
Colonel Drucker: Sir, AFO Wolfpack is reporting 100% of targets destroyed.
サー、AFO Wolfpack が目標を100%破壊したと報告してきています。

Colonel Drucker: AFO Neptune is still racking and stacking targets on the southern end of "The Whale."
AFO Neptune は "The Whale" の南端にてまだ目標の無力化を続けています。

General Flagg: Did I not tell you to send in the ground pounders? What's happening with those infantry units?
私は君に地上を破壊する人間を送るようにと言ったかね? 歩兵部隊は何をやっている?

Colonel Drucker: I am waiting on birds to send in those troops, sir. We won't have the last of them until 08:00 hours.

General Flagg: And what untill then?

Colonel Drucker: We're inserting the Afghans into the fight right now, sir. We are calling them Task Force Rebel.

General Flagg: Well, we appreciate the Afghans' desire to contribute, but you have two battalions of men ready to bring the hurt. Let's get them into the fight.

Colonel Drucker: Sir, the ANA are very capable. They know the terrain, the enemy's, C-2 locations and TF Rebel's being led by our Special Forces best N.C.O.s.

General Flagg: Roger that. But when can we get the rest of our boys in there?

Colonel Drucker: Once the Chinooks are fueled and loaded, we'll be ready to go, sir.
チヌークが燃料と弾薬を積んだら、我々は出撃準備完了です サー。

Colonel Drucker: What just happended?

Bagram Operator: Sir, we lost the feeds from Reaper 31. Our AC-130 Gunship on station.
サー、Reaper 31 の情報供給が切れました。基地にいるAC-130 ガンシップです。

Reaper 31: Bagram, Reaper 31. We're back online.
Bagram、Reaper 31 だ。オンラインが復旧した。

Colonel Drucker: Are those vehicles ours? Reaper 31, do you have eyes on that convoy of vehicles in grid 160959?
これらの車両は我々のものか? Reaper 31、グリッド160959で護衛車両を確認できるか?

Reaper 31: Yessir.

Colonel Drucker: Friendlies?

Reaper 31: They are not responding to our glint, sir. Synchronizing weapons with our FLIR.

General Flagg: Well, we've had reports of enemy ambushes in the area, are they enemy or friendly?

Reaper 31: Not sure, sir.

General Flagg: And they're non-responsive to our glint, confirm?

Reaper 31: Negative. No glint.

Colonel Drucker: Are you registering weapons?

Reaper 31: Affirmative, sir.

General Flagg: Well then, that's a high threat area, with unidentified vehicles registering weapons.

Colonel Drucker: Sir, we don't have postitive ID on those vehicles.

General Flagg: Reaper 31, you are cleared hot on those vehicles.
Reaper 31、当該車両への射撃を許可する。

Colt 01: Bagram, this is Colt 01, we seem to be taking some fire. Do you have eyes on your grid?
Bagram、こちら Colt 01、我々は軽微な攻撃を受けていると思われる。そちらのグリッドで確認できるか?

Colt 01: Incoming! Incoming! Bagram, we have been engaged! Request immediate assistance in grid 160959
来た! 来やがった! Bagram、交戦した! グリッド160959へ至急支援を要請する

Panther: Jesus Christ! Cease fire! Cease fire! Those are friendlies!
何てこった! 撃つな! 撃ち方やめ! あれは味方だ!

Reaper 31: Who is this?

Panther: This is Panther! You are engaging TF Rebel's convoy!
こちら Panther! そちらが攻撃しているのは反抗TFの護衛車両だ!

Colonel Drucker: Cease fire! Cease fire! Fuck!
撃ち方やめ! 撃ち方やめ! クソッタレ!

Colt 01: Shit! We've got casualties! Move them away from that vehicle... Get out of the way!
クソッ! 死傷者が出た! 車両から遠くに移動させろ…。道を開けるんだ!

Soldier: The Afgans are bugging out, sir!

Colt 01: What? Where are they going?
何だと? どこに行く気だ?

Soldier: Shit

Colt 01: Anderson, Williams, get in the truck and bring them back!

Colonel Drucker: Sir, we've lost Task Force Rebel. They're heading back to Gardez.

General Flagg: The Afghans don't make or break this, Drucker. Send the Rangers into the valley. With the AFO teams having destroyed the targets, there'll be hardly any resistance.
アフガン人共ではこの作戦は出来ないし、達成できないだろ Drucker。渓谷にレンジャーを投入しろ。AFOチームが目標を破壊したのなら、抵抗を受けることはほとんどないだろう。

Colonel Drucker: Sir, AFO teams can continue calling in airstrikes.

General Flagg: Send in the Rangers. Are we clear?

Colonel Drucker: Lima charlie, sir.

Colonel Drucker: Fuck!

(Colonel Drucker: Send in the Rangers.)


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