S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat @ ウィキ




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だれでも歓迎! 編集

    <string id="jup_b202_bandit_meet_actor_111">
        <text>I was just passing by.</text>
    <string id="jup_b202_bandit_meet_actor_1111">
        <text>Well, keep walking then.</text>
<!-- このほうが自然-->
    <string id="jup_b202_bandit_meet_actor_11111">
    <string id="jup_b202_bandit_meet_actor_11112">
        <text>Relax, moron.</text>
    <string id="jup_b202_bandit_meet_actor_112">
        <text>None of your business!</text>
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_11">
        <text>Oh... Hi...</text>
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_111">
        <text>Nimble told me that you're a deceitful bastard. I figure you've cheated many a stalker...</text>
Nimble はお前をインチキ野郎呼ばわりしていた。お前が何人もの Stalker をダマしたとね・・・
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_1111">
        <text>What are you talking about? I've never done anything like that in my life! Nimble's messed up in the head!</text>
お前は何を言っているんだ?俺はそんなこと一度もやったことないぞ! Nimble は頭が狂ってやがる!
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_112">
        <text>What did you tell the bandits about me? Why were they waiting for me by the dock cranes?</text>
Bandit の奴らにいったい何を吹きこんだんだ?何故、奴らは港湾クレーンのそばで俺を待っていたんだ?
<!-- 時制修正ーー>
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_1121">
        <text>You must've taken me for someone else - I have no business with bandits!</text>
俺を他の奴と間違えているに違いねえ。 - 俺に Bandit 共との関係はないからな!
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_113">
        <text>Nimble told me about you... I suggest you give me the shooter and make it easy for both of us.</text>
Nimble があんたについて話してくれた・・・俺に協力すればお互い楽に仕事ができる。
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_1131">
        <text>What could he tell you?! I don't have anything that ain't mine!</text>
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_11312">
        <text>Take a hike, buddy...</text>
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_21">
        <text>Help me out, bro - I need a medkit!</text>
助けてくれ兄弟!Medikit が必要なんだ!
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_211">
        <text>Tell me where you hid my stuff first!</text>
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_2111">
        <text>I'm sorry man, I really needed the money... I'll tell you everything, just help me! Honestly, I'm done with that shit, I've gone straight!</text>
<!-- 再度修正-->
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_21111">
        <text>OK, here.</text>
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_211111">
        <text>Thanks, man! I hid the stuff in my stash in the sewers behind the substation.</text>
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_2111111">
        <text>I see.</text>
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_21112">
        <text>I don't believe you. You ain't getting a medkit.</text>
お前を信用できない。Medikit はやれんな。
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_212">
        <text>Take this.</text>
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_213">
        <text>You ain't getting it.</text>
    <string id="jup_b202_snag_b202_about_stole_31">
        <text>Thanks. I didn't think you'd help me...</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_about_sci_guards_0">
        <text>Who could I hire to protect the scientists?</text>
Scientist の護衛に雇える人材はいないか?
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_about_sci_guards_1">
        <text>Duty, of course. Who else? They're the best fighters in the Zone, after all! Heavy assault guards - how does that sound?</text>
もちろん Duty だ。他にいるか?やはり彼らは Zone で最高のファイターだ! Heavy Assault Guards - いい響きだろ?
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_about_sci_guards_2">
        <text>They're employing Freedom at the moment? In that case, I really don't know. I was going to suggest Duty, but they don't go well together.</text>
Scientist は今のところ Freedom を雇っているって?そいじゃ知らねえよ。Duty を薦めるつもりだったが、奴らと上手くいくはずないからな。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_about_sci_helpers_0">
        <text>Who could I hire to take measurements for the scientists?</text>
Scientist の測定作業に駆り出せそうな人材はいないか?
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_about_sci_helpers_1">
        <text>Try talking to Shulga. They're not all rocket scientists over there, but he's got some bright fellas in his employ.</text>
Shulga に話してみな。やつらにロケットの専門家はいないが、その仕事に適したメンバーなら彼のもとにいるぜ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_about_sci_helpers_2">
        <text>Are they still paying Freedom to protect them? If so, I would advise against recruiting Duty... That's about all the advice I can give you on that.</text>
Scientist は Freedom を雇ってるって?もしそうなら、Duty を雇わせるのは反対だな。そいつが俺のできるアドバイスの全てだ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_about_underpass_0">
        <text>When we got into the underpass the elevator stopped working...</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_about_underpass_1">
        <text>Hah, you went down using the only operational generator... And it's the backup one at that. I barely got it working, so it did its job done and then died. You should be grateful it didn't go out halfway... That elevator doesn't have an emergency exit!</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_b202_about_stole_0">
        <text>Who could have stolen things from a personal box?</text>
誰が俺のパーソナル BOX から盗めたかわかるか?
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_b202_about_stole_1">
        <text>Damn! I really don't know. What I can tell you is that if Shulga was running things at Yanov, that would never have happened.</text>
ちっ!知らねえよ。俺が言えることは、もし Shulga が Yanov をシメてたら、そんなことは絶対起きねえってことだな。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_b33_open_package_dialog_0">
        <text>Can you break into a steel container?</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_b33_open_package_dialog_1">
        <text>I'm not the guy, man. Metal ain't my thing... If you have any electronic issues - give me a shout.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_0">
        <text>A group of peaceful Monolith fighters is looking for refuge. Who could help them?</text>
友好的な Monolith が避難場所を探してるんだが。誰か助けることが出来る奴はいないか?
