
Economics」(2007/10/30 (火) 10:28:10) の最新版変更点



[1. Economic Growth] -Health/Mortality --HIV/AIDS --Malaria -Fertility -Demographic Transition [2. Inequality] [3. Definition of Development] [4. Market Failure] *[1. Economic Growth and Fertility/Health/Demographic Transition] **Fertility -Mechanism --Lowering fertility, more resource is distributed into each child ---Human Capital ---Nutrition --Lowering fertility, total size of population decreases ---Pessimism: Malthus, Ehrlich ---Optimism: Kuznets,Simon ---Neutralism: Bloom and Freeman --Lowering fertility, child and maternal health status is improved ---Reduce high order birth ---Reduce too young and old birth ---More spacing ---Prevent unsafe abortion ---Explain Bleakley story, and relate this to human capital accumulation --With mortality decline, country enjoys benefit from demographic dividend **Mortality/Health -Mechanism --Healthy people are more productive --Living longer, people save more. So increase investment. --Living longer, people invest human capital more --Decreasing mortality rate, total population is increased --Healthy country attracts more FDI --With fertility decline, country benefits from demographic dividend -Empirical Evidence --Macro Level ---Bloom, Canning, Sevilla ---Acemoglu and Johnson ---Pritchett and Summers ---Weil --Micro Level ---Schultz ---Strauss ---Bleakley(Malaria):Early child insult ---Weil and others(Malaria):non or negative impact in the first 30 years, 3% in long run. ---Young(HIV/AIDS) ---Bloom, Mahal(HIV/AIDS) **Population neutralist -Bloom and Freeman(1996)(Bloom and Freeman(1998):Fertility Increase and Mortality Decline have different effect) *[2.Poverty Reduction/Inequality and XXX] **Mortality --Kawachi --Preston Curve --Deaton *[3. Definition of Development] Bob Lucas: Development as Economic Growth Human Development Index: Income, Education, and Health Human Poverty Index: Amartya Sen: Development as Freedom *[Market Failure] -Public goods -Externalities -Information Asymmetries --Adverse Selection --Moral Hazard -Inequality of initial resource distribution
[1. Economic Growth] -Health/Mortality --HIV/AIDS --Malaria -Fertility -Demographic Transition [2. Inequality] [3. Definition of Development] [4. Market Failure] *[1. Economic Growth and Fertility/Health/Demographic Transition] **Fertility -Mechanism --Lowering fertility, more resource is distributed into each child ---Human Capital ---Nutrition --Lowering fertility, total size of population decreases ---Pessimism: Malthus, Ehrlich ---Optimism: Kuznets,Simon ---Neutralism: Bloom and Freeman --Lowering fertility, child and maternal health status is improved ---Reduce high order birth ---Reduce too young and old birth ---More spacing ---Prevent unsafe abortion ---Explain Bleakley story, and relate this to human capital accumulation --With mortality decline, country enjoys benefit from demographic dividend **Mortality/Health -Mechanism --Healthy people are more productive --Living longer, people save more. So increase investment. --Living longer, people invest human capital more --Decreasing mortality rate, total population is increased --Healthy country attracts more FDI --With fertility decline, country benefits from demographic dividend -Empirical Evidence --Macro Level ---Bloom, Canning, Sevilla ---Acemoglu and Johnson ---Pritchett and Summers ---Weil --Micro Level ---Schultz ---Strauss ---Bleakley(Malaria):Early child insult ---Weil and others(Malaria):non or negative impact in the first 30 years, 3% in long run. ---Young(HIV/AIDS) ---Bloom, Mahal(HIV/AIDS) # Merson et. al.'s textbook Chapter 13 provides good review **Population neutralist -Bloom and Freeman(1996)(Bloom and Freeman(1998):Fertility Increase and Mortality Decline have different effect) *[2.Poverty Reduction/Inequality and XXX] **Mortality --Kawachi --Preston Curve --Deaton *[3. Definition of Development] Bob Lucas: Development as Economic Growth Human Development Index: Income, Education, and Health Human Poverty Index: Amartya Sen: Development as Freedom *[Market Failure] -Public goods -Externalities -Information Asymmetries --Adverse Selection --Moral Hazard -Inequality of initial resource distribution

