「Global and Domestic Health Law」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Global and Domestic Health Law」(2011/08/11 (木) 19:49:07) の最新版変更点



**1. Journal -[[European Journal of Health Law>http://brill.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/mnp/ejhl]] -[[Journal of Environmental Law>http://jel.oxfordjournals.org.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/]] **2. Health and Environmental Law Researcher -Harvard --Michelle Mello --[[Martha Field>http://www.law.harvard.edu/faculty/directory/index.html?id=19]] --Jody Freeman --David Studdert --Matthew Stephenson --Cass Sunstein --Mark Ramseyer --Elizabeth Warren --Einer Elhauge --William Fisher -Chicago --Anup Malani -Upenn --Matthew D. Adler --Anita Allen-Castellitto --Eric A. Feldman --Kristin Madison --Stephen J. Morse --Theodore Ruger --Catherine T. Struve --Amy L. Wax -Vanderbilt --Kip Viscusi --Joni Hersch --Kathryn Anderson --James Blumstein -Boston University --George J. Annas -Boston College --Dean Hashimoto -Georgetown --Kathy Zeiler -Duke --Jonathan Wiener -Oxford --Liz Fisher ** 3. Regulation of Health Insurance -HMO -ERISA Preemption -Health Insurance Reform and Comparative Health System ** 4. Public Health Law -[[Law and Public Health in CDC>http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/su5502a11.htm]] **5. Criminal Law in Medical Malpractice --[[イギリスの医療過誤刑事訴訟統計>http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1472712]] --[[US. vs Wood>http://ca10.washburnlaw.edu/cases/2000/03/99-7008.htm]](アメリカの医療過誤刑事訴訟の先駆的判例) --[[State Law Summary of Medical Malpractice>http://injury.findlaw.com/medical-malpractice/state-medical-malpractice-and-reform.html]] **6. Constitution and Right to Health -世界の成文憲法の中で最も制定が早いのは1787年のアメリカ合衆国憲法である。つづいてノルウェー、ベルギー、ルクセンブルクとなり、1946年制定の日本は14番目らしい -[[Constitution of Soviet Union>http://www.answers.com/topic/constitution-of-the-soviet-union]] **7. List of Regulatory Agencies -USA --OIRA, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs --EPA, Environmental Protection Agency --OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration --FDA, Food and Drug Administration --DOT, Department of Transportation --USDA, United States Department of Agriculture -UK --National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence --Health Protection Agency --Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency --Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs **8. Federal Tort Claim Law --[[§ 1346. United States as defendant of 1964>http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode28/usc_sec_28_00001346----000-.html]] --[[§ 2680 Exceptions. >http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/28/usc_sec_28_00002680----000-.html]] --FDA Preemption: In Riegel v. Medtronic Inc.,the court held that the preemption clause in the 1976 Medical Device Amendments, 21 U.S.C. § 360k, barred an injured plaintiff’s state law tort and warranty claims suit challenging a medical device’s safety and effectiveness, which the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) had given premarket approval. **9. Four General Types of Federal Law -Constitutional Law --The U.S. Constitution and its amendments as interpreted by the Courts -Statutory Law --Legislative enactments such as U.S. public and private laws -Administrative Law --Executive promulgations such as executive orders and agency regulations, interpretations, orders, etc. -Case Law --Opinions of the U.S. courts concerning the law and the precedents they set
**1. Journal -[[European Journal of Health Law>http://brill.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/mnp/ejhl]] -[[Journal of Environmental Law>http://jel.oxfordjournals.org.