<!--訳修正 -->
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_b4_monolith_squad_dialog_1">
        <text>Are you serious? I heard they're animals... Well, stalkers won't give them the time of day, that's for sure... You should probably speak to Shulga. If the Lieutenant Colonel lets them join Duty, they'll be safe. They might even find something useful to do.</text>
お前大丈夫か?あいつらはケダモノと聞いてるぞ・・・Stalker はあいつ等に構ってられんよ、確実な方法があるとすりゃあ・・・Shulga と話してみたらどうだ。もし中佐殿が Duty に加入させたら、あいつらは安全だろう。もしかしたら建設的な仕事さえ見つかるかもな。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_0">
        <text>Can you decrypt a black box?</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_1">
        <text>Let's have a look... This is gonna be some work. It'll take about three hours and it won't be cheap. I'll do the work and then we'll talk... go take a walk while I do this, so I can concentrate...</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_2">
        <text>Let's have a look... This is gonna be some work. It'll take about three hours and it won't be cheap. I'll do the work and then we'll talk... Meanwhile why don't you look for the components I need? You'll earn some cash and I'll charge you less for this job.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_11">
        <text>What? I'm still working on it. Damn, this box is a friggin' nightmare...</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_12">
        <text>I'm done with your black box... A shitty job if I've ever done one...</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_121">
        <text>What do I owe you?</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_1210">
        <text>3,000, at least.</text>
3,000 RU きっかりだ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_12101">
        <text>Take this.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_12102">
        <text>I don't have that much.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_121021">
        <text>Well, I can give you a discount when you bring me the components.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_121022">
        <text>Well, don't be a stranger.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_12103">
        <text>Too rich for my blood... I'll think about it.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_1211">
        <text>I'll give you a discount. Only 2,850.</text>
2,850 RU に負けてやるよ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_1212">
        <text>I'll give you a discount. Only 2,700.</text>
2,700 RU に負けてやるよ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_1213">
        <text>I'll give you a discount. Only 2,550.</text>
2,550 RU に負けてやるよ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_1214">
        <text>I'll give you a discount. Only 2,400.</text>
2,400 RU に負けてやるよ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_1215">
        <text>I'll give you a discount. Only 2,250.</text>
2,250 RU に負けてやるよ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_1216">
        <text>I'll give you a big discount. Only 2,100.</text>
2,100 RU に大負けしてやるよ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_1217">
        <text>I'll give you a big discount. Only 1,950.</text>
1,950 RU に大負けしてやるよ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_1218">
        <text>I'll give you a big discount. Only 1,800.</text>
1,800 RU に大負けしてやるよ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_1219">
        <text>I'll give you the very best price for this. Only 1,650.</text>
1,650 RU なら、とてもよいお値段だがどうだ。
<!-- ナイトロからデグへのセリフなので修正-->
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_13">
        <text>Heh, obviously I don't know why you need the recording, but for what it cost you I sure hope it's gonna be useful.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_131">
        <text>We'll see.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_blackbox_start_14">
        <text>I'm still working on the black box... Why don't you make yourself useful and get me those components?</text>
<!--修正 -->
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_drunk_1">
        <text>Senka? Back when I was making my way through Zaton he stuck with me and he's been with me since... He's a professional drunk with extensive experience... hah! I use him to run errands here and there...</text>
Senka かい?俺が Zaton に向かっていたとき、奴はくっついて来たんだ。そん時からずっとそこにいるのさ。ヤツは修羅場を潜り抜けて来たプロの飲んだ暮れさ。ハッ!俺はやつをあちこち使いまわしてるぜ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_duty_founder_pda_0">
        <text>Who might be interested in information about Duty's founder?</text>
Duty 創設者の情報に興味あるやつは誰だい?
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_duty_founder_pda_1">
        <text>Shulga, of course... Duty remembers its beginnings. You know what they say: unless you study history, it will repeat itself... The main thing is that Freedom doesn't get its hands on this information, because they'd distort it, that's for sure. Not out of any malice, simply due to poor memory...</text>
もちろん Shulga だな。Duty はその起源を覚えてる。彼らがいつもなんて言ってるか知ってるだろう?歴史を学ばなければ、歴史はまた繰り返す・・・。まぁ一番の理由は、Freedom はその情報を手に入れることはできねえってこった。手に入れた瞬間歪めちまうからな。いや、別に悪意があるわけじゃねえ、単純にバカだから覚えられねえのさ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_0">
        <text>I brought you tools.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_1">
        <text>Great... So, which ones are for me?</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_11">
        <text>The ones for basic work.</text>
Tools for Basic work を持ってきたぞ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_111">
        <text>Great! Now I just need tools for fine work and calibration...</text>
いいじゃないか!そうだなあ、お次は Tools for fine work や Calibration tools があればいい・・・
<!-- アイテム名は st_items_quest.xml 基準です。-->
<!-- 文章を見て、の推測に過ぎませんが。「tools」に「for basic work and calibration」という修飾をまとめてかける方法で物を説明している点と、それを加味しても「tools for calibration」という表記と別な表現になる点をふまえると、ここはアイテム名で指定しているのではなく口語的に大まかな求めるアイテムの像を説明している文章と推測されます。よっ てアイテム名に統一するよりもそのまま訳した方が雰囲気をに合う場所と思われます。-->
<!-- 明確にそのアイテムを指しているので統一しましょう。重要アイテムは呼び方を一致させないとプレイヤーがストレスを感じる原因になるので。-->
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_12">
        <text>The ones for fine work.</text>
Tools for fine work を持ってきたぞ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_121">
        <text>Great! Now I just need tools for basic work and calibration...</text>
こいつはいい!次は Tools for basic work や Calibration tools を持ってきてくれるとうれしい・・・
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_13">
        <text>The ones for calibration.</text>
Calibration tools を持ってきたぞ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_131">
        <text>Great! Now I just need tools for basic work and also ones for finer work...</text>
やったな!あと Tools for basic work や Tools for fine work があればもっといい仕事ができる・・・
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_14">
        <text>None, for now.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_141">
        <text>Cool! Some calibration tools and I'm all set.</text>
イカすぜ!この Calibration tools がありゃなんでもできらぁ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_151">
        <text>Cool! Some tools for fine work and I'm all set.</text>
やるじゃねえか!この Tools for fine work ならなんだって作ってやるぜ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_161">
        <text>Cool! Some tools for basic work and I'm all set.</text>
CoooooL!Tools for basic work じゃないか、これさえあればなんとかなるぞ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_171">
        <text>Wow! Where the hell did you find them?</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_work_0">
        <text>If you need any tools, I can get them.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_work_1">
        <text>That would be awesome. At the moment, it's like working in the Stone Age. The only difference is that the soldering iron has replaced the shaman's staff... If I had tools, I could do some top upgrades and you better believe there'd be coin in it for you too...</text>
<!-- 修正が戻っていたので、訳修正の理由書いておきます。working in the stone Age の訳が「石器時代に生きている」となっていたので修正、The only difference is that the soldering iron has replaced the shaman's staffは、that以下が一つの節となっています。the soldering iron(はんだごて)のsolderingを動詞として扱っていたので修正。また、that構文以下のA replaced Bは、AがBにとって代わるという意味になります。次にtopのニュアンスなのですが、この時点ではまだ最終段階のアップグレードまでできないので、「最高の」とするとゲーム内の意味と異なってしまいます。Topは、その時点での上面というイメージがあり、そのtoolを持ってきたあとにできる限界のアップグレードというニュアンスですので、日本語だと上記の訳のほうが意味がスムーズに通ります。あと、たしかTool類を持ってきても報酬はもらえないはずなので、you better believe there'd be coin in it for you too が、報酬も約束するとなっているのを修正しました。coin in itは、コインがitの中に入ってくる、つまりそれで金をもっと稼げるという意味(他動詞の形だとcoin it inになります)。主語が不定なので、自分で報酬を出すというニュアンスではないと思いますし、こうとるとこの後の会話とのつながりがスムーズです。 -->
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_work_11">
        <text>OK. I'll look for them.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_work_12">
        <text>I've changed my mind.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_instruments_work_3">
        <text>Good idea. I can do upgrades and you can earn cash...</text>
<!--good ideaがいい手だとなっていたので修正。earnの意味を原文通りに修正-->
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_jup_b207_pda_sell_0">
        <text>I have the Duty trader's PDA. You know anyone who would be interested in it?</text>
Duty の Trader が持ってた PDA を手に入れたんだが、こいつに興味がある奴はいないかな?
