Extras > Bonus Videos字幕和訳

Extras/Bonus Videos字幕和訳

Bonus Videos - Visual Concepts

  • MOHA_Bonus_VisDev
空挺隊のビジュアル開発   ハスキー作戦 シチリア・ゲラ   アバランチ作戦 シチリア・パエストゥム   ネプチューン作戦 フランス・ノルマンディー   マーケット・ガーデン作戦 オランダ・ナイメーヘン   バーシティー作戦 ドイツ・ウェーゼル   高射砲塔 ドイツ・ウェーゼル

Bonus Videos - Building a Cinematic

  • MOHA_Bonus_IGC
BUILDING A CINEMATIC   This is the movie set for Medal of Honor Airborne. In Airborne, cinematics are all about keeping the player immersed in the game universe. This is PFC Rossum and CPL Towne and their story begins here; the mission script, which is the jump point for the storyboarding process where the cinematics start to come to life. The story unfolds in the actual game-play space which is co-inhabited by the player, the AI and the cinematic characters. The space is designed with cover placement, navigation paths, and player and camera positioning. For believable character performances, PFC Rossum and CPL Towne were motion captured at EA’s Reality Capture Studio. The body and facial motion data is processed and visualized in Maya while environments, lighting, and visual and audio fx are all integrated in the Unreal Editor. In Medal of Honor Airborne you don’t fade to black before playing a cinematic. You, the player, stay in the game from air drop to victory.
ムービーの開発   これはMedal of Honor: Airborneで使われているムービーの舞台セットです。Airborneのムービーはどれも魅力的であり、プレイヤーをゲームの世界の中に引き込みます。この2人はロッサム上等兵とタウン伍長で、彼らのストーリーはここから幕を開けます。このミッションスクリプトは、ムービーを動かす台本を制作する過程で非常に重要となります。ストーリーはプレイヤー、AI、そしてムービー内のキャラクターが共存する、実際にゲームをプレイする空間から展開します。その空間は遮蔽物や進行ルート、さらにプレイヤーとカメラの位置によって設計されています。また、キャラクターの動作を現実的にするために、ロッサム上等兵とタウン伍長はEAのリアリティ・キャプチャー・スタジオで動作をキャプチャーしました。体と顔のモーションデータはMayaで処理して視覚化し、ライティング、視覚、オーディオFXはアンリアル・エディターにまとめます。また、Medal of Honor: Airborneではムービーを再生する前に黒く暗転することがありません。あなた、プレイヤーは空からの降下から勝利までゲームに浸ることができます。

Bonus Videos - Designing the Air Drop

  • MOHA_Bonus_Drop0
DESIGNING THE AIRDROP When I first heard about making a game about Airborne, I honestly thought there’s no way this is ever going to work. And then we started to really look into the idea of what it meant to jump out of an airplane. And kind of through a lot of prototyping, a lot of working in the editor, various editors, we kind of came upon the solution that, hey you know what, starting anywhere in an FPS is something that has never been done before.

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So I think that this is something that everybody who’s been designing MOH games and playing MOH games for the last couple of years, is I think in a natural progression, it’s gotten to the point where the game’s gotten so refined and so almost like a theme park ride, where everyone had the same experience, it no longer became a game. The most important thing for me as a player is reading the encounter from above.

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You know, it’s very overwhelming when you get pushed out of the plane or when you jump out of the plane and you look down and you see this entire level beneath you and you say, where do I go? As we started prototyping different forms of drop zones, we started with little pocket encounters that were scattered around the map. You can’t have a completely open space and expect the player to have fun.

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When you landed in a dead spot, you found yourself hiking a ways to get somewhere. So that evolved into a more hub and sector form of level design that it’s very apparent to the player when he’s in the parachute coming down. You can look around the map and you can see distinct zones and areas and battle lines. And from there you can make educated choices about how you want to land and how you want to engage.

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As a gamer, you know, we want the game to tell us where we’re supposed to go but we also want the freedom to go wherever we want. So we realized from early on that we had to read the map from above, we had to be able to see where the safe areas were. You can see the battles you can see the explosions you can see the tracers on the way down.

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So if you look from your parachute, you can see strong sectored engagements throughout the map. And you’re like, okay, I’m not going to land in the middle of this because I’m just not in the mood to deal with that right now. And I’m going to land up on this high pedestal and pick off enemies from that point because I can see that high pedestal is there I can see it’s near a good fight and I can take advantage of that. And that’s what we do so the map should read.

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The first time we actually started landing on rooftops and taking out guys from above. And really using the verticality of the space, that’s when I was like okay we kind of hit upon something here. This is going to be something special, something fun to work on. And as soon as we got to that point, it was like OK, let’s make this great. You know, I think we talked originally like, well, we’ll put little wind zone volumes or whatever all over all the roofs; we can’t let the player land on everything.

