have, sure, but it ain't worth charging headlong into a mutant's jaws.</text>
ああ、Zaton へ来た時は Barge と Joker 、相棒の 2 人と一緒でな・・・若い奴らでよ、元気が有り余ってたぜ!山盛りのアーティファクトを手にしたくてウズウズしてたのによ、真っ先に死んじまうなんてな・・・早すぎだ・・・あいつらの目を覗き込んだら、そりゃあ燃え盛っていてな、嫌な予感はしてたんだ。お宝は良いもんだ、確かによ。だがな、向こう見ずにミュータントの顎へ飛び込むのには見合わねえのさ・・・
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_about_11">
        <text>So what happened?</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_about_111">
        <text>Well... We were hanging out one night, drinking, and started arguing over what to do next - should we go on or stay, and if we go, where to. Everyone's sticking to his guns, standing pat. Things got pretty heated and when the argument was over, we all went our own way, me included. I told them they ain't seen life yet... and some other unpleasant things. Man... If I only I could see them again, I would say I'm sorry for what I said then... We'd hang out together like before and remember the good ol' times...</text>
さてな・・・夜中にくつろいで飲んでたんだが、次はどうするか ― 進むか留まるか、進むならどこへ行くか、そんな事で一悶着あってな。3 人とも自分のやり方に拘って、意見を譲らなかった所為か白熱しちまったんだ。問答が終わった後は皆が皆、別々の方角へ歩いていっちまった・・・俺も含めてな。あいつらに向かって、ろくに経験も無えとか・・・他にも酷え事を言っちまったんだ。まったくよ・・・あいつらにまた一目でも会えたら、酷えこと言って済まなかったと謝るぜ。そうすりゃ・・・また前みたいに一緒にくだ巻いて、楽しかった頃を思い出せると思うんだよ・・・
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_apologies_barge_0">
        <text>I can pass your apologies on to Barge if I run into him.</text>
Barge に会ったら、あんたが謝っていたと伝えよう。
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_apologies_barge_1">
        <text>That would be good.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_apologies_both_0">
        <text>I can pass your apologies on to your buddies if I run into them.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_apologies_both_1">
        <text>That would be good.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_apologies_joker_0">
        <text>I can pass your apologies on to Joker if I run into him.</text>
Joker に会ったら、あんたが謝っていたと伝えよう。
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_apologies_joker_1">
        <text>That would be good.</text>
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_pda_0">
        <text>I found this PDA - have a look.</text>
PDA を見付けたんだが ― 見てくれ。
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_pda_1">
        <text>What do I need a PDA for? Whose is it?</text>
そいつを見てどうしろってんだ? それに、誰の PDA なんだ?
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_pda_111">
        <text>Barge is dead?!... I can't believe it!... Oh, man! He was as tough as they come... Oh, Barge... Rest in peace. I hope Joker is all right at least.</text>
Barge が死んだ・・・!? そんな、信じられねえ・・・! なんてこった・・・最高にタフな奴だったってのに・・・はぁ、Barge・・・往生しろよ・・・少なくとも、 Joker の無事を祈る他ねえぜ・・・
<!-- 意訳/Joker死亡確認時の文を流用 -->
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_pda_112">
        <text>Barge is dead?!... I can't believe it!... Oh, man! He was as tough as they come... Oh, Barge... and Joker, too... May you kids rest in peace. How did it come to this...</text>
Barge が死んだ・・・!? そんな、信じられねえ・・・! なんてこった・・・最高にタフな奴だったってのに・・・はぁ、Barge・・・Joker も・・・二人とも往生しろよ・・・何でこんな事になっちまったんだ・・・
<!-- 意訳/Joker死亡確認時の文を流用 -->
    <string id="zat_b3_tech_buddies_pda_131">
        <text>They're dead!?... I can't believe it!... Oh, man! Barge was as tough as they come... and Joker... Oh, Joker... We won't be laughing at your jokes anymore. May you kids rest in peace. How did it come to this...</text>
あいつらが死んだ・・・!? そんな、信じられねえ・・・! なんてこった・・・Barge ほどタフな奴はいなかったのによ・・・Joker ・・・はぁ、Joker・・・もうお前の冗談を笑い飛ばせないとはよ・・・二人とも往生しろよ・・・何でこんな事になっちまったんだ・・・
<!-- 意訳 -->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_about_0">
        <text>Can you answer a couple of questions?</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_about_1">
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_about_1111">
        <text>How long till my order's ready?</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_about_11111">
        <text>It depends on how complex it is. It usually takes me a day, sometimes less.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_about_1114">
        <text>Tell me about yourself.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_about_11141">
        <text>Nothing much to tell. I've had it good and I've had it bad, like most people. Stepped into a few anomalies, been a hostage to bandits... I came to the Zone a young lad, a long time ago. I was a gofer at first - antirads, armor-piercing ammo, that sort of thing. Then I worked for Sidorovich... paying him back for saving my ass. As I pulled chestnuts out of the fire for him, I made some useful connections and branched out on my own as soon as I could to start delivering exclusive orders. So far I've been able to dodge everything life has thrown at me, but I've a feeling my luck is running out. At the same time, I've no desire to bust my ass for pennies anymore.</text>
あまり語る事も無いんだがな。他の連中と同様、良い事もあればその逆も然りさ。アノマリーに足を突っ込んだり、Bandit に人質にされたり・・・ Zone にやって来た時はガキ同然だったよ、随分と昔の事だ。最初は使いっ走りでな - 放射線治療薬や徹甲弾、その他色々な物をよ。次に、Sidorovich の下で働いたぜ・・・ 奴に金を返さねえとヤバかったからな。奴の為に火中の栗拾いなんて事をさせられながら、役立ちそうなコネを作ったり、動く範囲を広げたりしたよ。出来るだけ早く俺だけの商売を始める為さ。今までは人生の中で降りかかってくる困難、とやらを全て避けて来られたがな、もう運も尽きてきたと思ってるんだよ。加えて言えば、はした金の為に死に物狂いで働く気も毛頭無いしな。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_about_1116">
        <text>Thanks, I see.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_about_11161">
        <text>Glad to help.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_b52_about_gun_questions_0">
        <text>You sold me a stolen weapon!</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_b52_about_gun_questions_1">
        <text>What are you talking about? I don't deal in stolen goods. I only do direct business. If you don't believe me, talk to anyone at the base and they'll tell you I'm an honest trader who's never let anyone down.</text>
何の事だ? 盗品なんて扱ってないぜ。俺がやっているのは直接売買だけだ。俺の事が信じられないなら、誰でもいいからここで聞いてみろ。皆、俺が誰も失望させた事のない、堅気の Trader だと言ってくれるぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_b52_about_gun_questions_11">