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_jup_b207_pda_sell_1">
        <text>A trader in Duty? No kidding... Give the PDA to Shulga and he'll deal with it. Not a word to Freedom, you get me? They'll use one asshole to sabotage the reputation of the whole faction...</text>
Duty の Trader のやつだと?真面目に言わせてもらうと Shulga に渡すべきだな、言えば受け取るだろう。Freedom に渡すなんてコトは、まず考えるなよ?絶対に Duty を陥れる為にそいつを使うだろうからな。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_main_info_0">
        <text>I found some documents. They describe a way of getting to Pripyat.</text>
書類を見つけたんだ、こいつには Pripyat への道が書いてある。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_main_info_1">
        <text>Let's have a look... Yeah, yeah, yeah... So, to summarize, there's an underground underpass designated Pripyat 1, which runs under the city of Pripyat, with one section that ends in a lock located in the Jupiter plant's transportation section. Impressive! Judging by the notes it has been sealed, filled with gas and the power to it has been cut. I suppose I could try to revive the generator and open the lock. Only...</text>
よし、ちょっと見てみるか・・・ほう、ほうほうほう、ほうほうほうほうほう・・・なるほど、要点だけ言わせてもらうぞ。Pripyat に通じる地下トンネルがあるらしい、Pripyat 市街地地下を通り抜け Jupiter 工業地帯の運輸区画にある閉鎖ゲートへ通じているようだな。こいつはまずいぞ!記載からしてこのトンネルは閉鎖されている、毒ガスが充満しゲートの電源供給はカットされているみたいだ。俺に出来るのは電力を復旧してゲートを開く事ぐらいか・・・
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_main_info_3">
        <text>...Only I ain't going through Jupiter without protection, and I suggest that you don't even think about going underground on your own. You'll need to have a couple of buddies with you, at least. You're all going to need suits with closed-cycle respiratory modules, too, otherwise you won't last a minute down there... Listen, Zulu lives in a tower not far from here - try talking to him. If you guys hit it off, he'll tell you how to put a squad together.</text>
・・・Jupiter のトンネルを突破するには防護が必要不可欠だ、そして俺が思うにあんた一人の力じゃ地下を進む事は不可能だろう。共に進む仲間が必要だ、少なくとも何人かはな。そして全員内部循環呼吸装置付きのスーツが必要になるな、それなしじゃ数分と待たずに死んじまうだろう。いいか、Zulu ってやつがここの近くの塔に住んでる、奴に相談しろ。もしやつがあんたを気に入れば、どんな奴を仲間にするべきか相談に乗ってくれるはずだ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_materials_about_0">
        <text>You mentioned materials...</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_materials_about_1">
        <text>Right, finding materials to use for working with radio equipment is damn near impossible around here. I've used everything I could find and there's nobody supplying any materials here, because you can make more cash selling guns... I heard there could be something left at the cement factory, though...</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_materials_transfer_all_0">
        <text>I found the materials, here you go. I searched the cement factory from top to bottom!</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_materials_transfer_all_1">
        <text>Wow, bro - I'm impressed! I'll make a note right here: free labor on all repairs and upgrades for my favorite stalker!</text>
ヒャッハー!兄弟よ - すごいじゃないか!書いとくよ : 君への全てのアップグレードと修理に対しては、いかなる労力も惜しまんよ!
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_materials_transfer_some_0">
        <text>I managed to find some of the materials you wanted. Here you go.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_materials_transfer_some_1">
        <text>Wow! Discounts galore for you, my friend!</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_materials_volunteer_0">
        <text>I can get the materials for you.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_materials_volunteer_1">
        <text>That would be great! If you find anything like colophonium or capacitors, bring them to me... hell, I would even be grateful for some textolite. I can't promise you lots of cash, but you'll get a discount, that's for sure.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_materials_what_for_0">
        <text>What do you need the materials for?</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_materials_what_for_1">
        <text>Well, I do work with shooters and equipment... I mean, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to eat... But my passion is radio equipment. You know that feeling when you put something together and it works? I remember I once built a jammer... It was real useful - I turned it on when the announcements by 100 Rads kept waking me up.</text>
ああ、俺は、銃器や装備品を扱う仕事なんかやっているんだが・・・ってのはつまり、そいつは食うために仕方なくやってる仕事ってことだ。俺の情熱は無線機器にある。何かを組み立てて上手く動いたときの喜びを知ってるか?あるとき電波妨害装置を作ったんだ、そりゃ傑作だったよ、100 Reds Bar 近くのアナウンスが流れてる所でそれ作動させたんだけどさ。
<!--do work の訳を追加。a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to eat が他人が他人を何かするのに需要のある仕事だ、となっていたので修正。passionが「本業」となっていたので修正。put something together の訳を追加←radio equipment.が電波装置になっていたので修正。要はNitroはアマチュア無線野郎。「無線機器」でなく「アマチュア無線」とした方がよりわかりやすいがどうだろうか。またジャミング装置→電波妨害装置に変更-->
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_materials_where_from_0">
        <text>Why would there be radio materials at the cement factory?</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_materials_where_from_1">
        <text>Cement factory is just a name... It stopped making cement long before the Chernobyl disaster. They disassembled what they could and started using the building to make electrical appliances.</text>
セメント工場なんてのは名前だけでね、あそこは Chernobyl 原発が停止するはるか前にセメントの生産はやめてるんだ。運び出せるものだけ運び出して、建物は電気器具の生産に使っていたみたいだよ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_minor_info_0">
        <text>I found some documents at Jupiter. Will you have a look?</text>
Jupiter 工業地帯で書類を手に入れてきたんだが、見てみるか?
