S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat @ ウィキ




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だれでも歓迎! 編集

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    <string id="jup_a10_guard_dialog_11">
        <text>What do you want?</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_guard_dialog_111">
        <text>I have to speak to Jack. It's about Vano's debt.</text>
Jack に Vano の借金の件で話があるんだ。
    <string id="jup_a10_guard_dialog_1111">
        <text>Go on, then.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_guard_dialog_11111">
    <string id="jup_a10_guard_dialog_112">
        <text>I'm just taking a walk.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_guard_dialog_1121">
        <text>This ain't a public park, buddy. Take a hike.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_about_stolen_items_0">
        <text>Do you know who could have stolen things from a personal box?</text>
誰がパーソナル BOX から物を盗むことができたか、知ってるか?
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_about_stolen_items_1">
        <text>No, but I have my own shit to worry about... You lost some material things but I could lose my life...</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_about_stolen_items_2">
        <text>Theft, deception... Man, what is the world coming to? I didn't see anyone, but whoever did it is long gone, I'm sure of it.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_goto_zulus_0">
        <text>Let's go see Zulu.</text>
Zulu に会いに行こう。
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_goto_zulus_1">
        <text>Of course. We should pay a visit to Hawaiian on the way to buy my suit back.</text>
もちろん。スーツを買い戻しに Hawaiian のとこへ行かなきゃいけないな。
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_goto_zulus_11">
        <text>Let's go.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_goto_zulus_2">
        <text>I'd be happy to, but I don't feel like being caught by an emission with my pants down. Let's wait a bit.</text>
嬉しいぜ。けど Emission にパンツを下ろしたままで捕まりたくはないな。ちょっと待ってくれ。
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_need_outfit_0">
        <text>We'll need a suit with a closed-cycle respiratory module to get to Pripyat. </text>
Pripyat に行くには内部循環呼吸装置のあるスーツが必要だ。
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_need_outfit_1">
        <text>Man, that sucks! My suit has one - you can stick your head into an oven and breathe just fine, but I pawned it at Hawaiian's. If only we could get it back - I'm broke and we'll need 5 grand...</text>
ああなんてこったい!俺のスーツはあんたの頭を引っ掴んでオーブンへ放り込んでも平気で息が出来るような代物なんだ。だが、Hawaiian へ質に入れちまった。そいつを取り戻すことができたらなあ・・俺は一文無しで、さらに 5,000 RU 必要なんだ・・・。
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_outfit_money_yes_0">
        <text>I could give you money for the suit.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_outfit_money_yes_1">
        <text>Just like that? Are you serious?</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_outfit_money_yes_11">
        <text>Here, take your 5 grand.</text>
ほら、5,000 RU だ。
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_outfit_money_yes_111">
        <text>You're really saving my ass here, friend. I'll follow you wherever now!</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_outfit_money_yes_12">
        <text>I'd give you the money but I don't have 5 grand.</text>
なんとかしてやりたいが、5,000 RU も持ってないよ。
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_outfit_money_yes_121">
        <text>It happens to the best of us, friend... Believe me, I know.</text>
<!-- 直訳は、itは5000RU足りないってこととスーツを質に入れてしまっていることをさしてて、それがなければ俺達は最高だって意味だと思います。長いのでこんな感じでどうでしょう-->
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_outfit_money_yes_13">
        <text>I'll think about it.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_outfit_money_yes_131">
        <text>Of course... It's your money, after all.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_outfit_money_yes_2">
        <text>So, will you give it to me or what?</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_pripyat_group_0">
        <text>I'm putting a team together to go to Pripyat. Wanna join me?</text>
Pripyat へ行くチームを集めてるんだ。参加しないか?
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_pripyat_group_1">
        <text>You helped me, friend, so I'll help you.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_pripyat_group_2">
        <text>I'd love to, man, but I can't leave here while I've got this debt hanging over me.  That wouldn't be right, and besides if we ran into them on the way they'd shoot me down like a dog. Those bastards don't care who they kill...</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_pripyat_ready_0">
        <text>So, are you ready to head to Pripyat?</text>
Pripyat へ行く準備はできたか?
    <string id="jup_a10_stalker_vano_pripyat_ready_1">
        <text>I'm like more than ready and stuff!</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalkers_dialog_11">
        <text>Well, come in. What do you want?</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_stalkers_dialog_12">
        <text>You've paid the debt, now get outta here.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_back_1_0">
        <text>They were arrogant bastards - I had to take them out.</text>
ヤツらは乱暴な野郎だった。 俺は奴等を消さなきゃならなかった。
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_back_2_0">
        <text>I paid the money, so you're not in debt anymore.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_back_2_1">
        <text>Wow, thanks man! I won't forget this.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_back_3_0">
        <text>Not great, they made me pay interest, too.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_back_3_1">
        <text>That's not good... But they'd charge me even more, believe me. Thanks for your help! I won't forget this.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_back_4_0">
        <text>I haven't been to see them yet.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_back_4_1">
        <text>Hurry up before they make you pay more.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_back_5_0">
        <text>I went to see them but they're demanding interest on the debt.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_back_5_1">
        <text>What are they, crazy? I barely put that much together... Do you think you can convince them to forget the interest? You'll need a good weapon - force is the only thing they respect.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_give_duty_0">
        <text>What did you say about your debt?</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_give_duty_1">
        <text>Well... I had an old suit that was starting to wear out, so I figured I need a new one. Soon as I thought that, I saw a brand spanking new suit for sale... It had a closed-cycle respiratory module and everything... I counted my money this way and that but came up short every time... Then Jack, the seller, said to me, "Don't worry Vano, you can pay me the rest later." I was like, "What a nice guy!" and all that...</text>
ええと・・・俺のスーツがボロになり始めててな。新しいのに替えようと考えてたんだ。そんな時、新発売のスーツが売ってるのを見かけたんだ。内部循環呼吸装置付きで、他にも色々揃ってるやつだ。俺は自分の金を集めてみたが、足りなかった。そんな時、売り手の Jack が言ったんだ。「心配すんな Vano。後で残りの分を払えばいいさ」ってね。「なんてイイ奴なんだ!」って感じたさ。まったく・・・
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_give_duty_11">
        <text>OK, and?</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_give_duty_111">
        <text>I sold my old suit, got all my cash and brought it to him. Jack was like, "Well done, Vano, but what about the interest?" I thought, "Yeah, he's right... I need to get the interest to him..." I put together some more cash and took it to him. When I got there he said, "While you were out, more interest built up, Vano." Seems the interest grows so fast I can't catch up... I had to pawn the new suit and my weapons, too...</text>
俺は古いスーツを売って、俺のカネを全部ヤツのところに持ってった。そしたら Jack は「よくやった、Vano。で、利子はどうしたんだ?」ってさ。俺は考えたよ。ヤツは正しい、利子をヤツに持ってかなきゃってね。俺はカネをもっと用意してヤツのところに持っていった。俺がヤツのところに行った時、ヤツは言ったんだ、「お前がいない間、また利子が発生してたんだよ、Vano 」。利子は俺が追いつけないくらい早く膨らんでるようだった・・・俺は新しいスーツと、俺の持ってた武器まで質に入れなきゃならなかった・・・
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_give_duty_1111">
        <text>So, what now?</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_give_duty_11111">
        <text>I want to pay him the money I've earned. There's nothing more important than Vano's reputation... But I'm scared. Could you go see Jack instead of me to pay my debt?</text>
俺はヤツに自分で稼いだカネを払いたいんだ。この Vano の評判を落としたくないんだよ・・・でも怖いんだ。なぁ、俺の替わりに Jack に借金を返しに行ってくれないか?