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/]] **2. Health and Environmental Law Researcher -Harvard --Michelle Mello --[[Martha Field>http://www.law.harvard.edu/faculty/directory/index.html?id=19]] --Jody Freeman --David Studdert --Matthew Stephenson --Cass Sunstein --Mark Ramseyer --Elizabeth Warren --Einer Elhauge --William Fisher -Chicago --Anup Malani -Upenn --Matthew D. Adler --Anita Allen-Castellitto --Eric A. Feldman --Kristin Madison --Stephen J. Morse --Theodore Ruger --Catherine T. Struve --Amy L. Wax -Vanderbilt --Kip Viscusi --Joni Hersch --Kathryn Anderson --James Blumstein -Boston University --George J. Annas -Boston College --Dean Hashimoto -Georgetown --Kathy Zeiler -Duke --Jonathan Wiener -Oxford --Liz Fisher ** 3. Regulation of Health Insurance -HMO -ERISA Preemption -Health Insurance Reform and Comparative Health System ** 4. Public Health Law -[[Law and Public Health in CDC>http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/su5502a11.htm]] **5. Criminal Law in Medical Malpractice --[[イギリスの医療過誤刑事訴訟統計>http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1472712]] --[[US. vs Wood>http://ca10.washburnlaw.edu/cases/2000/03/99-7008.htm]](アメリカの医療過誤刑事訴訟の先駆的判例) --[[State Law Summary of Medical Malpractice>http://injury.findlaw.com/medical-malpractice/state-medical-malpractice-and-reform.html]] **6. Constitution and Right to Health -世界の成文憲法の中で最も制定が早いのは1787年のアメリカ合衆国憲法である。つづいてノルウェー、ベルギー、ルクセンブルクとなり、1946年制定の日本は14番目らしい -[[Constitution of Soviet Union>http://www.answers.com/topic/constitution-of-the-soviet-union]] **7. List of Regulatory Agencies -USA --OIRA, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs --EPA, Environmental Protection Agency --OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration --FDA, Food and Drug Administration --DOT, Department of Transportation --USDA, United States Department of Agriculture -UK --National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence --Health Protection Agency --Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency --Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs **8. Federal Tort Claim Law --[[§ 1346. United States as defendant of 1964>http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode28/usc_sec_28_00001346----000-.html]] --[[§ 2680 Exceptions. >http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/28/usc_sec_28_00002680----000-.html]] --FDA Preemption: In Riegel v. Medtronic Inc.,the court held that the preemption clause in the 1976 Medical Device Amendments, 21 U.S.C. § 360k, barred an injured plaintiff’s state law tort and warranty claims suit challenging a medical device’s safety and effectiveness, which the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) had given premarket approval. **9. Four General Types of Federal Law -Constitutional Law --The U.S. Constitution and its amendments as interpreted by the Courts -Statutory Law --Legislative enactments such as U.S. public and private laws -Administrative Law --Executive promulgations such as executive orders and agency regulations, interpretations, orders, etc. -Case Law --Opinions of the U.S. courts concerning the law and the precedents they set *Other Study Guides -[[Gary Becker's Price Theory/ゲイリー・ベッカー流価格理論>http://www21.atwiki.jp/muppy/pages/14.html]] -[[Health Risk Decision Analysis/健康リスク意思決定分析>http://www21.atwiki.jp/muppy/pages/17.html]] -[[Health Economics in the U.S and Europe/アメリカとヨーロッパの医療経済学>http://www21.atwiki.jp/muppy/pages/15.html]] -[[Health Economics in Japan and Asian Countries/日本とアジアの医療経済学>http://www21.atwiki.jp/muppy/pages/25.html]] -[[Demography/人口学>http://www21.atwiki.jp/muppy/pages/30.html]] -[[Global Health/グローバル・ヘルス>http://www21.atwiki.jp/muppy/pages/5.html]] -[[Environmental Economics/アメリカの環境経済学>http://www21.atwiki.jp/muppy/pages/29.html]] -[[Law and Economics/法と経済学>http://www21.atwiki.jp/muppy/pages/16.html]] -[[Empirical Microeconomics/実証ミクロ経済学>http://www21.atwiki.jp/muppy/pages/24.html]] -[[Social Insurance/社会保険>http://www21.atwiki.jp/muppy/pages/27.html]] -[[Financial, Health, and Consumer Literacy/金融・健康・消費者リタラシー>http://www21.atwiki.jp/muppy/pages/22.html]]