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_minor_info_1">
        <text>So... Nothing of interest here... just some administrative crap...</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_minor_info_2">
        <text>Hrm... There's something of interest here and there, but I can't be certain of anything... We need the complete information. Try checking the places mentioned in the documents.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_start_11">
        <text>I really need some friggin' materials. How am I supposed to work like this?... Oh, hello. What's up?</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_start_12">
        <text>Howdy! You need something technical done? Obviously, I don't have any materials, but I can still repair your kit and do minor upgrades.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_start_13">
        <text>Oh, hey. Listen, I've been thinking... It turns out that all those materials I need are simply collecting dust at the cement factory... Just the thought of it drives me crazy...</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_start_14">
        <text>Hey! Did something break or have you put some dough together for an upgrade? Remember, you've got a lifetime discount!</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_start_15">
        <text>Hello, brother! How can I help you? Remember, you get the best prices possible from yours truly.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_ufo_memory_repair_0">
        <text>Can you unblock a memory module?</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_ufo_memory_repair_1">
        <text>I think so... I've never done it before, so I'll need at least three hours. I'd be happy to give it a shot, though... Bearing all that in mind, I'll give you a good price - just 1,000.</text>
できるんじゃないか?つってもやったことは無いからわからんけど、3時間くれれば大体終わると思うぞ。まあ、そういうのをやってみるのも面白いだろうし、できりゃこっちとしても実績になるしな、お試し価格でいいぞ、1,000 でどうだ?
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_ufo_memory_repair_11">
        <text>I can wait, so let's call it a deal!</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_ufo_memory_repair_111">
        <text>Great! I'll get to work and you take your time... I'll let you know when I'm done.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_ufo_memory_repair_12">
        <text>I don't have that much.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_ufo_memory_repair_121">
        <text>Well, come back if you still want the job done. You won't get it done cheaper anyhow.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_ufo_memory_repair_13">
        <text>I'll think about it.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_ufo_memory_repair_2">
        <text>I told you I'll be able to do it in about three hours. 1,000 is a great price, so I'd take it if I were you.</text>
3時間はかかると言ったはずだ。それに 1,000 って値段も妥当だろ、終わったら声かけるから安心しててくれ。
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_ufo_memory_repaired_0">
        <text>So, did you unblock the memory module?</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_ufo_memory_repaired_1">
        <text>No, I'm still working on it... Don't worry, I'll let you know when it's ready.</text>
    <string id="jup_b217_stalker_tech_ufo_memory_repaired_2">
        <text>Huh? You didn't get the module?... You must have missed Senka - I had sent him your way to deliver the module... Well, never mind. Basically, other than soil layer thickness and vegetation density readings, it also contained the coordinates of three radio beacons. I'll upload them to your PDA...</text>
え?なんで記録装置持ってないんだ?・・・あー了解、 Senka に会えなかったのか。彼を装置運ばせる為に送ったんだが・・・まあ、大丈夫。中身はほとんど土壌と植物分布調査の記録だったな、あと怪しい無線標識の座標を3つ拾ってたみたいだから、それはあんたの PDA にもアップロードしておこう。
<!--the coordinates of three radio beaconsの誤訳修正-->
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_chimera_0">
        <text>Did you try tracking the chimeras down?</text>
Chimera を追跡してみたのか?
<!-- 訳修正 -->
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_chimera_1">
        <text>The wounded one went to Zaton. Gonta's group is following it... Then again, I heard they're lacking an experienced hunter. If you help them out, I'll make it worth your while... The other one, the one that killed Fox... Well, I lost it. It was as if it just vanished... Poor Fox... He was a good man, but age sure takes its toll...</text>
怪我を負った個体が Zaton へ向かった。Gonta の狩猟グループが追跡しているが・・・しかし、彼らには腕の立つ者が不足していると聞く。もしできるなら協力してやって欲しい、礼は惜しまないだろう・・・で、もう一体、Fox を殺した個体だ。残念なことに見失ってしまってね。まるで消滅するかのようにどこかへ消えていってしまったのだよ・・・Fox・・・惜しい奴を無くした、あいつはいい奴だった、しかし時が戻ることはありえない・・・
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_chimera_2">
        <text>Well, you dealt with one, the wounded one... The other one, the one that killed Fox... Well, I lost it. It was as if it just vanished... Poor Fox... He was a good man,but age sure takes its toll...</text>
なるほど、戦ったことがあったか、あの怪我を負った個体か・・・実はもう一体目標がいてね、我々の Fox を殺した個体だ・・・残念なことに見失ってしまってね。まるで消滅するかのようにどこかへ消えていってしまったのだよ・・・Fox・・・惜しい奴を無くした、あいつはいい奴だった、しかし時が戻ることはありえない・・・
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_himself_0">
        <text>What do you do?</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_himself_1">
        <text>Well, I'm Trapper and until recently I hunted mutants that were a danger to stalkers... Nowadays, I take orders and give them to younger hunters. I train them and teach them hunting tactics...</text>
ああ、私は Trapper 、最近までこの辺りで Stalker の脅威となりうるミュータントを狩っていたものだ。今では依頼を受け付けてそれを若者に斡旋する身だよ、そしてそいつらを鍛え、戦い方を教えている。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_mutants_0">
        <text>Tell me about hunting mutants...</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_mutants_1">
        <text>Well, mutants require different approaches... Burers and poltergeists require one, pseudogiants and controllers need another... And chimeras are a real special case.</text>
ああ、ミュータントにも危険性に違いがあるからな、Burer や Poltergeist は早急に処理したいところだ、Pseudogiant に Controller はもっと危険だ・・・ Chimera は、最悪のケースだ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_mutants_1111">
        <text>Tell me about burers.</text>
Burer について教えてくれ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_mutants_11111">
        <text>Burers use gravitation attacks... When at close proximity they'll throw you and when they're far away they'll try to throw something at you... Your best bet is to keep them at medium range from you and keep moving, unless you enjoy getting hit by something heavy... But be careful to conserve your energy! Burers can use directed gravitational impulses to yank weapons out of your hands and if you're tired it might just work.</text>