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Then we realized, you know what? It’s open. The player’s going to land on everything. We just need to constrain him in the entire battle zone. But inside there, everything’s game, all right. On your way down, you know, as you get faster as you’re going down, it gets more and more difficult to find that pinpoint spot to hit. The important thing, and the real task for the designer here, is to provide a lot of meaningful places for the player to land all around the environment.

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And then hopefully there’s enough authoring in the environment, enough interest to the environment that the player will come up with his own interesting landing positions and his own interesting sort of assaults on certain attacks. The drop allows the player to do a lot of things that in replay, is just going to be a lot of fun.

Bonus Videos - The Affordance Engine

  • MOHA_Bonus_Affordance0
THE AFFORDANCE ENGINE   Well I don’t think we fully appreciated what impact the drop was going to have. So once we sorted that out, once we realized that we needed to have these open environments the player could move around in, we could start standing up technology to solve that problem.
アフォーダンスエンジン   さて私は、我々がこの降下システムの採用でどのような評価を与えられるのか、完全には理解できていない、と考えています。一度我々はそれらを整理し、プレイヤーが自由に歩き回れるような環境を作った上での再考が必要であると考え、そこから技術的観点においての問題解決を思い立ちました。

  • MOHA_Bonus_Affordance1
We sort of had this legacy AI system from older games in place which seemed like it could handle lots of different situations. But as it turns out, we started trying to do these dynamic open world encounters and it became apparent really early on that we needed some sort of system to handle all these different entry points into|our encounters. So that’s really when it started.

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And Affordance basically is an attractive place to be when you’re getting shot at or if you have to shoot at someone else. In a combat space it’s cover, it could be a tree, it could be a bunker. It’s basically just where you want to put yourself in order to give yourself an advantage over your enemy. So we had to throw out all of our bags of tricks.

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We couldn’t use triggers, couldn’t use monster closets. Because we didn’t know where the player was going to come from. So instead we just encode this information in the environment. So that the AI knows what cover is good, where to position themselves if the player attacks from a particular direction. Then the designers got used to just throwing AI in and seeing what they could do.

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Not only now are they knowing where to defend, they also know how to attack. They also know how to flank, all these things that are built into the volumes, built into the environment now that they have access to. On a moment to moment basis, they’re always trying to find somewhere that they can be safe and somewhere that they could potentially pop out and shoot at their enemies.

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The enemy NPCs, the enemy soldiers, coordinate by leveraging the affordances in the environment to try to flank or put pressure on top of the player. By the same token though, if the player starts to succeed, he can push the Axis back, cause the Axis to retreat again through affordance and falling back to better territory. This does two really cool things, one, makes the player feel like a complete bad ass, because he’s just mowing down NPCs and claiming territory for his Allies.

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And by the same token,|having the Allies advance, leads the player through what otherwise|would be a fairly open and confusing environment. More of the time is sort of front loaded in planning your encounter and planning the configuration of your affordance network so that the fight can play out the way that you want it even if the player comes from all these different directions.

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So there’s more planning|and there’s more initial set up involved, but after that, you kind of don’t want to do the fine tuning because you want it to play differently every time. We pulled off a lot of really cool environments|for a first person shooter in this game with this technology. We had narrow interiors and corridors, exteriors, vertical spaces. I don’t think we’ve even scratched the surface of what this thing’s capable of. And I can’t wait to see what we pull off in the future.

Bonus Videos - Bulding a Killer Mission

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BUILDING A KILLER MISSION   Anthony Schmill found a picture of this monumental, gothic looking shape and we didn’t know what it was and so when we did more research on it we realized oh my God this is a lasting, real Nazi building that we could use in the game. It represented the pinnacle of our vertical game play that we were trying to get.

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The one we have in the game’s got these giant twin 128 cannons on the top, four of them. It’s got a crane on the top to move the barrels and change the barrels out. And underneath that there’s this whole ring another defensive layer of these flak guns. This was an amazingly – you wanted to avoid this if you were flying over top of this because it would wipe you out.

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One of the key things on this building, you’ll see on the inside, is this thing was really like this giant auto cannon where it’s got these giant conveyors that move these bullets these huge bullets up and towards the top to re-feed these guns that were automatically firing. We tried to take this kind of holistic approach. It’s almost like this cement Nazi giant up there on the top.

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So it’s this living breathing thing. So the top of it we looked very much a functional defense mechanism where it was firing; anything that gets in the center, it will take out. But inside of that is kind of the heart beat of the thing where you would have again the munitions feeding up into the defensive mechanism. You would have the water and power, you would have the generators in there, you would have— it’s almost like a little city built inside a concrete, giant concrete structure.

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The top basically houses the main weapons, the twin 128s. And the shells for those weapons and that was the main defensive area. You know two layers on the top of that. When you get down a little bit deeper, we were thinking of more of the brains of the thing. Where you see a little more of an orchestration of how they basically got all the guns fed the munitions that had going in there.

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When you go down a little deeper, you’ll find that there’s this giant conveyor going on. The central core of that is this wonderful hub that you see of motion that the thing’s all designed around supporting, making sure that that gun doesn’t jam. And that’s what a lot of the central area of this large; large multi-tiered section is about is making sure that that gets there.