        <text>I ran into a stalker who claimed this shooter was his.</text>
この銃が自分の物だって言う Stalker に出くわしたんだが。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_b52_about_gun_questions_111">
        <text>And what's his name?</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_b52_about_gun_questions_1111">
Snag だ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_b52_about_gun_questions_1112">
        <text>What's it to you?</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_b52_about_gun_questions_11121">
        <text>It matters. Someone's putting you on, stalker.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_b52_about_gun_questions_12">
        <text>We'll see about that.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_b52_about_gun_questions_121">
        <text>Someone's putting you on, stalker.</text>
そいつはあんたを担ごうとしてるのさ、Stalker 。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_0">
        <text>I'm here to collect my order.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_111">
        <text>Here's your Steppe Eagle. It turned out trickier than I thought. Some kind of pistol buff showed a lot of interest, but I barely snatched it in time. See for yourself - a hand-crafted gun, components are all adjusted with unmatched precision. Ever wonder what a perfect sniper pistol would look like? Well, this is it. You owe me 2,800 extra.</text>
ほらよ、Steppe Eagle だ。想像より扱い辛い事が分かってな。表面処理の類がやたらと興味深かったんだが、どうにか時間内に間に合わせたぜ。自分の目で確かめてみろ - 構成品を全て最高の精度で調整した手製の銃だ。ここまで完ぺきな狙撃拳銃があると今まで考えた事もないだろう? ああ、こいつがそうだ。残りの支払いは 2,800 だぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_1111">
        <text>Okay, here you go.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_11111">
        <text>There you go. Nice doing business with you.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_1112">
        <text>I don't have that much on me.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_11121">
        <text>Okay, I'll hold the gun for you a while. I hope you find the money soon.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_1113">
        <text>I don't want to buy this.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_11131">
        <text>If you refuse to collect the order, I won't be able to rely on you next time around. I'll have to include the risk estimate in the price and ask for a larger advance.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_111311">
        <text>Still, I will not be collecting this order.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_1113111">
        <text>All right, suit yourself.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_1114">
        <text>I'll think about it.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_11141">
        <text>Sure, that's up to you. I'll hold the gun for you a while.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_112">
        <text>Here's your ultrahigh-accuracy Steppe Eagle. You owe me 2,800 extra.</text>
ほらよ、超高精度な Steppe Eagle だ。残りの支払いは 2,800 だぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_121">
        <text>Behold the Alpine - a real beauty. You can rest assured this pistol is one of a kind in the whole Zone. A unique model, very limited issue commissioned for a single special unit. It wasn't easy to obtain, I even had to involve one of my overseas associates. An expanded magazine, extra hard steel barrel, receiver made of extra strong polymers. Add the remaining 2,800 and this baby's yours.</text>
Alpine だ - こいつの美さに腰を抜かすなよ。こいつを持ってるのは Zone のどこを見渡してもあんただけだ、安心していいぜ。この特別な一丁の為だけに限定製造された、たった一つのモデルさ。なかなかに仕入れが難しくてな、国外の同業者まで巻き込む羽目になったよ。大型弾倉、高硬度スチール銃身、高強度ポリマー製フレームだ。残りの 2,800 を払ってもらえりゃ、このベイブはあんたのもんだぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_122">
        <text>Here's your Alpine pistol with an expanded magazine. Add the remaining 2,800 and this baby's yours.</text>
ほらよ、大型弾倉付きの Alpine だ。残りの 2,800 を払ってもらえりゃ、このベイブはあんたのもんだぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_131">
        <text>Lookit, this is March. The pistol belonged to a mercenary called Wolfhound. A compact high-caliber shooter with short blowback and a lightened bolt. Wolfhound was one hundred percent scum, but he knew his weapons, gotta give him that. They say his favorite trick was to blow all four of his victims' limbs off and then his head - before it hit the ground. Anyway, that'll be 2,800.</text>
見な、こいつが March だ。以前は Woldhound という名の Mercenary が持っていた拳銃でな。スライドを軽く、ストロークを短くした小型の大口径銃だぜ。Wolfhound は徹頭徹尾クズ野郎だったが、銃器に関しちゃ知り尽くしていてな・・・奴の手に渡る事になったって訳だ。野郎の十八番は、吹っ飛ばした頭が地面に落ちるまでに、ついでに手足全部までもぎ取っちまう事だ、なんて言われてたぜ。まあとにかくだ、お代は 2,800 だぜ。
<!-- The pistol belonged to a mercenary called Wolfhound.の訳文修正、その他日本で一般的な銃用語に変更   Wolfhound was one hundred percent scum~以降の誤訳を修正-->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_132">
        <text>Here's your rapid-fire March pistol. You owe me 2,800 extra.</text>
ほらよ、早撃ち March 拳銃だ。残りの支払いは 2,800 だぜ。
<!--セミオートの銃に於ける rapid-fire は早撃ちを示す。-->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_211">
        <text>Here you go - Cutter, a submachine gun. Let me say it right off, don't you mind the appearance. It's a brand new model, not in serial production yet. It's a prototype, fresh from the armory. The designers aimed to make a new-generation close-range weapon: a combination of high caliber, rapid fire and accuracy. So that'll be 8,000 extra.</text>
待たせたな - Frasier、サブマシンガンだ。まず先に言っておくが、見てくれの悪さは気にするなよ。こいつは出たてのモデルでな。工場で産まれたてホヤホヤの、まだ量産もされちゃいない試作品って訳だ。次世代の近距離武器を目標に設計された一品だぜ。大口径に高速連射、更に高精度まで併せ持たせようってな。さてと、支払いは残り 8,000 だぜ。
<!--↑↓これも原文が間違っている。MP5ユニーク銃の名前は Frasier なので変更した。-->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_212">
        <text>Yes, here's Cutter, a rapid-fire submachine gun. That'll be 8,000 extra.</text>
よし、ほらよ、Frasier・・・高速連射サブマシンガンだ。支払いは残り 8,000 だぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_221">