Burer は重力を操って攻撃してくる・・・もし接近すれば奴らは君を吹き飛ばし、離れればそこら辺にあるものをぶつけてくるだろう。付かず離れずを徹底し、動きを止めることが無いよう心がけなさい、重量のある物と戯れたく無ければね。それと、スタミナ管理には特に気をつけたほうがいい!歩けないほどの疲労をしたら、奴らは衝撃波で君の手にある武器を直接弾き飛ばしてしまうだろう。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_mutants_1112">
        <text>Tell me about poltergeists.</text>
Poltergeist について教えてくれ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_mutants_11121">
        <text>There are two types of poltergeists. The first type sends items crashing into the enemy using gravitation, while the second type is the fire poltergeist that uses flames to burn its victims. Inexperienced hunters try to circle around them to evade their attacks... The trick is to know that poltergeists can't see or hear in the usual sense of those words and use that to your advantage. They sense objects that move in the gravitational field... So a seasoned hunter freezes as soon as he sees a poltergeist, fires and then freezes again, rinse repeat.</text>
Poltergeist には二つのタイプがあることが確認されている。まず一つは重力を操って物をぶつけてくるタイプだ、そしてもう一つは炎を操ってその手にかかったものを焼き殺すタイプ。未熟な Hunter はむやみやたらに動き回ってその攻撃を避けようとするが・・・それが落とし穴だ、Poltergeist には普通には我々を視認したり、物音を聞いて位置を特定することはできんのだ、そこを上手く使え。やつらは重力を操ることができる範囲内で動くものを検知することができる・・・ベテランは Poltergeist を見たらすぐに動きを止め、攻撃し、また動きを止める、忘れないことだ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_mutants_1114">
        <text>Tell me about controllers.</text>
Controller について教えてくれ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_mutants_11141">
        <text>They use your own mind against you. When you're hunting a controller, it's important to use cover, because it must see you to affect your mind... Also, they're quite slow, so if your life is at stake, use grenades.</text>
やつらは君の精神を自分自身に逆らうよう仕向ける。Controller を狩るなら何かに隠れて動くことが大切だ、君の精神を護ることに直接関わるからね。あと、奴らは動きが非常に遅い、グレネードで一撃必殺に賭けるのもいいかもしれない。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_mutants_1115">
        <text>Tell me about chimeras.</text>
Chimera について教えてくれ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_mutants_11151">
        <text>They're very dangerous nocturnal predators. They try to get behind you under cover of darkness and leap on top of you. If you know there's a chimera around, keep checking your back and cover your friends' asses...</text>
やつらは非常に危険な夜行性の肉食獣だ。暗闇から飛び出して君の頭を飛び越え背後を取るように動くだろう。Chimera を発見したら背後に気をつけろ、常に背後に気を配り、仲間がいるならケツにつかれないようによく見ておくことだ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_mutants_1116">
        <text>Tell me about pseudogiants.</text>
Pseudogiant について教えてくれ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_mutants_11161">
        <text>The most difficult thing about hunting pseudogiants is killing them. They can take incredible punishment without so much as batting an eyelid... All I can say is that you may want to try using a shotgun at close range. Just remember that pseudogiant attacks can detach anything that's not been fixed to concrete. Attack it from above... and make sure that whatever you're standing on can withstand some damage.</text>
Pseudogiant を倒すことは困難を極めるだろう。やつらは、瞬きする間に我々をぶちのめしてくるからな。私からは、接近してショットガンでもぶちかましてやれとしか言いようが無い。あと覚えておいて欲しいのは、床から離れればやつの攻撃は届かないと言うことだ。高台でも探してそこから攻撃することを勧めるよ、そうすれば怪我をせずに倒すことも可能だろう。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_mutants_1117">
        <text>OK, forget about it.</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_retire_0">
        <text>Why don't you hunt anymore?</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_retire_1">
        <text>I’m getting old, man. That’s why Fox died... He was my partner and friend. We hunted many a beast together, shoulder to shoulder... Then we ran into these two chimeras by Zaton that haven’t been seen in the Zone for eighteen months... One knocked Fox to the ground before I could even get my shotgun out. When I wounded the other one, they ran off... I hope they burn in hell forever!</text>
私は歳を取りすぎた。Fox の死もそれが原因だ・・・彼はよき相棒であり友だった。彼とは共に数多くの獣を狩り、肩を貸しあったものだ・・・ Zaton の辺りで、Zone 中を18ヶ月探し回りやっとのことで見つけ出した2頭の Chimera を襲撃したときのことだった。私がショットガンを取り出す前に一体が Fox に襲い掛かったのだ。もう一体に手傷を負わせると2頭とも逃げ出したが・・・奴らはいずれ永遠の地獄の業火の苦しみを味わってもらう!
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_stolen_items_0">
        <text>Who could have stolen things from a personal box?</text>
誰だ!俺のパーソナル BOX から物を盗んだのは!
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_about_stolen_items_1">
        <text>Hrm... Don't know... That kind of thing just doesn't happen among the hunters. Piss enough people off and you might find them saving their ammo when you've got a bloodsucker getting close and personal.</text>
うーんわからないなあ、こんなことは Hunter 仲間じゃ起こりえないからね。とにかくたくさんの人に尋問してみるんだ、そうすれば君が Bloodsucker を倒した報酬や、自分で買って手に入れた弾薬を持ってる奴が見つかると思うぞ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_bloodsucker_lair_hunted_1">
        <text>Desperate times call for desperate measures... Knowing what I know about bloodsuckers, I would think a couple of them were out hunting... But now that they've not got anywhere to come back to, they won't be a danger to stalkers anymore.</text>
ここまで状況が切迫していては出せる知恵も限られるものでな・・・私が知りうる Bloodsucker に関する知識から言えば、やはり狩り漏らしがあるとしか言いようが無い。しかし奴らが湧き出そうなところと言われてももう全て潰してあるわけだし、もう脅威とは言えないはずなのだが・・・
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_burers_hunt_0">
        <text>You got any other work for me?</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_burers_hunt_1">
        <text>Sure. A stalker squad went into the tunnels to the north of the plant the other day and ran into a mutant lair. They were all so shocked that none of them can even explain what kind of mutants they were, but two of the stalkers didn't make it out of there alive. After that the folks at Yanov got real scared about the whole thing, so they put together a 5,000 reward for anyone who's willing to deal with this lair. It's a dangerous job, so you decide for yourself... Will you do it?</text>
ああ、あるぞ。数日前 Stalker の一団が工場北側のトンネルにあるミュータントの隠れ家に侵入した。そこで連中は今まで見たことも無いようなミュータントに遭遇し、2名の Stalker が帰ってこられなかった。それからというもの、 Yanov 駅の住民はそいつらのせいでビビり上がっちゃっていてね。そこで、隠れ家に踏み込み討伐に成功した者には 5,000 の報酬を出している。危険な仕事だ、やるかどうかは君次第だが・・・どうする?
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_burers_hunt_11">
        <text>I'll do it.</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_burers_hunt_111">
        <text>You're a brave man... Good luck. You'll need it.</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_burers_hunt_12">
        <text>Not now.</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_burers_hunt_121">
        <text>I don't blame you... I doubt anyone will have the balls to take on a whole lair of mutants.</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_burers_hunt_2">
        <text>Same as before. Unidentified mutants in the tunnels to the north of the Jupiter plant. 5,000 reward... Will you do it after all?</text>
依然変わりない。詳細不明のミュータントが Jupiter 工業地帯北のトンネルに潜んでいる、報酬は 5,000。やってみるか?