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_give_duty_111111">
        <text>OK, I will.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_give_duty_1111111">
        <text>The only thing is, when you go see him make sure to whip out a powerful gun or something. Show them you're not one to mess with and they'll give you some respect...</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_give_duty_11111111">
        <text>I'll work it out.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_give_duty_111112">
        <text>I'm too busy right now.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_give_duty_1112">
        <text>I've had enough.</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_give_duty_2">
        <text>So, can you go see Jack instead of me to pay my debt?</text>
それで、俺のかわりに Jack に借金を払いに行ってくれたのかい?
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_help_dialog_11">
        <text>OK, OK, don't shoot, I'll pay the debt... Err, sorry, I thought you were someone else...</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_help_dialog_12">
        <text>How did it go with the bandits?</text>
Bandit とはどうなった?
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_help_dialog_13">
        <text>Hey man, it's good that you came!</text>
    <string id="jup_a10_vano_help_dialog_14">
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_chief_dialog_11">
        <text>We have visitors... A stalker to see Shishak for a word... You come carrying gifts or you got business to discuss? Either way, spit it out, buddy.</text>
お客が来たな・・・ Shishak に一言ありそうな Stalker さんだ・・・お前は贈り物を持ってきたのか、それとも商売を持ちかけにきたのか?どっちにしろ、吐き出しな、友よ。
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_chief_dialog_12">
        <text>I didn't think you'd be back... So, what do you have for me?</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_chief_dialog_13">
        <text>What else is there to discuss, stalker?</text>
他に何か言うことはあるか、Stalker ?
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_guard_start_0">
        <text>What do you want? You tired of dragging your loot around or something? We can help you with that.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_guard_start_1">
        <text>I need to talk to your boss.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_guard_start_11">
        <text>Hey buddy, I ain't got time for this shit. Get outta my face, pronto! Do it now or I'll help you on your way with this here shotgun.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_guard_start_111">
        <text>OK, OK - I'm leaving.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_guard_start_2">
        <text>I'm here about the captive stalker - I want to see your chief.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_guard_start_21">
        <text>Hrm... Go on then, but you keep it clean and tidy or we'll put you in the ground in no time... Keep going straight and then through the passage in between the containers. Got it?</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_guard_start_211">
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_guard_start_3">
        <text>I was just passing by, I'll disappear now.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_guard_start_4">
        <text>I'm here about the captive stalker - I want to see your chief.</text>
捕まった Stalker に用があってな。あんた達のボスに会いたい。
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_guard_visited_0">
        <text>What else do you want? Screw off!</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_guard_visited_1">
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_payment_dialog_0">
        <text>Lookit, sucker, you tryin' to insult me or somethin'? You brought enough dough for your punk ass friend, but you ain't paid us for safe passage! That's poor thinking on your part, ya feel me?</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_payment_dialog_1">
        <text>How much are we talking about? I've gotta get to the base though, so keep that in mind.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_payment_dialog_11">
        <text>Oh, you really are a funny guy! This ain't no whorehouse, buddy, we ain't got no friggin' price list... Empty your pockets, bitch!</text>
        <string id="jup_a12_bandit_payment_dialog_111">
        <text>OK, here it is.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_payment_dialog_11111">
        <text>OK, I'm going.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_payment_dialog_112">
        <text>What?! You want to take all my loot? No way!</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_bandit_payment_dialog_2">
        <text>I paid the ransom. There's nothing else to discuss.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_merc_done_dialog_11">
        <text>OK, stalker, we've earned our fee now. Time to go.</text>
オーケーだ Stalker 。手数料を頂いた。行っていいぞ。
    <string id="jup_a12_merc_done_dialog_111">
        <text>Thanks, guys. See you next time.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_merc_done_dialog_112">
        <text>Wait. There could be more bandits hiding in cover.</text>
待て、まだ Bandit が隠れてるかもしれない。
    <string id="jup_a12_merc_done_dialog_12">
        <text>OK, time to go. The kid didn't make it, but we've done the best we could...</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_merc_done_dialog_13">
        <text>Wait, we ain't done yet!</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_merc_done_dialog_131">
        <text>Got ya!</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_actor_dialog_0">
        <text>Come to Pripyat with me.</text>
Pripyat に一緒に来てくれ。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_actor_dialog_1">
        <text>I'd best stay here for now and make sure that Mitay stays out of trouble.</text>
今の俺にとっちゃ、Mitay がトラブルに巻き込まれないように見守るべきのが一番だ。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_dialog_11">
        <text>Hey, stalker! Thanks a bunch for getting Mitay out! We were already starting to put a squad together... Here, take this as a token of our gratitude.</text>
よう Stalker!Mitay を助け出してくれて、ホントにありがとうな!俺達はすでに救助隊をまとめ始めてたんだぜ・・・ほら、これを感謝の印として受け取ってくれ。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_dialog_12">
        <text>Hey, stalker! Thanks a bunch for getting Mitay out! You're a beast, taking all those bandits on by yourself... Here, take this as a token of our gratitude.</text>
よう Stalker!Mitay を助け出してくれて、ホントにありがとうな!まるで野獣だな、一人で全ての Bandit を相手に取るなんて・・・ほら、これを感謝の印として受け取ってくれ。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_dialog_13">
        <text>Hey, stalker! Thanks for helping get Mitay out! Personally, I didn't think that paying the ransom would work out too good... I'm sure you could use a little cash, so take this. You have our gratitude.</text>
よう Stalker!Mitay を助け出してくれて、ホントにありがとうな!個人的には、ただ身代金を払うことで全部上手く行くとは思わなんだ・・・多分、あんたがいくらかカネを払ったんじゃないかと思う。だから、これを受け取ってくれ。俺達の気持ちだ。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_dialog_14">
        <text>Hey, stalker! Thanks for helping get Mitay out! I was right about the whole thing. You can never give in to bandits! You gotta put some heat on them... And you got the balls for it too. Here, take this - everyone got a piece so it ain't much, but we are truly grateful.</text>
よう Stalker!Mitay を助け出してくれて、ホントにありがとうな!俺の言った事は全て正しかったんだな!あんたが Bandit どもに決して屈服しないことや、彼らにいくらかヤキを入れてやることも、その度胸もあるって事もな。ほら、これを受け取ってくれ。みんなで少しずつ出し合っただけだから、たいした額にはならなかったが、俺達は本当に感謝してるんだぜ!