        <text>Here's a fine specimen - Carabineer. A true army shotgun. Capable of automatic fire while providing good anti-recoil thanks to a balanced, shock-free system. Add 8,000 and it's yours.</text>
まさに最上のお手本ってやつだな - Carabineer だ。本物の軍用のショットガンだぜ。衝撃吸収機構がバランスを保持してくれるお陰で、オート射撃中も小さい反動のまま撃ちまくれるって代物だ。残りの 8,000 を支払ってもらえりゃ、あんたの物だぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_222">
        <text>Here's Carabineer, an automatic shotgun. Add 8,000 and it's yours.</text>
ほらよ、Carabineer ・・・オートマチックショットガンだ。残りの 8,000 を支払ってもらえりゃ、あんたの物だぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_231">
        <text>I reckon this is just what you need. Eliminator, a latest development. The whole batch was supposed to be shipped to Central Africa, but I got a 'sample' as a special favor from friends. An automatic with a large magazine and an excellent rate of fire. Yours for only 8,000.</text>
こいつこそご要望の代物だと思うぜ。 Eliminator は最新式でな、中央アフリカに送られることになっていたんだが、友人の特別な計らいで "サンプル" を譲り受けたのさ。デカイ弾倉と素晴らしい連射速度を持ったオートマチック・ショットガンだ。たったの 8,000 であんたの物だ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_232">
        <text>Sure. Automatic shotgun Eliminator, with an extended magazine. For 8,000.</text>
いいぜ。大型弾倉付きオートマチック・ショットガンの Eliminator だ。残り 8,000 だな。
<!--ここで買える Eliminator は通常のものと同じで弾倉容量が増えているわけではないし、元になった実銃も最初から12連発なのでwith an extended magazineは大容量マガジンと解釈すべき。おそらく”「一般的な5~7連発の散弾銃」より容量が大きい”というニュアンスの文章なので、 extend本来の訳にしたい場合は「一般的な5~7連発の散弾銃よりも」という補足が必要-->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_311">
        <text>Sure. Behold Storm, a submachine and grenade launcher in one. This prototype is a modified version of a conventional weapon designed for special units operating in the Zone. Technical innovation at its best from our Slavic brothers... Add 16,000 and it's yours.</text>
この Storm に注目してくれ・・・ アサルトライフルとグレネードランチャーの一体式だ。この試作品は Zone での特殊部隊の作戦行動向けに改造されているんだ。スラブの兄弟が最善を尽くした革新的な技術だよ。 16,000 であんたの物だ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_312">
        <text>Sure. Here's Storm, a submachine and grenade launcher with an extended magazine, for an extra 16,000.</text>
もちろんだ。これが大容量弾倉付きのアサルトライフル・グレネードランチャー一体型の Storm だ。残りの支払いは 16,000 だぜ。
<!-- これは意訳するしかない、文中ではサブマシンガンとなっており、極小型のアサルトライフルをそう呼ぶ事もあるのだがゲーム中ではこの銃のカテゴリはアサルトライフルなので表記を統一するためにアサルトライフルにしてある。 -->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_321">
        <text>Here it is - GP37, a new-generation assault rifle. Accurate, reliable, and convenient with a built-in optical scope. It was previously owned by a UN observer. Their group was sent to the Zone to investigate. However, the situation turned for the worse... 16,000 and the rifle is yours.</text>
これが新世代アサルトライフルの GP37 だ。 高い精度と信頼性に加えて便利な内蔵スコープも付いてる。以前、国連オブザーバーの持ち物だった。そのグループは調査の為に Zone に送り込まれた。最悪の結果に終わったがな・・・ 16,000 であんたのライフルだ。
<!-- It was previously owned by a UN observer. ←以前UN observer.の持ち物だった  Their group was sent to the Zone to investigate.←Their groupはUN observerを示す。UN observer自体が誰かの命令で派遣された事を示す。 -->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_322">
        <text>Here it is - GP37, a new-generation assault rifle. The price is 16,000.</text>
これが新世代アサルトライフルの GP37 だ。値段は 16,000 だ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_331">
        <text>Just a sec. Here's a modular FT-200M rifle, the brainchild of Belgian gunmakers. Accurate, all-purpose, handy for both righties and lefties, comes with an optical scope and a grenade launcher. I got it from some unlucky UN observers... That'll be 16,000 extra.</text>
ちょっと待ちな・・・ これが独創的なベルギーの銃メーカーが作り上げた、モジュラーシステムの FT-200M ライフルだ。 高い精度と汎用性を持ち、右利き左利きを問わず扱いやすい。スコープにグレネードランチャーもついてる。不幸な国連オブザーバーから手に入れてな・・・ これは追加で 16,000 だ。
<!-- 「国連オブザーバー」は国連で議決権はないが発言権がある組織の呼称。 この場合そういう意味だとおもう。国際Zone査察団とかあるのかも。 ←部隊という単語は無いので削除した。また光学スコープと言う表現は変なので修正。-->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_332">
        <text>Here's a modular FT-200M rifle. That'll be 16,000 extra.</text>
これがモジュラーシステムの FT-200M ライフルだ。残りの支払いは 16,000 だ。
<!-- 日本での銃用語に合わせて修正 -->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_411">
        <text>Here's Tide. Based on a silent sniper rifle, it was specifically designed for military units to fight zombies. Tide yields rate of fire in favor of stopping power, allowing the sniper to pick off zombies one by one without disclosing his location. However, it then became clear that stalkers alone will be enough to stop zombies at the Barrier, so the rifle never reached mass production. This baby's yours for an extra 16,000.</text>
これが Tide だ。 消音狙撃銃をベースとして対 Zombie 用に設計されてる。ストッピングパワーを生かす連射速度になっていて、射ち手は位置を悟られることなく Zombie を一体ずつ狙撃できる。だが防衛線の Zombie 共を食い止めるのは Stalker 達だけで十分だと分かったから、大量生産されることはないだろう。このベイベが欲しいなら追加で 16,000 だな。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_412">
        <text>Here's Tide, a silent sniper rifle with increased stopping power. Add an extra 16,000 and enjoy.</text>
これがストッピングパワーを高めた消音狙撃銃の Tide だ。残りの支払い 16,000 で楽しめるぞ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_421">
        <text>Here. This is an SVU2-A, a short sniper rifle with an increased rate of fire. I bought it off Mac, the legendary Freedom guard. He swore there are no others like it in the whole Zone. It's an exclusive item, at least in these parts. It'll be 16,000 extra.</text>
ほら。これが連射速度を上げた短縮型スナイパーライフルの SVU2-A だ。かの有名な Freedom の Max から買ったんだ。 Zone 中に二つと無いと請け合ってくれたぜ。この分野じゃもっとも優れた一品だろう。 これは追加で16,000だな。
<!-- 武器の説明文では Max のものとなっていたので、原文が間違っている。 -->
<!--SVDと比べ射程に大した変わりはなく、ブルバップ式ということで"短射程"から"短縮型"に変更。 -->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_422">
        <text>Yeah. SVU2-A, a short sniper rifle with an increased rate of fire. It'll be 16,000 extra.</text>
よし。連射速度を上げた短縮型スナイパーライフルの SVU2-A だ。残りの支払いは 16,000 だ。
<!--SVDと比べ射程に大した変わりはなく、ブルバップ式ということで"短射程"から"短縮型"に変更。 -->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_431">
        <text>Sure, just look at Lynx here.  Hand-crafted by a local expert. He's deceased now, so there won't be any copies. It looks just like any other rifle, but take it out for some target practice and you'll feel all the difference. It's got a perfect combination of accuracy and stopping power. Add the remaining 16,000 and this baby's yours.</text>