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_burers_hunt_3">
        <text>Stalkers are worried about the mutants in the tunnels at the moment...</text>
Stalker は依然トンネルのミュータントに怯えている・・・
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_burers_hunted_0">
        <text>The mutants in the tunnels were mutated dwarfs. Now they're dead mutated dwarfs.</text>
トンネルにいたミュータントは更なる変異を遂げた Dwarf だった。だがもう討伐は済んだぞ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_burers_hunted_1">
        <text>I'm guessing they must have been burers. That explains why the folks at Yanov got all excited about the whole thing... Well, seeing as they're dead, the reward is yours!</text>
なるほど、私も Burer では無いかと推測していたがやはりそうだったか。そんな怪物がいては Yanov 駅の者がビビり上がって当然だな、だが、それはもう勇者の手によって討伐された。さあ、報酬を受け取ってくれ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_burers_hunted_2">
        <text>I'm guessing they must have been burers... The ones that killed two stalkers recently. That explains why the folks at Yanov came up with a reward for killing them. Well, seeing as they're dead, the reward is yours!</text>
なるほど、私も Burer では無いかと推測していたがやはりそうだったか。というのも最近 Stalker が2人も殺されていてね。そんな怪物がいては Yanov 駅の者がビビり上がって当然だな、だが、それはもう勇者の手によって討伐された。さあ、報酬を受け取ってくれ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_jupiter_chimera_hunt_0">
        <text>I'm ready to deal with the chimera.</text>
Chimera との決闘の準備はできたぞ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_jupiter_chimera_hunt_1">
        <text>Great. The hunter who found that bastard saw it just as it got dark. It was headed towards the ventilation complex. Chimeras are nocturnal and territorial, so it was probably going to its hunting grounds... I think that's where you should look for it come nightfall. Then again, it's more active when it's dark... Be careful and good hunting.</text>
ついにやってくれるか。私の手の者が深夜に集合換気塔に奴が現れるのを目撃している。Chimera は夜行性で縄張り意識が高い、おそらく狩りの時間だったのだろう・・・夜更けにそこに行けば必ず見つけられるはずだ。念を押して言うが、暗闇の中で奴らはより活発に動く・・・気をつけろ・・・そして、Good hunting Stalker。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_jupiter_chimera_hunted_0">
        <text>The chimera is dead.</text>
Chimera を討伐してきた。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_jupiter_chimera_hunted_1">
        <text>Thank you... Thank you! You have avenged Fox and he can now rest in peace. Here's your money - you've earned it... There's something else. Take my shotgun. You brought me something a lot more important - some peace at last...</text>
ありがとう・・・本当に、ありがとう! Fox の仇を討ってくれて、これで奴も安心して成仏できることだろう。約束した報酬だ、受け取ってくれ・・・それともう一つ、私のショットガンも持って行きなさい。君は私の大いなる野望を成し遂げてくれ・・・平穏をもたらしてくれた・・・
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_start_11">
        <text>I'm Trapper... There's no need to introduce yourself.</text>
私は Trapper ・・・君の事は説明不要だ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_start_12">
        <text>What brings you here?</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_start_13">
        <text>Thanks for coming... I need a reliable and experienced hunter and you're the best Yanov has to offer. After all that has happened, I can't let the chimera escape again... I'm putting up all my savings for this : 10,000. I want to make sure the job is done right... Fox must be avenged!</text>
よくぞ聞いてくれた、私は今信頼できる、腕の立つ Hunter を探していてね、Yanov では君が一番だと聞いている。もう二度と Chimera を取り逃がすような事がないようにしたくてね・・・私の出せる限りの報酬を出そう、10,000 だ。Fox の仇を討つ為・・・この仕事を完遂して欲しい。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_start_14">
        <text>I'm begging you to deal with the chimera. If you don't want to rid Yanov of this mutant killer, then do it for the money... 10,000 is a lot of cash.</text>
Chimera の討伐に赴いて欲しい。君に Yanov からこの危険なミュータントを排除する使命感が無くとも、10,000 は安い報酬ではないだろう。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_start_15">
        <text>What's the situation with the chimera?... Time is of the essence, for it could move on to new hunting grounds.</text>
Chimera と何かあったのか?時は金なりだ、別の Hunter グループにこの話を回してしまってもいいのだが。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_start_16">
        <text>Good to see you!... What's new?</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_swamp_bloodsuckers_hunt_0">
        <text>You got any other work for me?</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_swamp_bloodsuckers_hunt_1">
        <text>Of course... A group of swamp bloodsuckers has been spotted in Fen, behind the cement factory. They seem to be keeping to their swamp for now... But local stalkers want to make sure they stay there forever, if you know what I mean. The price for the whole group is 3,000. Will you do it?</text>
ああ、もちろんな。セメント工場裏の Fen アノマリー地帯の沼地に Bloodsucker の群れが湧いたらしい。そこを離れる気配は無さそうだが、現地の Stalker もそこを離れたくは無いそうだ、まあわからんでもない。平和の為なら 3,000 出せるそうだが、やってみるか?
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_swamp_bloodsuckers_hunt_11">
        <text>I'll do it.</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_swamp_bloodsuckers_hunt_111">
        <text>Great. Happy hunting...</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_swamp_bloodsuckers_hunt_12">
        <text>Not now.</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_swamp_bloodsuckers_hunt_121">
        <text>Up to you... There's still time to change your mind before other hunters take the job.</text>
まあやりたいようにでいい・・・他の Hunter がこの仕事を受注するまでは気が向いたら来てくれ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_swamp_bloodsuckers_hunt_2">
        <text>Same as before... The group of swamp bloodsuckers in Fen, behind the cement factory. The reward is 3,000... You game?</text>
特に変わりはないぞ・・・セメント工場裏の Fen アノマリー地帯の沼地にいる Bloodsucker の討伐だ。報酬は 3,000・・・やってみるか?