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_dialog_15">
        <text>So, how did it go with the ransom?</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_dialog_151">
        <text>Still working on it.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_dialog_16">
        <text>So, what's up? When are you gonna put some heat on the bandits?</text>
それで、どうした?いつ Bandit どもにヤキを入れてやるんだい?
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_dialog_161">
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_dialog_17">
        <text>Did you change your mind or are you having trouble with the bandits?... Oh well, do what you need to do but do it fast - we don't want them losing patience and wasting Mitay.</text>
気が変わったか?それとも Bandit とトラブルでもあったか?・・・まあいい。やらなきゃいけないことをしろ。ただし早くな。ヤツらの忍耐が切れ、Mitay を失うのは避けたいんだ。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_dialog_171">
        <text>I'll work it out. It'll be all right.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_dialog_18">
        <text>I'm glad to see a pro like you, stalker!</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_dialog_19">
        <text>Man, that was a good guy we lost there... Poor Mitay... We couldn't save him - good friends we are!</text>
俺達が失った男はイイ奴だった。 Mitay は哀れだった・・・俺達は彼を助けられなかった・・・俺達は親友だ!
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_assaulter_after_scene_dialog_191">
        <text>What can you do?</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_diplomat_after_scene_actor_dialog_0">
        <text>Come to Pripyat with me.</text>
俺と一緒に Pripyat に来てくれ。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_diplomat_after_scene_actor_dialog_1">
        <text>I only came to this place to keep my friends company, so I'll stay here with them.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_diplomat_after_scene_dialog_11">
        <text>Hey, thanks for Mitay... We were just about to head over there with the ransom money. Things worked out real good, that's for sure...</text>
おぅ、Mitay の件はありがとう・・・俺達は身代金を用意して向かう矢先だったんだ。事は本当に上手く行ったよ。確実にね・・・
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_diplomat_after_scene_dialog_12">
        <text>Hey, thanks for Mitay... How did you manage to convince them? Man, I've got a lot to learn from you...</text>
おぅ、Mitay の件はありがとう・・・どうやって彼らを説得したんだい?まあ、俺は君から多くの事を学んだよ・・・
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_diplomat_after_scene_dialog_13">
        <text>Hey, thanks for Mitay... I was right, wasn't I? Negotiation is the key to success!</text>
おぅ、Mitay の件はありがとう・・・俺は正しかった、そうだろ?交渉は成功の鍵だ!
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_diplomat_after_scene_dialog_14">
        <text>Hey, thanks for Mitay... I still think it's better to negotiate, but things worked out all right in the end, so it's all good.</text>
おぅ、Mitay の件はありがとう・・・俺はまだ交渉したほうがいいと考えてるよ。でも結局無事に済んだことだし、それでいいさ。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_diplomat_after_scene_dialog_15">
        <text>Back off - I don't feel like talking to you right now.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_diplomat_after_scene_dialog_151">
        <text>OK, take it easy.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_diplomat_after_scene_dialog_16">
        <text>Hello, Mr. Pro!</text>
よう!Mr. プロ!
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_diplomat_after_scene_dialog_17">
        <text>Poor Mitay... He was just a kid... He had his whole life in front of him...</text>
かわいそうな Mitay・・・奴はまだまだガキ同然だったのに・・・まだ長い人生があった・・・
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_diplomat_after_scene_dialog_171">
        <text>What can you do?</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_give_art_dialog_0">
        <text>Great, we're all here. Grizzly told me about you... The plan is simple: the boys get in position to attack around the perimeter and I pick off the sentry from my position - that's the signal to begin the assault... Take note of our positions and do whatever you feel is best. I'm sure you've got your own idea of what to do... Ready?</text>
よし。Grizzly から君の事は聞いてる。計画は単純だ。ヤツらは拠点の周りで攻撃配置に就いている。私は敵の歩哨を狙撃する。それが攻撃の合図だ。俺達の位置を常に頭に置いておき、君が考えるベストな行動を取れ。君が何をすべきかは、君自身で判断できると信じているぞ。準備はいいな?
<!-- 攻撃する相手は Bandit なので、衛兵ではなく歩哨に変更 -->
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_give_art_dialog_1">
        <text>I'll keep that in mind. Let's go.</text>
<!-- 丁寧語は会わない気がしたので修正 -->
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_give_art_dialog_2">
        <text>Wait, let me think about it.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_come_with_me_0">
        <text>You feel like taking a trip to Pripyat with me, Mitay?</text>
Mitay、Pripyat に一緒に来る気はないか?
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_employ_stalkers_0">
        <text>The scientists are looking to hire some people, how do you feel about working for them?</text>
Scientist 達が人を何人か雇いたがってる。あの学者達のために働く気はないか?
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_employ_stalkers_1">
        <text>What's the job?</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_employ_stalkers_11">
        <text>Guarding their bunker.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_employ_stalkers_111">
        <text>Nah man, my bandit adventure was enough. I'll just sit tight right here and take it easy.</text>
いや、もう Bandit 相手の大活劇は充分だ。俺はここに腰を落ち着かせて気楽にやるさ。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_employ_stalkers_12">
        <text>Taking measurements in anomalies.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_employ_stalkers_121">
        <text>Hrm... That's interesting. I've worked for the scientists before and since it's you asking - sure, I'll do it. Me, Grizzly and Torba will head for the bunker.</text>
ふむ。おもしろそうだな。俺は前々から Scientist のために仕事をしてたんだ。それにあんたの頼みってのもあるしな。よし、やろう。俺と Grizzly と Torba で移動研究所に向かうよ。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_free_actor_dialog_0">
        <text>Tell me how you got captured.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_free_actor_dialog_1">
        <text>Man, don't ask! It was my own fault. The bandits warned me about it but you know... They started demanding a share of my loot, but the Zone don't belong to nobody, so why should I pay them?</text>
おい聞かないでくれよ!そいつは全部俺のせいだったんだ。あの Bandit 達は警告してたんだ・・・ヤツら俺らが手に入れたブツの分け前を要求し始めた。でも Zone は誰のものでも無い、なんでヤツらを儲けさせる必要がある?
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_free_actor_dialog_111">
        <text>Me and the boys told them where to shove it and it seemed like we got away with it. But the bandits turned out to be pretty crafty - they set up an ambush. So, when I was stupid enough to go looking for artifacts on my own they jumped out behind me and tied my hands together before I could even get my shooter out... So that's how it was.</text>
俺達がヤツらにあっちへ行ってろと言ったんで何処かに消えちまったかに見えたんだが、Bandit 共は思ったよりずる賢かった・・・奴ら、待ち伏せの準備をしてやがったんだ。だから、俺がうかつにも一人でアーティファクトを探していた時、奴等が後ろから襲い掛かってきて、銃を出す間もなく手を縛りあげられちまった・・・そういうことさ。
<!-- 「狡」「猾」は使用できない漢字です-->
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_free_dialog_11">
        <text>Thanks for paying the ransom for me! I won't forget it.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_free_dialog_12">
        <text>Thanks for freeing me, stalker! I won't forget it.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_free_dialog_13">
        <text>Thanks for helping to pay the ransom for me!</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_free_dialog_14">
        <text>Thanks for helping to free me, stalker!</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_free_dialog_15">
        <text>Thanks for helping, stalker... My friends will definitely reward you when we get back... Let's go to the base together, it'll be quicker that way.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_free_dialog_151">
        <text>Let's go.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_free_dialog_152">
        <text>You go, I'll drop by later. I've got some business to finish up here.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_hide_until_walk_out_dialog_11">
        <text>Man, I thought I was gonna die here... Wow, did Grizzly and Torba hire all these people?! Holy cow! I ain't seen a shootout like that in my life! Can we get out of here now?</text>
俺はここで死ぬんだと思ってたよ。おお、こいつら全員 Grizzy と Torba が雇ったのかい?すげえや!俺はこんな撃ち合い今まで見たことないよ。今すぐここから出られるかい?
