J-CAD study


勉強不足でした・・・J-CAD study  ( Japanese Coronary Artery Disease study ) というのがあるのですね~



J-CAD Study (日本の虚血性心疾患における多施設大規模前向きコホート研究)

Design and rationale of the Japanese Coronary Artery Disease (JCAD) Study: a large-scale, multicentered prospective cohort study.

Current status of the background of patients with coronary artery disease in Japan.

Pleiotropic effects of statins on cardiovascular events in the Japanese Coronary Artery Disease study.

Effects of Medication on Cardiovascular Events in the Japanese Coronary Artery Disease (JCAD) Study

Comparison of cardiovascular events in patients with angiographically documented coronary narrowing with combined renin-angiotensin system inhibitor plus statin versus renin-angiotensin system inhibitor alone versus statin alone (from the Japanese Coronary Artery Disease Study)

Demographics and Changes in Medical/Interventional Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease Patients Over a 3.5-Year Period in Japan

Elevated Serum C-Reactive Protein Levels Predict Cardiovascular Events in the Japanese Coronary Artery Disease (JCAD) Study





「J-CAD studyからみた虚血性心疾患の二次予防」

東京大学大学院医学系研究科 22世紀医療センター健康医科学創造講座 准教授 林 同文 先生 の解説もあります!



知恩院横の紅葉 ♪   

 久しぶりに紅色 ♪  

青蓮院門跡のもみじの錦 ♪ 


嘯月の上生は、やっぱり美味しい ~♪ 


最終更新:2010年01月14日 16:35