よし、この Lynx を見てくれ。 地元熟練工によるお手製だ。彼はすでに亡くなってるから、同じのは他に無いだろうな。一見すると普通のライフルと変わらないが、実際に撃ってみればその違いが全部分かるだろう。こいつには精度とストッピングパワーが完ぺきに調和してる。残りの 16,000 を払えばこのベイベはあんたの物だ。
<!-- 完璧の壁の字は第二水準の漢字の為使用不可 -->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_432">
        <text>Yeah, Lynx - a sniper rifle with increased accuracy and power. Add 16,000 and it's yours.</text>
よし、 精度とパワーをあげた スナイパーライフル Lynx だ。 あと 16,000 であんたの物だよ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_511">
        <text>Look here. I managed to get everything off my list - a CS-3a with a helmet. The helmet is nothing special on its own, but it allows for installing a mobile tactical complex, which includes a high-quality night vision system and an active infrared sensor. Now, the CS-3a armor is a real beauty. Excellent protection from bullets and anomalies is a rare feature indeed in a suit as light and mobile as this one. The whole thing will cost you 32,000.</text>
これを見ろ。リストにあるものは全部手に入った - CS-3a とヘルメットだ。 このヘルメットはそれ自身は特別変わった物ではないが、高品質なナイトビジョンやサーマルセンサー等の電子装置を組み込む事ができる。そして、CS-3a Armor はとても素晴らしい。これくらい軽くて動きやすいスーツの中では珍しく、銃撃とアノマリーへの素晴らしい防御力がある。値段は全部で 32,000 だ。
<!--I managed to get everything off my list - a CS-3a with a helmet. の訳が怪しい-->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_512">
        <text>Yeah. A set of CS-3a armor with a tactical helmet. 32,000 in all.</text>
よし。CS-3a Armor と Tactical Helmet のセットで 32,000 だ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_611">
        <text>Specially for you, a SEVA suit. Everything just like you ordered - a closed-cycle respiratory module, thermal resistant, protective electrical circuit, and outer-surface anticorrosion materials. Plus several built-in artifact containers as a bonus. A must-have suit for any stalker. Toss in 24,000 like we agreed and it's yours.</text>
特別に SEVA Suit を用意しよう。あんたが注文したように、なにもかも付いてるぞ - 内部循環呼吸装置、耐熱、電気保護回路、表面には腐食防止加工。それに加えアーティファクトスロットがいくつかある。Stalker の奴らも好んで着てるぞ。 24,000 ぽっきりでどうだ。
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_612">
        <text>Here. A SEVA suit. The price is 24,000, like we agreed.</text>
これが SEVA Suit だ。 24,000 でどうだ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_711">
        <text>There it is, a combat exoskeleton as large as life. The best protection you can get in the Zone from bullets, claws or grenade fragments, with the exception of armored vehicles. But it also takes after armored vehicles in that it relieves your weight burden - within reason, of course. 48,000 and it's yours, warts and all... err... by that I mean batteries and servomotors.</text>
これが身の丈程もある戦闘用パワードスーツだ。 Zone で銃弾、引っかきや手りゅう弾から一番保護してくれる。装甲車でも突っ込んでくれば、流石に歯は立たんがな。けど積載量はそいつ並に増えるぞ。 - もちろん理由がある。48,000 であんたのものになり、欠陥は全くな・・・あ、違うな・・・バッテリーやサーボモーターで補える。
<!--a combat exoskeletonは、医療用でも力仕事用でもなく戦闘用のモノである事を強調しているので遭えてアイテム名とは統一していない。また、外骨格よりも日本ではパワードスーツの方が一般的なのでそのようにしてある。 -->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_get_order_712">
        <text>There it is, a combat exoskeleton as large as life. 48,000 and it's yours.</text>
これが身の丈程もある戦闘用パワードスーツだ。48,000 であんたのものだ。
<!-- as large as life =身長と同じくらい の意-->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_0">
        <text>I want to place an order.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_1">
        <text>No problem. What do you need?</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_11">
        <text>A pistol.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_111">
        <text>Of course. It'll be 3,500, of which I will require an advance payment of 700.</text>
勿論だ。 3,500 だな、前金で 700 もらうぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_1111">
        <text>Okay, here you go.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_11111">
        <text>I'll get in touch with you as soon as the order is ready.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_1112">
        <text>I don't have the money on me.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_11121">
        <text>Well, please come back when you've got the cash.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_1113">
        <text>You know, I've changed my mind.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_11131">
        <text>Fine. If you finally decide to make an order, I'm always here.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_112">
        <text>You're not a very reliable customer, so the pistol will cost you 4,200. And I will require an advance payment of 1,400.</text>
あんたの注文はあまり当てにならないからな、拳銃は 4,200 に見積もらせてもらうぜ。前金で 1,400 だ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_113">
        <text>I'm afraid the best pistols have already sold out. If you want the regular stuff, Owl's the man to see.</text>
済まないが、最高の拳銃はもう売り切れていてな。普通の物が欲しければ Owl の所へ行ってくれ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_12">
        <text>A close-range weapon.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_121">
        <text>Sure thing. The price is 10,000, and I'll need 2,000 of that in advance.</text>
いいとも。価格は 10,000、前金で 2,000 必要だ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_122">
        <text>You refused to pick up your last order... So this one will cost you 12,000, and I'll need 4,000 of that in advance.</text>
この前の注文は最後になってキャンセルされたからな・・・ だから今回は 12,000、前金で 4,000 もらうぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_123">
        <text>Hrm... You know, I probably can't help you there. The demand is too high.</text>
ふむ・・・ 悪いが、多分あんたの期待には応えられないぜ。要求が高過ぎるんだ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_13">
        <text>An assault weapon.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_131">
        <text>Something high-caliber and with rapid fire capability, okay... The regular price is 20,000, with a 4,000 advance payment. What do you say?</text>
大口径で連射が利く物か、いいぜ・・・ 通常価格は 20,000、前払いで 4,000 だ。どうだ?