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_hide_until_walk_out_dialog_111">
        <text>Wait a minute, there could be more bandits around here.</text>
ちょっと待ってくれ、まだ Bandit がそこらにいるかもしれない。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_hide_until_walk_out_dialog_112">
        <text>Yes. Let's go.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_hide_until_walk_out_dialog_12">
        <text>Man, I thought this was gonna be the end of me... Wow, you took on all these bandits on your own! You da man! They won't believe me when I tell this story... Can we get out of here now?</text>
俺はこれで終わりだと思ってたよ・・・おお、あんた一人であの Bandit どもをやっつけたのかい?なんてやつだ!この話をしても彼らは絶対信じないだろうなあ。今すぐここから出られるかい?
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_hide_until_walk_out_dialog_121">
        <text>Wait a minute, there could be someone left around here.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_hide_until_walk_out_dialog_122">
        <text>Yes. Let's get out of here right now.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_thank_bandits_base_dialog_11">
        <text>Thank you, stalker! Let's move before the bandits change their mind.</text>
ありがとう Stalker!さあ、Bandit どもが心変わりしないうちに移動しよう。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_thank_bandits_base_dialog_111">
        <text>Let's move.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalker_prisoner_thank_bandits_base_dialog_21">
        <text>We gotta get out here, fast!</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_power_dialog_0">
        <text>We can't give in to the bandits' demands. This problem calls for a forceful solution.</text>
俺達は Bandit どもの要求をのむことはできない。この問題は力でもって解決する必要がある。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_power_dialog_1">
        <text>Exactly! I know a few fellas who'd be happy to help out... We'll pay you too if you don't mind going in as a team.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_power_take_dialog_0">
        <text>I'm ready to go.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_power_take_dialog_1">
        <text>Great! I know a group of stalkers who used to serve in a special police unit. You'll have to meet them at an agreed location after 1AM - they'll be waiting for you.</text>
そいつはいい!以前警察の特殊部隊に所属してた Stalker のグループを知ってるんだ。あんたは午前 1 時以降に指定された場所で彼らに会う必要がある。そこで彼らは待っているだろう。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_power_take_dialog_11">
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_ransom_dialog_0">
        <text>Torba's right. There's no point starting a bloodbath while they've got a hostage. We must negotiate.</text>
Torba は正しい。ヤツらが人質を取っているのに大虐殺を始めても無駄だ。交渉の必要がある。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_ransom_dialog_1">
        <text>Hrm, you two might be right... Only thing is, if me and Torba go, the bandits won't want to let us out, seeing as we refused to follow their rules. They said they'd bury us alive next time they see us. Now, if you could act as a negotiator...</text>
うーん・・・あんたら二人共、正しいのかもしれない・・・。これだけは確かだ。もし俺と Torba が行ったら、奴らのルールに従うのを拒んだと見なし、俺達を帰そうとしないだろう。やつらは次に会ったら生き埋めにすると言っていた。じゃあ、もしあんたが交渉人となるなら・・・
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_ransom_take_dialog_0">
        <text>Sure, I'll do it. Give me the artifact.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_ransom_take_dialog_1">
        <text>Be careful.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_ransom_take_dialog_11">
        <text>It's gonna be fine.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_self_dialog_0">
        <text>We can argue till the cows come home... Our success depends on whoever drives this thing. I'll deal with the bastards myself.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_self_dialog_1">
        <text>Man, I didn't expect that... Good luck to you.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_self_dialog_11">
        <text>I'll be back soon.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_actor_wait_dialog_0">
        <text>I agree, but I need some time to prepare.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_dialog_11">
        <text>Stalker, help get our buddy Mitay out of trouble, would you?</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_dialog_111">
        <text>What happened?</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_dialog_1111">
        <text>Mitay is in real trouble... The bandits have started putting their foot down and demanding a cut of the artifacts stalkers find. We told them to take a hike, 'cause we figured stalkers don't owe nobody shit, and that seemed to be the end of it... But they ambushed the poor bastard when he went hunting for loot on his own and now they're demanding a ransom.</text>
Mitay がトラブルに巻き込まれてるんだ。Bandit 共が Stalker 達が見つけたアーティファクトの分け前を本気で要求し始めた。俺達はあっちに行けと言ったんだ。クソ野郎に借りなんてないし、それで全て終わったかに見えた。でも Mitay が戦利品を採りに行った時、奴らは待ち伏せして彼に襲い掛かったんだ。それで今は身代金を要求してきてる。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_dialog_11111">
        <text>What are you going to do?</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_dialog_111111">
        <text>Torba is suggesting giving them an artifact as ransom... I reckon we shouldn't give them shit. If we do, that means stalkers are working for the bandits... We should sell the artifact, hire us a solid crew and attack the bandit base.</text>
Torba はヤツらにそのアーティファクトを身代金として払うよう勧めてる。俺はそんなことをするなんてまっぴらだと思ってる。もしそんなことをしたら、それは俺達が Bandit のために働くことになることを意味する。俺達はアーティファクトを売って、信頼できる仲間を雇い Bandit の拠点を叩くべきなんだ。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_dialog_112">
        <text>Let's deal with this a bit later.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_dialog_12">
        <text>So, will you help us save Mitay? Torba still reckons we should give them an artifact as ransom. And I'm still insisting that we gotta attack the bandit base. We'd have to sell the artifact and hire some fighters to do that... We still haven't decided what to do.</text>
それで、Mitay を助けるのを手伝ってくれるのかい?Torba はまだアーティファクトを身代金として渡すべきだと考えている。俺はまだ Bandit の拠点を叩くべきだと主張している。俺達はアーティファクトを売って戦闘員を雇い、それを実行するだろう。でもまだ俺達は結論に至っていないんだ。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_dialog_13">
        <text>You ready? We'll give you the artifact to buy Mitay out with and we'll wait for you at the bar.</text>
準備できたか?Mitay を買う為のアーティファクトを渡そう。俺達はおまえを Bar で待ってるからな。
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_dialog_15">
        <text>You paid the bandits a visit yet?</text>
もう Bandit のところに行ったか?