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The bottom, or the lower area near the ground floor is more about bringing in munitions that they’re going to move up to the top and storing them. When we get below that you start getting into the waterworks area and you get more into the generation and air filtration, which is all important components to keeping this thing viable, living and breathing.

Bonus Videos - Final Fkight: C47 Audio

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Good morning! This is a C-47 that actually flew in D-Day. And we are here in Hondo, Texas to capture the audio. It’s about seven am, got the mics laid out, batteries recording here; just waiting for the pilot and the mechanic to get this thing going.   FINAL FLIGHT: C47 AUDIO   This is a Douglas C-47A that was built in Oklahoma City. It flew to Normandy, it flew Operation Market Garden, it flew the re-supply mission in the Battle of the Bulge,
おはようございます! これはD-デイで実際に飛行したC-47です。私達はこれの音源を取るためにここ、テキサス州ホンドまでやってきました。今は朝の7時ぐらいですが、マイクの準備も完了し、記録用バッテリーもここにあります。あとはパイロットと整備士が来るのを待つだけです。   最後の飛行: C-47のオーディオ   これはオクラホマシティで製造されたダグラス C-47Aです。この機体はノルマンディー、他にもマーケット・ガーデン作戦、物資補給任務でバルジの戦い、

  • MOHA_C47_Unlockable1
and it flew the largest Airborne operation in the Second World War, the Operation Varsity jump across the Rhine River in March 1945. The purpose of today’s operation is to collect audio reference on the C-47. This is probably the most combat experienced C-47 artifact from the Second World War and it’s going to be a featured star in Medal of Honor Airborne.
そして、第二次世界大戦で最大規模の空挺作戦である、1945年3月のバーシティー作戦ではライン川をまたいで飛行しています。おそらくこの機体は第二次世界大戦で最も戦闘経験が豊富な機体であり、そしてこれはMedal of Honor: Airborneの花形となるでしょう。

  • MOHA_C47_Unlockable2
Alright now. Medal of Honor Airborne, and the team that’s supporting the game, has done something that nobody else can do; and that is they just took a hop in o-nine-six, one of the last few remaining air-worthy C-47s in the world today. In fact, the most significant C-47 artifact of them all. The Medal of Honor team got tons of video reference and then, importantly, great audio reference, digital audio reference that’s really going to enhance Medal of Honor Airborne and make it the best looking and best sounding game of them all.
そうです。Medal of Honor: Airborneとゲームの開発チームは他の誰にもできないことをしました。現在も飛行可能なC-47としては数少ない生き残りであり、そのC-47の中でも最も貢献したこの096号機に飛び乗ったのです。事実上、製造された中で最も重要なC-47航空機。Medal of Honorチームはこの豊富な映像資料、さらに素晴らしい音源資料、電子音源はMedal of Honor: Airborneの完成度を高め、最も美しく、そしてすべてゲームで最も素晴らしい音を響かせることでしょう。

Bonus Videos - Weapons Audio

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WEAPONS AUDIO   One of the most surprising things about conducting a weapon shoot is how much planning is involved to actually carry it off. That probably spent as many days of deciding what the mic layouts were going to be, how much cable we were going to need and how to set it up… the recording equipment. Actually as much time prepping for the event as we spent actually recording it.

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And it’s an environment that’s really difficult to kind of hear what it is you’re capturing, because weapons have such dynamic range that when you record it, you put on the headphones. “Yeah I got something,” but you don’t really know you got the goods until you get back to the studio and that’s where having thirty different microphones spread out all around the weapon site is really your kinda insurance policy to make sure that you nailed it.

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In previous games, generally a weapon would consist of just a gun shot that would then get a little bit quieter based on the distance you were from the shooter. For this game, it was really important that we create if you can think of onion layers, that you’re peeling them away, and so when you hear an NPC firing in our game, if he’s very far away you’re hearing the distance elements that we captured at the weapon shoot.

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As he’s getting closer, we’re starting to blend in the midfield elements. As he’s getting really close now you got a third layer of the near field with gun mech in it. And so it’s the same gunshot, but we’re not trying to artificially create the distance. We actually captured it in that way, but to do that we needed a huge collection of microphones spread out over a great distance so that we can go back to so then we can go back to the studio, resynchronize all the elements, blend them together so that you would get this real seamless sense of distance from near to far.

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So to capture the near field elements for our weapons, we had mics actually on the shooter, lavaliere mics that he would wear. We had mics in very close proximity to the gun, that were directly underneath it or directly to the side of the weapon; within three feet. We had other mics again pointed very near field maybe right over the weapon shooter, about ten feet over his shoulder and then continue to expand on that about forty feet down range.

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We had a stereo pair of mics one hundred fifty feet, another set of mics 400 feet as well as a whole collection of microphones way out off and to the sides to kind of pick up ambient gun shots that we could then mix in with our backgrounds.




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最終更新:2009年06月17日 23:45