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_132">
        <text>You're a tough customer. I'll have to charge you 24,000 and I need 8,000 paid in advance. Deal?</text>
あんたは厄介な客だからな。今回は 24,000、前払いで 8,000 にさせてもらうぜ。取り引きするかい?
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_133">
        <text>Right now is a bad time... the military are making things hot at the Cordon. Someone attacked their outpost the other day, which made them even more difficult to deal with.</text>
今のところは無理だな・・・ Military が Cordon で慌ただしく動いてるそうだ。先日、誰かが連中の前哨地に攻撃を仕掛けたようでな、前にも増して取り引きし辛くなっちまった。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_14">
        <text>A sniper weapon.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_141">
        <text>For you I can get the best for only 20,000, but you'll have to pay me 4,000 in advance.</text>
あんたの為に、最高の一挺をたったの 20,000 で用意できるぜ、前金は 4,000 だ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_142">
        <text>Working with you entails a certain amount of risk... I can try to arrange your order for 24,000, but you'll need to make a 8,000 down payment.</text>
あんたの為に働くのはリスクが大きいからな・・・ 注文品の手配は 24,000 でいいが、その内 8,000 を前金としてもらうぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_143">
        <text>Sorry, this type of weapon is hard to come by right now. My contact for sniper stuff is... let's say he's indisposed.</text>
済まないな、その類の銃は現状だと手配が難しいんだ。狙撃銃の仕入先が・・・ 言ってみれば、そいつが乗り気じゃなくてな。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_15">
        <text>An armored suit.</text>
<!--防護服という訳は Protective suit で既に使われていますので、重複を避ける為にarmored suit本来の訳に変更-->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_151">
        <text>Yeah, I can think of something... suitable. It'll cost you 40,000, but you'll have to pay me 8,000 in advance.</text>
ああ、思い付いたぜ・・・ おあつらえの物がある。価格は 40,000、前払いで 8,000 必要だぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_152">
        <text>Yeah, I can think of something... suitable. You refused to collect your last order, so the price will be 48,000 and you'll have to pay me 16,000 in advance.</text>
ああ、思い付いたぜ・・・ おあつらえの物がある。ただ、この前の注文は最後になってキャンセルされたからな・・・ 今回の価格は 48,000、前金で 16,000 もらうぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_153">
        <text>I won't be able to do any better than the last suit I got for you. That one was both unique and top of the line.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_16">
        <text>A suit with a closed-cycle respiratory module.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_161">
        <text>That's a tall order... Won't be easy to obtain, not by a long shot. I can try to get one of these babies for 30,000, but I have to ask for a down payment of 6,000.</text>
そいつはまた難題だな・・・ 調達も簡単にはいかないぜ、不可能じゃないがな。厄介な注文だが、30,000 でやってみるぜ。但し、前金で 6,000 必要だ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_162">
        <text>You let me down on the last order, so I have to think twice this time. I can try to get one of these babies for 36,000, but I have to ask for a down payment of 12,000.</text>
この前の注文は最後になってキャンセルされたからな・・・ 今回もそうならないとは限らんと思ってね。厄介な注文だが、 36,000 でやってみよう。但し、前金で 12,000 頂くぜ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_163">
        <text>I bent over backwards to get the last one. Don't think I'll be able to repeat that.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_17">
        <text>An exoskeleton.</text>
Exoskeleton だ。
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_171">
        <text>You must have given this choice a lot of thought. I can get my hands on a combat version, but it'll cost you 60,000. Expensive, I know, but well worth it. Keep in mind I'll need 12,000 of that paid right now.</text>
本当にそいつにするのか、じっくり考えてくれよ。戦闘用を手に入れる事は可能だが、価格は 60,000 だ。値は張るが・・・ そうだな、十分に見合った額だぜ。前金として、今すぐ 12,000 払う必要があるのを忘れるなよ。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_172">
        <text>You didn't treat me very nicely on the last order, so this one'll set you back 72,000. Keep in mind I'll need 24,000 of that paid right now.</text>
この前の注文じゃそんなに良くしてもらっていないからな、今回の価格は 72,000 にするぜ。前金は 24,000、今すぐ払ってもらうぜ。忘れるよな。
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_173">
        <text>No way. Since they closed the manufacturing plant, vacant exoskeletons are typically found only on corpses... That's just not my method.</text>
無理だ。製造工場が閉じられちまってな。普通の手段じゃ、空いた Exoskeleton は死体からしか手に入らない訳だが・・・ それは俺のやり方じゃないからな。
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_18">
        <text>Nothing right now.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_place_order_2">
        <text>Sorry, my shop is closed at the moment. Temporary difficulties with order shipments...</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_start_11">
        <text>Hello. I'm Nimble. People come to me for unique weapons. Rare models, prototypes, unique shooters - stuff like that. Plus elite equipment, the latest modifications of protective and combat suits. I check every item personally, so quality is guaranteed.</text>
やあ。俺は Nimble。唯一無二の武器が欲しけりゃ、俺の所へ来な。希少品、試作品、オリジナルの銃 - そんな物を扱ってる。加えて、最新の改造を施した選り抜きの防護服や戦闘服だ。品は全部、俺自身の目で確認している。品質は保証するぜ。
<!--スーツの説明文を一通り見ても防護戦闘服となっているものはありませんし、protective and combat suits はprotective suits and combat suitsと解釈するのが正しいでしょう。-->
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_start_12">
        <text>Hello. Would you like to place an order?</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_start_13">
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_start_14">
        <text>Your order will be delivered very soon.</text>
    <string id="zat_b51_stalker_nimble_start_15">
        <text>The order is finished. Please come to collect it.</text>
    <string id="zat_b52_robbery_port_bandits_1_0">
        <text>Hey! Are you Snag's pal?</text>
おい! お前が Snag の相棒か?