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_dialog_151">
        <text>Not yet, I'm still getting ready.</text>
    <string id="jup_a12_stalkers_choose_dialog_152">
        <text>Yeah, but it hasn't come to much yet. I'll let you know when things become clearer.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_barmen_oasis_art_sell_0">
        <text>I was at the Oasis recently and I found an artifact there. You interested?</text>
俺は最近 Oasis に行って、そこでアーティファクトを見つけたんだ。興味あるかい?
    <string id="jup_a6_barmen_oasis_art_sell_1">
        <text>Hah, you don't expect me to believe that, do you? I've heard a lot about the Oasis but I've NEVER heard of anyone who has actually been there. No offense, but I won't be taking your word for it.</text>
ハッ!どうせ俺が信じるなんて思ってないんだろ?俺は Oasis についてのうわさを耳が腐るほど聞いてきたが、そこに実際に行ったなんて奴は一度も聞いたことがないね。悪く思うなよ。でもあんたの言葉を信じるなんてできないね。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_a9_sell_info_0">
        <text>I have documents from the Jupiter plant.</text>
Jupiter 工業地帯で発見した書類を持ってる。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_a9_sell_info_11">
        <text>Yeah, take them all.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_a9_sell_info_12">
        <text>Yeah, take the evacuation order.</text>
<!-- クエストアイテム名に合わせた これらのクエストアイテム名はEU版の原文でも st_items_quest.xml と統一されておらず原文自体に問題があった。現状では st_items_quest.xml との整合性を取ったので、これらのアイテム名は決して変更しない事-->
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_a9_sell_info_13">
        <text>Yeah, take the meeting minutes.</text>
<!-- クエストアイテム名に合わせた-->
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_a9_sell_info_14">
        <text>Yeah, take the delivery schedule.</text>
ああ、"#62 搬送に関する手紙"を持っていけ。
<!-- クエストアイテム名に合わせた-->
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_a9_sell_info_15">
        <text>Yeah, take the note from the repair workshop.</text>
<!-- クエストアイテム名に合わせた-->
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_a9_sell_info_16">
        <text>Maybe next time.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_stolen_items_0">
        <text>Who could have stolen things from a personal box?</text>
誰が俺のパーソナル BOX から盗んだんだ?
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_stolen_items_1">
        <text>Not my men, that's for sure. Could be someone from Freedom. If we had full control of Yanov things like that would never happen.</text>
わからないな。だが Freedom の誰かなのは確かだ。もし我々が Yanov を完全にコントロールしているならば、そんなことは絶対に起こらないだろう。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_0">
        <text>Tell me about Duty.</text>
Duty について話してくれ。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_1">
        <text>What exactly do you wanna know?</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_1111">
        <text>What is it that you do here?</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_11111">
        <text>Same thing we always do. Protecting stalkers from all kinds of vermin. You've seen how many mutants there are around here and these ain't the cute little puppies you get at the Cordon. For instance, I saw a chimera with my own eyes last night. It was getting dark, so we didn't chase it... Mutants ain't the only problem around here, either. We've also got to investigate and collect evidence from the abandoned laboratories before those Freedom morons get to them.</text>
同じことの繰り返しさ。害獣どもから Stalker を守っている。あんたはここいらにどれだけのミュータントがいるか目にしてきただろうし、それが Codon で捕まるようなかわいい子犬ちゃんじゃないこともわかるだろう。例えば、俺は昨晩この目で Chimera を見ちまったんだ。あたりも暗かったし、俺達は追わなかった・・・。あと、ここいらではミュータントだけが問題じゃない。遺棄された研究所を調査し、アホの Freedom どもが手に入れる前にそこから証拠を集めたりしている。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_1112">
        <text>What brought you to the center of the Zone?</text>
Zone の中心に向かった理由はなんだ?
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_11121">
        <text>Are you kidding me? And what brought you here? I'm gonna venture a wild guess and say we're here for the same reason. The center of the Zone has always been an unreachable objective, a place where we were hoping to get answers to all our questions. We wanted to find out how the Zone was created and how it can be destroyed. That's why as soon as we heard the rumor that the Brain Scorcher had been disabled, we made a move for the center.</text>
からかってんのか?お前はなぜここにいるんだ?勝手に推測するが、俺達は多分同じ理由でここにいる。 Zone の中心はいつも未踏の地であり続けているが、俺達はそこに到達すれば疑問が全て解決すると踏んでいる。俺達は、Zone がどうやって発生したのか、またどうやって Zone を破壊できるのかを見出したいんだ。Brain Scorcher が停止したという噂を聞いたとき、俺達が直ぐに Zone の中心に移動を始めたのはそれが理由だ。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_111211">
        <text>And what did you find out?</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_1112111">
        <text>Plenty, but that's confidential. All I can say is that there is more to the Zone that meets the eye. Some of our people believe that the Zone is a tumor that must be removed at any cost. Given what I've seen, I'm more inclined to believe that the Zone is a living organism and we are nothing more than bacteria that live inside. Even if we combined the military might of every country on the planet, we still couldn't destroy the Zone. That's why we have to be smarter than that: we have to find the reason for the Zone's existence and eliminate it.</text>
充分にだ。けどそれは秘密だ。俺が言えることは、Zoneには目に見える以上に何かあるってことだ。俺達の中には、Zoneはいかなる犠牲を払っても取り除かなければならない腫ようだと信じてる奴らもいる。俺の意見としては、Zone はそれ自体生きた有機体であり、俺達はその中ではバクテリア以上の存在ではないんじゃないかと思いつつある。たとえ俺達があらゆる国の軍勢力を結集しても、俺達はまだ、Zone 破壊できないだろう。それが俺達がより賢くなきゃいけない理由さ。俺達は Zone が存在する理由を突き止め、それを取り除かなきゃいけない。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_11121111">
        <text>What if you can't eliminate that reason?</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_111211111">
        <text>Well, if we can't then we'll have to think of something else, but there's still hope. We must do our duty and stay positive.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_1113">
        <text>How did you end up in Duty?</text>
Duty にいるきっかけは何だ?
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_11131">
        <text>That's a boring story and there's no heroism involved. As soon as the Zone appeared, Lenya, a friend of mine, decided to come here and check it out. I was a field officer at the time and Lenya was in the intelligence service. Now, we weren't suckers or anything, but we ended up in a real mess. We crawled for hours, wounded and bleeding, until finally Duty picked us up. I made it, Lenya didn't. I had no friends in the Zone, so I decided to stick around here, with Duty. Plus, I've had a thing against the Zone ever since.</text>
そいつは退屈な話になるし、英雄的なことなんてないぞ。Zone が現れた時、友人の Lenya が調査に向かうことを決めた。俺は当時将校で、Lenya は諜報部に所属していた。その俺達はガキじゃなかったが、それは大混乱に終わった。俺達は傷つき、出血しながら、何時間も這い回った、Duty が拾ってくれるまでな。俺だけが。そう Lanya は・・・。俺は Zone に友達はいない。だから Duty と共に、ここに留まることにしたんだ。あと、Zone に対して思い入れもあったしな。
<!--field officer = 左官(少佐~大佐の総称)で←自分で自分の身分を示すのに「左官」という単語は普通使わないので「将校」に変更-->
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_1114">
        <text>What's your relationship with Freedom like?</text>
Freedom との関係はどんな風だ?