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_swamp_bloodsuckers_hunt_3">
        <text>Nothing other than the bloodsuckers in Fen at the moment...</text>
今のところ Fen の Bloodsucker の件以外は何もない・・・。
<!-- 誤訳修正 -->
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_swamp_bloodsuckers_hunted_0">
        <text>I killed the swamp bloodsuckers.</text>
沼地の Bloodsucker を殺してきた。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_swamp_bloodsuckers_hunted_1">
        <text>Now stalkers can relax a little. Here's your fee as agreed.</text>
これで Stalker 達は少しはゆっくりできるな。これが約束の報酬だ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_swamp_bloodsuckers_hunted_2">
        <text>Yeah, the local stalkers will be happy to be rid of those neighbors. They even put together reward money for it, 3,000 to be precise... Here, take it.</text>
おお、そのいやらしい隣人がいなくなったことでその辺の Stalker は喜んでいたところだよ。実はそいつらには懸賞金がかかっていてね、 3,000 だ、受け取ってくれ。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_zaton_chimera_hunted_0">
        <text>Me and Gonta killed the chimera at Zaton.</text>
俺と Gonta で Zaton にいた Chimera を討伐してやった。
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_zaton_chimera_hunted_1">
        <text>Thank you for that. The fewer of those beasts around, the better it is for us all. Now, if you could track down that other one...</text>
    <string id="jup_b220_trapper_zaton_chimera_hunted_2">
        <text>Thank you for dealing with the second beast, too. It's good to know that those chimeras won't take another stalker's life...</text>
残り一体も倒してくれて本当にありがとう。これで Chimera が Stalker の命を脅かす事が無くなり、本当によかった。
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_about_controller_0">
        <text>Tell me how you killed the controller.</text>
どうやって Controller を殺したか教えてくれ。
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_about_controller_1">
        <text>Listen and learn, my friend, listen and learn... I went to my stash to pick up my loot and when I got there, I clocked a controller sitting right on top of it. So I grabbed a metal grate that was on the ground and used it to shield myself as I was sneaking up on it. By the time it woke up to what was going on, I'd pumped half a clip into the cocksucker's head. Just as it started trying to control me, I gave it a final bash with my rifle butt and that was that.</text>
よく聞け、学べ、友よ。俺は所持品をとりに Stash へ向かった。そこに着いた時、Controller がそこに座っているのに気づいてハッとした。俺は地面にあった格子を盾代わりにして、ヤツに忍び寄った。ヤツが異変に気付いた時には、俺はそのホモ野郎の頭に一撃くらわす直前だった。ヤツが俺をコントロールしようとしたその時、俺はライフルの銃床で最後の一撃を加えたんだ。
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_accuse_0">
        <text>Tell me about the artifacts at the quarry.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_accuse_1">
        <text>Hah! There's not much to say, 'cause there's jack shit left in the quarry now. There's no point looking in anomalies Flint has looked in, everyone knows that.</text>
ハッ何も言うことなんかないね、っていうのは Jack shit がそこにいたからで、この Flint 様が行ったアノマリーには何も残らないってみんな噂してんだろ?
<!--Jack shit ってのは、「お前Jack schittも知らねえのかよwwww」ってのが元ネタらしいです。Flintのキャラに合うジョークなので、訳さずこのまま残したいんですけどどうでしょう。-->
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_accuse_11">
        <text>So it was you who left your buddy to die in the quarry!</text>
<!--↑地名統一 -->
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_accuse_111">
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_accuse_11111">
        <text>You can't prove anything. You're just bullshitting... It's your word against the word of a Freedom member - good luck with that.</text>
お前は何も証明できないだろう。お前はでたらめを言ってるだけだ。お前なんぞの言葉を Freedom の連中が信じるもんか、言えるもんなら言ってみろ。
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_accuse_111111">
        <text>We'll see about that.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_accuse_1112">
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_accuse_12">
        <text>Thanks, bye.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_bloodsucker_0">
        <text>Tell me the story about the bloodsuckers at Zaton.</text>
Zaton での Bloodsucker の話を聞かせてくれ
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_bloodsucker_1">
        <text>When I was at Zaton, bloodsuckers made life real difficult for stalkers. Stalkers kept at 'em day and night but it didn't help one bit. I decided to help them out, so I took my shotgun and went straight for the bloodsucker lair. After some quality time with yours truly the bloodsucker problem at Zaton is all but over.</text>
俺が Zaton にいた時、Bloodsucker 達が Stalker たちの生活を脅威にさらしていた。Stalker 達はそのことで日夜気をもんでいたんだけどそれは何の助けにもならなかった。だから俺様はショットガンを持って Bloodsucker の隠れ家に直行したのさ。俺は彼らと本当に充実した時間を過ごしたんだが、それから Bloodsucker 問題はきれいさっぱり無くなったってわけだ。
<!--with yoursは2人称なので、冗談なのかさっちゃんのことを言ってるのか意味がとりにくいです。-->
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_bloodsucker_11">
        <text>You probably don't even know where that lair is.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_bloodsucker_111">
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_bloodsucker_112">
        <text>What do you want? Go spew your horseshit somewhere else!</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_bloodsucker_113">
        <text>Take a hike, buddy... It's your word against the word of a Freedom member - good luck with that.</text>
テメェは失せな・・・。お前なんぞの言葉を Freedom の連中が信じるもんか、言えるもんなら言ってみろ。
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_bloodsucker_1131">
        <text>We'll see about that.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_bloodsucker_12">
        <text>Thanks, bye.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_guide_0">
        <text>Tell me the story about the shortcut to Jupiter.</text>
Jupiter への近道の話を聞きたい。
<!-- ショートカットを近道に変更-->
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_guide_1">
        <text>Well, the guide used to take a massive detour on his way from Zaton. I decided to go straight... so I did. I tried a few places and worked out the way through the anomalies pretty quick. So I sold that info to the guide and now he takes everyone that way.</text>
ああ、普段、Guide ってのは Zaton からすげえ遠回りをしてるんだ。俺は真っすぐ行こうと決めた。だからいくつかの場所に挑戦したし、アノマリーを素早く抜ける方法を試したりした。で、その情報を Guide に売って、いまではみんながその道を通ることができるってわけさ。
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_guide_11">
        <text>How about we ask Pilot who got him the maps?</text>
Pilot に誰から地図をもらったか聞いてみるか?