<!-- Zaton のクエスト Reputation に関する会話 -->
    <string id="zat_b52_robbery_port_bandits_1_1">
        <text>Yes, I know him.</text>
    <string id="zat_b52_robbery_port_bandits_1_11">
        <text>He told me you're bringing us some loot...</text>
    <string id="zat_b52_robbery_port_bandits_1_111">
        <text>I don't remember agreeing to that.</text>
    <string id="zat_b52_robbery_port_bandits_1_111111">
        <text>Yeah, all right. We ain't no bitches to be waitin' on Snag like that.</text>
よーし、確かに頂いたぜ。Snag の野郎をいつまでも待ってやるほど暇じゃねえからな。
<!-- Bandit へ渡す事を選択した場合 -->
    <string id="zat_b52_robbery_port_bandits_1_1111111">
    <string id="zat_b52_robbery_port_bandits_1_11112">
        <text>No can do!</text>
    <string id="zat_b52_robbery_port_bandits_1_111121">
        <text>Think carefully now. If you've got half a brain, you'll know it's best to play nice when you're outnumbered.</text>
    <string id="zat_b52_robbery_port_bandits_1_1111211">
        <text>I said no!</text>
    <string id="zat_b52_robbery_port_bandits_1_2">
        <text>No. I don't know him.</text>
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_1_gathering_artefacts_11">
        <text>Ahh... damn... I'm hurt real bad... Help me, bud, I need a medkit... I ain't got long...</text>
あぁ・・・ 畜生・・・ マジで痛え・・・ 助けてくれ、旦那・・・ Medikit をくれ・・・ このままじゃ死んじまう・・・
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_1_gathering_artefacts_111">
        <text>Take this medkit.</text>
この Medikit を使え。
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_1_gathering_artefacts_1111">
        <text>Whew! Thank you, buddy. I was this close to buying it in a Boiler. The mutant dogs would've had a field day... Here, take my detector. Might come in handy one day... Thanks for saving my life, really. I think I'll take a breather at the base now.</text>
ふぅ! 恩に着るぜ、旦那。もうちょっとで Boiler の真っ直中、Medikit を売り付けられてた。俺がミュータント犬だったら、嬉しさにはしゃぎ回るところだぜ・・・ ほら、この探知機を持って行ってくれ。どこかで役立つかもしれねえしな・・・ あんたは命の恩人だ、本当にありがとうよ。取り敢えずは基地で一息つく事にするぜ。
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_1_gathering_artefacts_11111">
        <text>Good luck.</text>
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_1_gathering_artefacts_1112">
        <text>Whew! Thank you, buddy. I was this close to buying it . The mutant dogs would've had a field day... Here, take this artifact. Might come in handy one day... Thanks for saving my life, really. I think I'll take a breather at the base now.</text>
ふぅ! 恩に着るぜ、旦那。もうちょっとで Medikit を売り付けられてた。俺がミュータント犬だったら、嬉しさにはしゃぎ回るところだぜ・・・ ほら、このアーティファクトを持って行ってくれ。どこかで役立つかもしれねえしな・・・ あんたは命の恩人だ、本当にありがとうよ。取り敢えずは基地で一息つく事にするぜ。
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_1_gathering_artefacts_112">
        <text>I can't, I need it myself.</text>
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_1_gathering_artefacts_113">
        <text>I don't have a medkit.</text>
Medikit を持っていないんだ。
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_1_gathering_artefacts_12">
        <text>Thanks again! Without you I'd be pushing up daisies right now...</text>
本当にありがとうよ! あんたがいなけりゃ、今頃は土の中だったぜ・・・
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_2_gathering_artefacts_11">
        <text>Stalker! Quick, come help Petrukha! Look over there, at the edge of the crevice! He got whacked by an anomaly! Even his suit didn't help one bit! And me, I don't have one. Petrukha and I pooled all our money together to buy that one... If I take another step, I'm done for! Help us, please!!</text>
Stalker! 早く、Petrukha を助けに行ってくれ! あそこを見てくれ、裂け目の端だ! あいつがアノマリーにやられちまった! あのスーツじゃクソの役にも立たなかったんだよ! 俺は・・・ 俺はスーツを持ってないんだ。Petrukha と俺で、あの一着を買うのに一緒に金を貯めてきたんだよ・・・ 今から用意してたんじゃ間に合わねえ! 俺たちを助けてくれ、頼む!!
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_2_gathering_artefacts_111">
        <text>OK, stay where you are. I'll give it a try.</text>
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_2_gathering_artefacts_112">
        <text>Deal with it yourselves.</text>
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_2_gathering_artefacts_12">
        <text>Thanks for saving Petrukha. Damn, why didn't we save up for a better suit!</text>
Petrukha を助けてくれて感謝してるよ。畜生、もっと良いスーツの為に金を貯めとくんだったぜ!
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_2_gathering_artefacts_13">
        <text>Get out of my sight. You let Petruha die... He was twice the man you'll ever be!</text>
俺の前から失せろ。お前は Petruha を見殺しにした・・・ あいつは、お前が一生掛かっても足下にも及ばねえような奴だったのに!