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_11141">
        <text>Officially we're at war, but life in the center of the Zone has its own set of rules. There are few safe places here and neither Freedom nor Duty boast a lot of manpower. So what's the point of killing each other? That's why the unspoken rule is that we stay out of each other's way. This rule doesn't apply outside Yanov though: out there we're still at war and it's for real, too.</text>
公式的には、俺達は戦争中だ。でも Zone の中心では独自のルールがある。ここでは安全な場所が限られているし、Freedom にしても Duty にしても、人的資源が不足している。なのに殺しあうことに何の意味がある?ここで並存するのが暗黙のルールとなっているのはそれが理由だ。このルールは Yanov の外には適用されない。そこでは俺達はまだ戦争状態で、それが本来の姿さ。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_1115">
        <text>OK, forget about it.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_about_you_11151">
        <text>Oh... OK.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_0">
        <text>I wanted to talk about a member of Freedom called Flint.</text>
Freedom の Flint について聞きたいんだが。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_1">
        <text>I don't care about Freedom people as long as they stay away from us.</text>
Freedom の人間には興味が無い、ヤツらが俺達にちょっかいを出さない限りな。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_11">
        <text>Flint, also known as Magpie, set up stalker hunters at Zaton, took all their loot and made off with it.</text>
Flint・・・こいつは Magpie としても知られてるんだが、こいつが Zaton で Stalker をハメやがったんだ。持ち物を全て奪って。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_111">
        <text>So? That doesn't surprise me, 'cause Freedom is full of scum like that.</text>
だからなんだ?そんなことじゃ驚きもしない。Freedom の連中はそういうカスどもで溢れてるからな。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_1111">
        <text>There's something else: I met a stalker at the quarry. Before he died, he told me that Flint left him in an anomaly, took the loot and left.</text>
まだあるぞ。俺は採石場で一人の Stalker に会ったんだ。彼は死ぬ前に、Flint が彼をアノマリーに置き去りにしたと教えてくれた。物を奪ってな。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_11111">
        <text>Ah, see, that kind of shit stalkers don't forget... even in Freedom. Thanks for that information - we'll make sure it's put to good use.</text>
あぁ、なるほど。そんなクソ Stalker は記憶から消すべきじゃない。たとえ Freedom でも。情報を感謝する。俺達はこいつを正しく使わせてもらうぜ。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_1112">
        <text>I've got enough dirt on him. I mean, the jackass actually has the nerve to openly boast about doing things that I did.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_11121">
        <text>That'll deal a heavy blow to Freedom's reputation. Thanks for the information. We'll make sure it's put to good use.</text>
そいつは Freedom の評判を酷くぶっ壊すだろうな。情報をありがとう。俺達はこいつを正しく使わせてもらうぜ。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_13">
        <text>Never mind.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_131">
        <text>OK, it's your choice.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_hiding_place_0">
        <text>I have the PDA of your supply officer, Morgan.</text>
アンタの所の補給官の Morgan の PDA を持ってきた。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_hiding_place_11">
        <text>I agree.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_hiding_place_12">
        <text>I'll think about it.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_hiding_place_21">
        <text>I agree.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_hiding_place_2111">
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_hiding_place_3">
        <text>Let's have a look... So that bastard was doing business on the side and using our name as cover... If this comes out, our reputation will go straight down the toilet. How about I buy this PDA from you? I'll give you a good price. Will 4,000 do?</text>
見せてくれ。なるほど、このクソったれは俺達の名前を隠れ蓑にして商売してやがったのか・・・もしこれが漏れたら、俺たちの評判は便所の底に真っ逆さまだろうな。この PDA はどうやったら買える?4,000 でどうだ?
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_merc_pda_1">
        <text>That's a serious allegation. Show me the PDA.</text>
そいつは重大だな。その PDA を見せてくれ
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_merc_pda_11">
        <text>Here it is.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_merc_pda_111">
        <text>It's fair to say I had my own suspicions about him... Now we'll address them fully. Thank you, stalker! I hope nobody ever finds out about this conversation. I have a modest reward for you - you saved Duty's reputation, after all...</text>
正直言って、俺はヤツを疑っていたんだ。これから俺達は全力で対処するよ。ありがとう Stalker!俺はこの会話が誰にも漏れない事を祈ってるよ。きちんと対価を支払おう。あんたは Duty の評判を救ってくれたんだ。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_merc_pda_12">
        <text>I'll hold on to it for now.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_merc_pda_2">
        <text>Another one... Very interesting... I'll add it to the case file.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_merc_pda_21">
        <text>Here it is.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_merc_pda_211">
        <text>Thanks! Here's modest compensation for your efforts...</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b207_merc_pda_22">
        <text>Let me hold on to it as a keepsake.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_0">
        <text>I met a group of fighters that want to join Duty.</text>
Duty に参加したいってやつらに会ったんだが。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_1">
        <text>We're always looking for good men. They should pay me a visit and we'll talk.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_11">
        <text>There's one thing though... They're former Monolith fighters.</text>
いや、ちょっとやっかいな連中でな・・・彼らは以前 Monolith 兵だったんだ。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_111">
        <text>What do you mean "former" Monolith fighters? In my experience Monolith fighters fit into two categories: current and dead. I've never met any "former" ones.</text>
"以前"Monolith 兵だったってのはどういう意味だ?俺の経験では、Monolith 兵は二つに分類される。現役、もしくは死体だ。俺は"以前"のやつなんか会ったことねえぞ。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_1111">
        <text>It looks like they were under someone’s control - because they don’t remember what happened to them after they left for the CNPP. Now they’re not aggressive at all and they simply don't know what to do.</text>
どうやら彼らは誰かに操られていたようだ。何故なら彼らは CNPP を去ってから自分の身に何が起きたか全く覚えてなかった。今では彼らは大人しいし、単純に何をしたらいいか判らないみたいだった。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_11111">
        <text>Well, if they’re not aggressive that's a good thing... I mean, I’d find them something that's easy as pie to do and I’d make sure they’ve got their heads straight, too. I’m just not 100% sure about them at the moment... Can you vouch for them?</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_111111">
        <text>Yes. I trust them.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_1111111">
        <text>Hrm... Trouble is, I can’t trust you either... yet. Sorry.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_1111112">
        <text>OK, but remember that if they screw up, you'll answer for it. The fact is they won't make it to Yanov on their own. What you're gonna do is take my boys and lead them to the Monolith squad. They'll talk to them and if everything is cool, they'll be accepted into Duty. Tell me when you're ready to head out.</text>
OK。でも覚えておいてくれよ。彼らがヘマをやらかしたら、どういうことか説明してもらうからな。実のところ、Yanov に彼ら自身が立ち入ることは許されないだろう。あんたがやるべきことは、俺達の仲間をその Monolith 兵達のところに連れて行ってもらうことだ。彼らはそいつらと話し、もし全てがクールに運んだら、彼らは Duty への加入を許可するだろう。出向く準備が出来たら教えてくれ。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_111112">
        <text>No. I don’t trust them much.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_3">
        <text>We don't accept just anybody into our faction.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_redy_to_go_0">
        <text>I'm ready to lead your people to the Monolith squad.</text>
Monolith 兵達のところへ案内する準備ができた。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_redy_to_go_1">
        <text>Good. I'll send two people with you.</text>
よし、2 人あんたの所に寄越そう。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_redy_to_go_11">
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_redy_to_go_12">
        <text>Let's do it later, something's come up.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_redy_to_go_2">
        <text>Hold it! You do what you want, but I won't let my boys out to get hit by an emission.</text>
待て!お前は好きにしてかまわないが、俺の仲間を Emission の中に連れ出す事は御免だね。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_duty_founder_pda_0">
        <text>I found the Duty founder's PDA. You interested?</text>
Duty 創設者の PDA を見つけたんだ。興味あるかい?
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_duty_founder_pda_1">
        <text>Let's have a look... So that's how it went down... I don't think the others need to know this. It would be better if nobody ever sees this PDA again. Let the legend of Duty's creation stay as it is. Will you sell me this PDA?</text>
ちょっと見せてくれ。あぁ、そうだったのか・・・俺は他のやつにこいつを知らせるべきではないと思う。この PDA は二度と人目に触れないほうがいいだろう。Duty 創設の伝説を伝説のままにしておきたいんだ。この PDA を売ってくれるかい?
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_duty_founder_pda_11">
        <text>Take it.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_duty_founder_pda_111">
        <text>Thanks. Here's your reward.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_duty_founder_pda_12">
        <text>I'll consider your offer.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_duty_founder_sell_pda_0">
        <text>Take the Duty founder's PDA.</text>
Duty 創設者の PDA を持って行ってくれ。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_duty_founder_sell_pda_1">
        <text>Thank you! You have done me a big favor. Here's your reward.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_employ_stalkers_0">
        <text>I need fighters to work for the scientists. Can you help?</text>
Scientist のために働いてくれる者が必要なんだ。手を貸してくれるかい?
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_employ_stalkers_1">
        <text>We're always happy to help the scientists. What needs doing?</text>
俺達はいつもよろこんで Scientist に手を貸してるんだ。どんな用件だ?
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_employ_stalkers_11">
        <text>They're looking for people to protect their bunker.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_employ_stalkers_111">
        <text>Of course, I'll send some of my boys.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_employ_stalkers_121">
        <text>Of course, I'll send some of my boys.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_employ_stalkers_2">
        <text>I'd be happy to, but they're already employing Freedom. Sending our squad there would only intensify what is a pretty heated situation already.</text>
喜んで、と言いたいところだが、彼らはすでに Freedom を雇ってるようだ。俺達の部隊を送っても、緊張を高めるだけだろう。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_pripyat_group_0">
        <text>I'm planning to make for Pripyat. Will you give me a few fighters for this mission?</text>
俺は Prypyat に行こうと考えているんだが、何人か兵をよこしてくれないか?
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_pripyat_group_1">
        <text>We're short on manpower as it is! Talk to Strider - he doesn't feel at home in Duty by the looks of things, so maybe he'll find what he's looking for with you.</text>
俺達にはそんな事に人員を割く余裕は無い!Strider に話してくれ。奴を見るに、どうやら Duty を心地よい場所とは考えてないようだ。彼ならおまえと、彼の求める場所を見つけることができるだろう。
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_pripyat_group_2">
        <text>We're short on manpower as it is! I'm not sending anyone on a hopeless mission.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_start_dialog_11">
        <text>Talk quickly, leave even quicker. What do you want?</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_start_dialog_12">
        <text>I'm listening.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_duty_leader_start_dialog_13">
        <text>Glad to see you alive.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_a9_sell_info_0">
        <text>I have documents from the Jupiter plant.</text>
Jupiter 工業地帯で見つけた書類がある。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_a9_sell_info_1">
        <text>I doubt there's anything interesting there. The plant was looted even before the stalkers got there. Although... hrm, there's some decent info here. I'd like to show these to someone. Sell them to me, would you?</text>
興味を引くものがあるとは思えないな。あの工場は Stalker 達の手が入っているはずだからな。しかし・・・うーん、なかなか悪くない情報があるな。ちょっと誰かに見てもらいたい。売ってくれるかい?
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_a9_sell_info_11">
        <text>Yeah, take them all.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_a9_sell_info_12">
        <text>Yeah, take the evacuation order.</text>
<!-- クエストアイテム名に合わせた これらのクエストアイテム名はEU版の原文でも st_items_quest.xml と統一されておらず原文自体に問題があった。現状では st_items_quest.xml との整合性を取ったので、これらのアイテム名は決して変更しない事-->
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_a9_sell_info_13">
        <text>Yeah, take the meeting minutes.</text>
<!-- クエストアイテム名に合わせた-->
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_a9_sell_info_14">
        <text>Yeah, take the delivery schedule.</text>
ああ、"#62 搬送に関する手紙"を持っていけ。
<!-- クエストアイテム名に合わせた-->
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_a9_sell_info_15">
        <text>Yeah, take the note from the repair workshop.</text>
<!-- クエストアイテム名に合わせた-->
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_a9_sell_info_16">
        <text>Maybe next time.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_stolen_items_0">
        <text>Who could have stolen things from a personal box?</text>
どいつが俺のパーソナル BOX からモノを盗んだんだ?
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_stolen_items_1">
        <text>I ain't a guard and it ain't my job to watch your box! My boys didn't take it for sure - they know better than that.</text>
俺は警備員じゃないし俺の仕事はお前のパーソナル BOX を見守ることでもねぇ!俺の仲間はそんな事しないだろう。奴らは良く分かってるからな。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_0">
        <text>Tell me about Freedom.</text>
Freedom について教えてくれ。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_1">
        <text>It's a long story. What do you want to know?</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_1111">
        <text>What is it that you do here?</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_11111">
        <text>We're making sure that various officials don't conceal anything from the common folk. You know how it is: as soon as they find a new lab or some documents that shed light on the secrets of the Zone, they immediately organize a military operation and clean everything up better than a friggin' hoover. The only way of finding shit out is by getting there first.</text>
俺達は様々な政府機関が、一般人達から何も隠せないようにしているんだ。知ってるだろ?奴らが新しい研究所か Zone の秘密に迫る文書を発見したら、すぐに軍隊を使った作戦を展開してクソ掃除機よりもキレイに掃除しやがるんだ。そいつを防ぐにはそこに一番に到達するしかないのさ。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_1112">
        <text>What brought you to the center of the Zone?</text>
Zone の中心に来た理由はなんだ?