    <string id="zat_b53_artefact_hunter_2_gathering_artefacts_131">
        <text>See you next time.</text>
    <string id="zat_b57_barman_reward_dialog_0">
        <text>I wiped out the bloodsucker lair.</text>
Bloodsucker の巣穴を一掃してきたぞ。
    <string id="zat_b57_barman_reward_dialog_1">
        <text>Good. You avenged our dead brothers, God bless their souls... You've earned this reward.</text>
上出来だ。殺られた兄弟たちの仇を討ってくれたって訳だ。これであいつらも成仏できるだろう・・・ こいつは報酬だ、取っておいてくれ。
    <string id="zat_b57_barmen_about_bloodsucker_lair_dialog_0">
        <text>I found a whole bloodsucker lair underneath the antenna complex.</text>
CDAA の真下に、Bloodsucker の大群が巣食っていたぞ。
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="zat_b57_barmen_about_bloodsucker_lair_dialog_1">
        <text>Okay. The lair must be wiped out. Let me think a second... Who the hell knows how many bloodsuckers there are in those tunnels. Maybe we could gas them instead. I remember Owl saying something about gas tanks. You talk to him - we're not on very good terms... If you manage to get the gas tank, just connect it to the antenna complex ventilation system and it'll all be over in a few minutes.</text>
なるほど、その巣穴を全滅させなきゃならんな。少し考えさせてくれ・・・ あの穴ぐらに Bloodsucker の大家族が住んでたなんて、考えもしなかったんだよ。・・・そうだ、或いはガスを使うってのはどうだ。確か、 Owl がガスボンベに関して何か言ってた筈だ。あいつと話してみてくれ ― 分の悪い取引だろうがな・・・ どうにかガスボンベを手に入れられたら、すぐ CDAA へ行って、換気装置に繋いでくれ。きっと、数分の内に片が付く。
<!-- 用語統一&XML書式修正 -->
    <string id="zat_b57_barmen_about_bloodsucker_lair_dialog_11">
        <text>OK, I'll do that.</text>
    <string id="zat_b57_barmen_about_bloodsucker_lair_dialog_12">
        <text>I'll think about it.</text>
    <string id="zat_b57_barmen_about_bloodsucker_lair_dialog_13">
        <text>I've already got a gas tank.</text>
<!-- 誤訳修正 -->
    <string id="zat_b57_barmen_about_bloodsucker_lair_dialog_131">
        <text>Wow. You got skills, pal.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_bandit_hide_dialog_11">
        <text>Ah, there's our stalker. We've been waiting for you.</text>
おっと、Stalker のお出ましか。随分と待たせてくれやがったな。
    <string id="zat_b5_bandit_hide_dialog_111">
        <text>What's the plan?</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_bandit_hide_dialog_1111">
        <text>We're going to a meet. You won't have to do much, or so I hope. Just stand by and be cool.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_bandit_hide_dialog_11111">
    <string id="zat_b5_bandit_hide_dialog_21">
        <text>Hah. We sure made them sorry. Nice trigger skills, stalker. Here.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_bandit_hide_dialog_211">
        <text>Good luck.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_bandit_hide_dialog_31">
        <text>You friggin wannabe. You botched up a sure thing, now get lost.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_bandit_hide_dialog_311">
    <string id="zat_b5_bandit_hide_dialog_41">
        <text>What's your hurry?</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_bandit_hide_dialog_411">
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_11">
        <text>Owl sent you?</text>
Owl が寄こしたのか?
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_111">
        <text>Yes. He told me you needed help.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_1111">
        <text>I need help, that's true. I reckon you'll do just fine.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_11111">
        <text>OK. What's the job?</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_111111">
        <text>Provide protection during a business transaction. That's it.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_1111111">
        <text>I can do that.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_21">
        <text>Stand by and cover me.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_211">
        <text>Got it.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_31">
        <text>I'll talk to the boss only.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_311">
        <text>Up to you.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_41">
        <text>Thank you, stalker. You were a lot of help. I had a feeling those assholes would screw up one way or another. They were being trailed all the way! This is for your troubles.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_411">
        <text>Good luck.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_42">
        <text>You make a fine slacker, but a lousy bodyguard. But I promised to pay you, so I will.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_421">
        <text>Good luck.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_43">
        <text>You make a fine slacker, but a lousy bodyguard. But I promised to pay you, so I will.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_431">
        <text>Good luck.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_44">
        <text>What do you want? There's nothing to thank you for. I barely made it... Go away!</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_illicit_dealer_dialog_441">
        <text>Good luck.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_stalker_commander_dialog_11">
        <text>Attaboy, thanks for coming. We want to sneak up close to the bandits and listen in. Then we'll see what happens.</text>
よく来てくれた。Bandit の奴らにこっそり近づき盗聴したい。そしたら奴らの動きを監視できるだろう。
    <string id="zat_b5_stalker_commander_dialog_111">
        <text>I see.</text>
    <string id="zat_b5_stalker_commander_dialog_21">
        <text>Thank you, stalker. Take this from us... Barman's got your main reward.</text>
ありがとよ。これを持ってけ・・・ Barman はあんたが望む報酬を渡してくれるだろう。
    <string id="zat_b5_stalker_commander_dialog_211">
        <text>I see.</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_about_0">
        <text>Tell me about your life here.</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_about_1">
        <text>It ain't a walk in the park, that's for sure... What exactly do you want to know?</text>
公園を散歩するようには行かないぜ、実にな・・・ 本当は何が知りたいんだ?
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_about_1111">
        <text>What is it that you do here?</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_about_11111">
        <text>We watch over stalkers. You have to admit that a good half of you are more like little kids than men. You come to the Zone with some silly dreams, or to play heroes, or just because life's treating you badly. You don't realize all that's waiting for you in here -  the grim reaper, mostly. That's the kind we look after. We find one at the Garbage, we take his gear and send 'im back to the Cordon. Some wise up and go back to the outside. Those with the stones to come back here, we put under our protection and we tax 'em. I'm tellin' ya, no one dares go on our territory - not the army, not the mercenaries, not even mutants.</text>
俺たちは Stalker 達を世話してるのさ。お前らは自分が半分鼻垂れのガキ同然だと認めなくちゃならん。Zone に来る奴らは、ばかげた夢かヒーローごっこか運命に踊らされてか、ここで何が待ち受けているかなんて分かっちゃいない - ほとんどは死神だ。俺たちが面倒を見るのはそんな手合いさ。Garbage で見つけた奴の装備を頂いて Cordon に送り帰す。中には目を覚まして外へ帰る奴もいるな。石ころ抱えた奴らがここへ戻ってきたら、守ってやる代わりに税をもらうのさ。俺が言いたいのは、だれも俺達のシマで勝手なマネはさせない - Military でも、Mercenaryでも、ミュータントであってもだ。
<!-- 「半分はな垂れの」は読みにくいかと思い「鼻」(第一水準の漢字)にしました。 -->
<!-- 「来る奴らばかげた」という不自然な部分を修正しました。 -->
<!-- 「take」に「調える」という意味はなく、この場合はそのまま「取る」ではないでしょうか?訳の意味が逆だと思うので変更しました。 -->
<!-- 「wise up」は「真実を知る、賢くなる、気付く (ALC調べ)」なので、直前の「夢」や「ヒーローごっこ」などと対応させて「目を覚まして」と意訳しました。 -->
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_about_1112">
        <text>What brought you to the center of the Zone?</text>
どうして Zone の中央に来たんだ?