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_11121">
        <text>Well, the boys felt like taking a stroll in a new place. Just kidding. It's an opportunity to find stuff that the world ain't seen before. Neither the army nor stalkers have been here before, so there's something new everywhere you look.</text>
俺達は新天地をブラブラしたい気分だったのさ。って冗談だよ。今までに世界が見たこともないモノを発見する機会なんだ。Military も Stalker 達も以前はいなかった。だからそこらじゅうに何か新しいものがあったんだ。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_111211">
        <text>Did you find anything?</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_1112111">
        <text>A couple of locked doors and some weird new artifacts.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_1113">
        <text>How did you end up in Freedom?</text>
なんで Freedom にいるんだ?
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_11131">
        <text>Well, I was friends with Freedom leaders back when there was no Zone. Mind you, in those days they weren't leaders, they were regular hippies. So when I made a move into the Zone in search of artifacts and ran into familiar faces, I figured I might as well go with what I know.</text>
俺はまだ Zone が無かった頃、Freedom のリーダー達と親しかったんだ。いや、当時はリーダーなんていなくて、ただのよくいるヒッピーだったんだけどさ。そんで、アーティファクトを探そうと Zone にやって来た時、見たことある顔に出くわしたってわけだ。そこで俺は、知ってるやつについて行ったほうがいいと考えたんだ。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_1114">
        <text>What do you think about Duty?</text>
Duty についてどう思う?
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_11141">
        <text>They're idiots, that's what I think. I mean, why the hell would they want to destroy the Zone? It's not consuming precious resources or getting bigger... or anything. They could just sit there and study it to their heart's content - just think of how many scientific discoveries could be made... I mean, in the history of man-kind, no one has never been able to understand antigravitation, right? And in the Zone you've got ready-made antigravitation devices lying all over the place. It wouldn't hurt to kick their asses out of here, but it's too much hassle. By the way, don't be confused by our relations here at Yanov. We are at war... it's just that Yanov has been made neutral territory, if you know what I mean.</text>
やつらはバカ共だ、俺はそう考えてる。あのな、だれが Zone を壊してほしいなんて思ってんだ?貴重な資源を消費してるわけでもねえ、拡大し続けているわけでもない・・・。奴らもただ座って胸に手を当てて考えてみろってんだ。どんなに多くの科学的発見がもたらされるか・・・いいか、人類史上、誰も反重力なんて理解できたやつはいねえだろ?なのに Zone ではそこらじゅうに反重力装置が大量生産されてんだよ。ヤツらのケツを蹴って追い出しても痛くはないだろうが、クソうっとうしい事態になりそうだな。まあいい、Yanov での俺達の関係を混乱させないでくれよ。俺たちゃ戦争中なんだ。ここ Yanov が中立地帯だってだけだ。わかるだろ。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_1115">
        <text>OK, forget about it.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_about_you_11151">
        <text>No problem.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_0">
        <text>I wanted to talk to you about one of your stalkers.</text>
あんたのとこの Stalker の一人について話したいんだが
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_1">
        <text>Really? Go ahead. I hope you're not here to snitch on someone?</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_11">
        <text>Your stalker Flint is known at Zaton by the name of Magpie. Local stalker hunters are looking for him because he set them up and ran off with their loot.</text>
あんたのとこの Flint って Stalker は Zaton で Magpie って名乗ってる。あっちの Stalker 達はヤツにハメられてモノを盗まれたんで、ヤツを探してるんだ。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_111">
        <text>And you expect me to believe you?</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_1111">
        <text>Just listen to the stories he tells at the bar. First he swindled those stalkers and now he's lying to you lot.</text>
Bar でヤツの話を聞くだけで済むさ。まず、ヤツは Stalker 達をダマした。今はあんたに嘘をつきまくってる。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_11111">
        <text>OK, chill. I'll contact Beard and see what's what. If what you say checks out, we'll deal with Flint Freedom-style.</text>
オーケー。Beard に連絡してホントかどうか確かめてみるよ。もし確認が取れたら、俺達は Flint を処分しよう。Freedom スタイルでな。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_11121">
        <text>Hrm... I was wondering how he managed to get that artifact so quickly. I guess half of his story was complete bullshit. I'll speak to my boys. If what you said checks out, we'll deal with him Freedom-style.</text>
うーん・・・。俺はヤツがどうやってそんなに早くアーティファクトを手に入れているのか疑問だったんだ。俺はヤツの話の半分は完全なでたらめだと感じている。ちょっと仲間と話してみるよ。もしあんたの言うことが確認できたなら、俺達は Flint を処分しよう。Freedom スタイルでな。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_13">
        <text>Never mind.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b106_info_about_soroka_131">
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b207_hiding_place_11">
        <text>I agree.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b207_hiding_place_12">
        <text>I'll think about it.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b207_hiding_place_21">
        <text>Take it.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b207_hiding_place_2111">
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_0">
        <text>I met a group of fighters that want to join Freedom.</text>
Freedom に参加したいって連中に会ったんだが。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_1">
        <text>Well, we’re always open to good people. They’re welcome to join if they’re up for it.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_11">
        <text>There’s a small problem - they’re former Monolith fighters.</text>
ちょっとした問題があってな。彼らは以前 Monolith 兵だったんだ。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_111">
        <text>A "small" problem? I prefer to see Monolith fighters through my scope. Anything else is out of the question.</text>
”ちょっとした”問題だって?俺はスコープ越しに Monolith 兵を見るのは好きだが、他は問題外だぜ。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_1111">
        <text>These ones are peaceful. It looks like they were under someone’s control - because they don’t remember what happened to them after they left for the CNPP. They simply don't know what to do now.</text>
いや、連中は大人しいんだ。誰かに操られていたようだ。CNPP を後にしてから、自分の身に何が起きたのか思い出せないようだったから。彼らは単純に、今何をしたらいいか分からないみたいだ。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_11111">
        <text>Sorry, but I'm still skeptical. What if you're lying to me on purpose?</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_11112">
        <text>Well, maybe it wouldn't hurt to talk to them and find out what's what. I’ll send a couple of my boys with you. They’ll have a chat and we’ll accept your Monolith fighters into Freedom if it works out.</text>
まあ、話すだけなら害はないだろうし、事の真相を確かめてやるか。俺達の仲間を2、3人連れていってくれ。おしゃべりしてみて、うまく行くようだったらあんたの言う Monolith の兵隊さんを Freedom に入れてやろう。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_3">
        <text>How about you piss off? I can't believe you're suggesting that we accept all kinds of scum into Freedom.</text>
ナメてんのか?俺達がどんなカス野郎でも Freedom に受け入れると思ってんのか。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_redy_to_go_0">
        <text>I'm here about accepting that Monolith squad into Freedom.</text>
Monolith 兵を Freedom に入れてもらうために来た。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_redy_to_go_1">
        <text>My men are ready to go.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_redy_to_go_11">
        <text>OK, have them follow me.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_redy_to_go_12">
        <text>A bit later.</text>
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_redy_to_go_2">
        <text>Let's wait a bit. Emissions ain't healthy.</text>
少し待ちな。Emission は不健康だぜ。
    <string id="jup_a6_freedom_leader_duty_founder_pda_0">
        <text>I found the Duty founder's PDA. You interested?</text>
Duty 創設者の PDA を見つけたんだ。興味あるかい?


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