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_about_11121">
        <text>Our legs. We came here for stalkers, what else? Without us around to keep order it's sheer goddamn chaos. You loot it, you keep it, sure, but who's gonna pay your taxes? You know, the peace and security tax. Like if one of youse is milking an anomaly while we're on the lookout, keeping mutants at bay. If he comes out fine, we take a cut... for maintaining order, you understand.</text>
自ら歩いてだよ。俺たちは Stalker 連中の為にここに来た。ほかに何がある? 俺たちが仕切らなけりゃここは目も当てられない全くの無法地帯さ。お前らが拾ってお前らが懐に入れる、だがお前らのツケを誰が払う? なあ、平和と安全の為の税だ。まあ俺たちが見張ってる前でお前らがアノマリーからおこぼれを頂戴しても、入り江でミュータントの相手を続けるさ。そいつが元気に姿を見せたら、始末をつけるがね・・・ 秩序を守るためにな。分かったか。
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_about_1113">
        <text>How did you become boss?</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_about_11131">
        <text>Where do I begin... I guess it goes back to high school. I had a good buddy, a best friend, if you will. We hung out together, smoking, drinking and whatnot. Only he wanted more and more thrills. He got into drugs: some weed at first, then smack and then coke, when he started getting some coin. I told him, "You gotta get off this shit, Tolyan, before it's too late." But he didn't listen. He scored some bad shit one day and that was that. I found his dealers and got even for my buddy... Got my picture took and all hell broke loose - the slammer, the gang fights, the shiv in the belly... Got out, started a business, got busted again... When I got out again, I left all that shit behind and set my sights on the Zone. Spent a couple months toughing it out, then got promoted. So now I'm in charge here, upholding the local law.</text>
どこで始まったのか・・・ ハイスクールの頃だろうな。俺にはいい相棒がいた、親友って奴だ。俺たちは一緒につるんで酒やタバコ、いろいろな事をしたもんだ。だが奴はそれに飽きたらずにもっとスリルを欲しがった。麻薬に手を出したんだ:金が手に入るようになるとマリファナに始まり、次にヘロイン、コカインってな。俺は奴に言った。" このクソったれなヤクをやめないと Tolyan、後で取り返しがつかなくなるぞ" だが奴は聞きいちゃいなかった。ある日粗悪なヤクを手に入れて、それでしまいさ。俺は売人を捜して相棒の分を上乗せしてくれてやった・・・ 気がついたときには大混乱さ - 刑務所、ギャングとの戦い、腹にナイフ・・・ 出所して商売を始めたがしょっ引かれて逆戻りだ・・・ 次に出所した時、俺は以前のクソな暮らしとおさらばして Zone に狙いを定めた。2、3ヶ月がむしゃらに働いて成功を手に入れたよ。そして俺は責任者としてこの一帯を仕切ってる。
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_about_1114">
        <text>What do you think about stalkers?</text>
Stalker についてどう思う。
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_about_11141">
        <text>They're all different, like. Some are punks who don't last here a week, others are earners... and others still are okay guys that life has kicked around on both sides of the Cordon. We fleece the first kind, tax the second kind. As far as the last kind, well, we just try not to get in each other's way. Too bad you can't always tell them apart right away...</text>
まあ、色々だな。一週間も保たないチンピラもいるが、他の奴らはいい稼ぎ手さ・・・ そっちの静かな連中は Cordon の両側をうろつき回っても生きてるオーケイな男たちだ。俺たちは最初の奴らはカモにして、他の連中から税を取る。そっちのもご同様だが、お互いのやり方に口は挟まない。残念ながらお前らには連中の区別はつかないだろうがな・・・
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_about_1115">
        <text>Oh, never mind. Fuhgetaboutit.</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_about_11151">
        <text>Suit yourself.</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_b30_barmen_under_actor_dialog_0">
        <text>Now Beard will work for us.</text>
Beard は俺たちの為に働くだろう。
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_b30_barmen_under_actor_dialog_1">
        <text>You know what they say, "the cow is ours, let's get to milkin'." Pay him a visit once in a while and remind him to pay up his fee.</text>
奴らが何と言っているか知っているか、 "俺たちの牛だ、さあ搾ろうぜ。" 時々奴を見に行って、稼ぎは全部払うと思い出させないとな。
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_b30_compass_actor_dialog_0">
        <text>Beard got an important order for an artifact called Compass.</text>
Beard は Compass というアーティファクトを探す大事な仕事をしてる。
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_b30_compass_actor_dialog_1">
        <text>We must intercept the artifact. Beard won't get his panties in a bunch for some small fry. My gut says he needs this thing to save his ass... to stay in business, that is. Bring me this Compass thing as soon as you find it.</text>
そのアーティファクトを横取りしないとな。 Beard はまだパンツにモノを突っ込んではいないだろう。俺の勘では奴が自分のケツを守るためにブツを欲しがってると見るね・・・ 商売を続けるためにな。その Compass とやらを見つけ次第俺の所に持ってこい。
<!-- 要確認 -->
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_b30_compass_give_actor_dialog_0">
        <text>I found the Compass. Here.</text>
Compass を見つけてきたぜ。ほら。
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_b30_compass_revert_actor_dialog_0">
        <text>I refuse to look for the Compass for you.</text>
Compass の件から降りたいんだが。
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_b30_compass_revert_actor_dialog_1">
        <text>Hey jackass, you get this straight. If you say you're down for something and you let me down, well, I ain't gonna like you much after that. And people I don't like tend not to enjoy life. You got that?</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_b30_compass_revert_actor_dialog_11">
        <text>I'll keep that in mind.</text>
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_b30_detectors_actor_dialog_0">
        <text>I'll get those detectors from the stalkers.</text>
Stalker 連中からその探知機を手に入れるよ。
    <string id="zat_b7_bandit_boss_sultan_b30_detectors_actor_dialog_1">
        <text>Good. Meanwhile I'll deal with our client's other channels.</text>


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