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_guide_111">
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_guide_112">
        <text>What do you want? Go spew your horseshit somewhere else!</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_guide_113">
        <text>You can't prove shit. It's your word against the word of a Freedom member - good luck with that.</text>
お前にはその糞ッタレを証明出来るってのか?お前なんぞの言葉を Freedom の連中が信じるもんか、言えるもんなら言ってみろ。
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_guide_1131">
        <text>We'll see about that.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_guide_12">
        <text>Thanks, bye.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_oasis_0">
        <text>Tell me about your trip to the Oasis.</text>
Oasis への旅について話してくれ。
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_oasis_1">
        <text>I was the first person to ever get to the Oasis. It's free of mutants and anomalies - just peace and quiet, all 'round. Full of artifacts too, just take your pick and walk on home.</text>
ああ、俺が初めて Oasis へ辿り着いた男だからな。そこは一匹のミュータントも一つのアノーマリーもいない・・・静寂の空間だ。ただアーティファクトが満ち溢れている、好きなだけ拾って帰るといい。
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_oasis_11">
        <text>Bullshit. I've been to the Oasis and it's nothing like that.</text>
出鱈目を言うな。Oasis に行ったがそんなものは何も無かったぞ。
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_oasis_111">
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_oasis_112">
        <text>What do you want? Go spew your horseshit somewhere else!</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_oasis_113">
        <text>Bullshit yourself. It's your word against the word of a Freedom member - good luck with that.</text>
嘘付きやがれ。お前なんぞの言葉を Freedom の連中が信じるもんか、言えるもんなら言ってみろ。
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_oasis_1131">
        <text>We'll see about that.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_oasis_12">
        <text>Thanks, bye.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_scientist_0">
        <text>Tell me about your work with the scientists.</text>
Scientist との仕事について教えてくれ。
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_scientist_1">
        <text>I visited their bunker the other day. They were real happy and said, “you're exactly what we need right now, Flint!” It turns out they wanted their devices set up under anomalies. So I was like, “that's a piece of cake” - and I did everything they wanted easy. Getting those nerds to fork up the reward money was the hard part.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_scientist_11">
        <text>Stop claiming the credit for other people's achievements. I did that, not you!</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_scientist_111">
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_scientist_112">
        <text>What do you want? Go spew your horseshit somewhere else!</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_scientist_113">
        <text>Lies... You can't prove anything. It's your word against the word of a Freedom member - good luck with that.</text>
ペテンだ・・・お前は何も証明できない。お前なんぞの言葉を Freedom の連中が信じるもんか、言えるもんなら言ってみろ。
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_scientist_1131">
        <text>We'll see about that.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_argue_scientist_12">
        <text>Thanks, bye.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_start_11">
        <text>Hey. You want to listen to my stories too?</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_start_21">
        <text>You want to ask something?</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_flint_start_31">
        <text>What do you want?</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_senya_start_0">
        <text>Buddy... shit... I'm dying...</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_senya_start_1">
        <text>Take this medkit.</text>
ほら、この Medikit を使え。    
<!-- 用語統一 -->
    <string id="jup_b25_senya_start_11">
        <text>Thanks friend... but it won't help... Listen... I was here with a member of Freedom... We found an artifact... I walked into a gas anomaly on the way back... If he had helped me, I could have made it... But... He took the artifact and left me here. He claimed he was going to get help... Find him. I want people to know that he can't be trusted...</text>
ありがとう友よ・・・だがもう手遅れだ・・・聞いてくれ・・・俺は Freedom のメンバーとここに来たんだ・・・俺達はアーティファクトを見つけて・・・俺は帰り際にガスアノマリーに足を取られた・・・もし奴が俺を助けていたならば、なんとか助かっただろう・・・が・・・奴はアーティファクトを持ち去り、俺を置き去りにしたんだ。奴は助けを呼びに行くと言ったが・・・頼む、奴を見つけてくれ。奴は信用できないと皆に知らせてくれ・・・
<!--友人じゃあんまりなので -->
    <string id="jup_b25_senya_start_1111111">
        <text>I'll find him.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_senya_start_1111112">
        <text>I doubt I'll be able to prove anything.</text>
    <string id="jup_b25_senya_start_2">
        <text>Grab on to my shoulder, we'll get you to a medic.</text>
肩に掴まれ、Medic まで送り届けてやる。
    <string id="jup_b25_senya_start_3">
        <text>Shit happens. Bye.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_artefacts_0">
        <text>I have something for you...</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_artefacts_11">
        <text>A Meat Chunk, here, take it.</text>
Meat Chunk だ、さあ受け取れ。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_artefacts_111">
        <text>Thanks. Scientists pay well, but I care more about the permit.</text>
ありがとう。Scientist は気前がいいが、許可証を手に入れるにはコレだけじゃ足りないな。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_artefacts_112">
        <text>Thanks a hell of a lot, friend! Now I can finally make a move for Pripyat - I just need to think of a way to get there.</text>
本当にありがとう、我が友よ!これでやっと Pripyat へ出掛けられる。其処へ行く方法を考えないとな。
<!--友人じゃあんまりなので -->
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_artefacts_12">
        <text>A Kolobok, here, take it.</text>
Kolobok だ、さあ受け取れ
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_artefacts_121">
        <text>Thanks. Scientists pay well, but I care more about the permit .</text>
ありがとう。Scientist は気前がいいが、許可証を手に入れるにはコレだけじゃ足りないな。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_artefacts_122">
        <text>Thanks a hell of a lot, friend! Now I can finally make a move for Pripyat - I just need to think of a way to get there.</text>
本当にありがとう、我が友よ!これでやっと Pripyat へ出掛けられる。其処へ行く方法を考えないとな。
<!--友人じゃあんまりなので -->
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_artefacts_13">
        <text>A Meat Chunk and a Kolobok, here, take them.</text>
Meat Chunk と Kolobok だ、さあ受け取れ。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_artefacts_131">
        <text>Thanks a hell of a lot, friend! Now I can finally make a move for Pripyat - I just need to think of a way to get there.</text>
本当にありがとう、我が友よ!これでやっと Pripyat へ出掛けられる。其処へ行く方法を考えないとな。
<!--友人じゃあんまりなので -->
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_artefacts_14">
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_boredom_0">
        <text>Is it boring around here?</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_contract_0">
        <text>You mentioned your contract...</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_contract_1">
        <text>Well, I signed up to do some work for the scientists, thinking it would be easy. What I failed to notice was that the contract only expires when all the work is done. The scientists promised to give me an official permit to be in the Zone at the end of it.</text>
ええと、俺は簡単だと思って Scientist のために働くと契約した。俺が気付かなかったことは、全ての仕事が終わった時だけ契約が完了する、ということだ。Scientist は、契約完了時に Zone の正式な滞在許可証をよこすと約束した。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_contract_111">
        <text>I've completed every damn clause of the contract, except one little thing. I have to find all chemical artifacts in existence. Who could have known that you can't get Meat Chunks or Koloboks around here? If I could get those two, I would have headed towards Pripyat a long time ago, but I can't!</text>
一つの些細な仕事以外は、契約の全てをやり遂げた。俺は存在する全ての薬品耐性アーティファクトを見つけなければならない。この辺りでは Meat Chunks や Kolobok を入手できないって、誰が知っているんだ?その二つを手に入れることが出来れば、大昔に Pripyat に向かっただろうが、それが出来ないんだ!
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_contract_1111">
        <text>I might be able to help you with those artifacts.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_contract_1112">
        <text>That's a pity.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_contract_2">
        <text>Yeah... A Meat Chunk and a Kolobok and I'm off to Pripyat!</text>
ああ・・・Meat Chunk と Kolobok で俺は Pripyat へ出発だ!
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_pripyat_0">
        <text>What's so special about Pripyat?</text>
Pripyat の何がそんなに特別なんだ?
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_pripyat_1">
        <text>Nobody knows how to get there... We're in the Zone, after all, so you can't just walk straight there. They say it's a real treasure trove of artifacts... Either way, there've been so many legends circulating around Pripyat that I'm just plain curious.</text>
どうすれば辿り着けるのか、誰も知らないからさ・・・ Zone では何事も「真っ直ぐ」にはいかないもんだ。嘘か真か、アーティファクトの宝庫だという噂だ・・・いずれにしても、 Pripyat にまつわる伝説は後を絶たないからな、興味をそそられるのさ。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_pripyat_group_0">
        <text>I'm putting a squad together to go to Pripyat with. Want to join us?</text>
Pripyat へ行くために部隊を編成しているんだが、あんたもどうだ?
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_pripyat_group_1">
        <text>Actually, I've been thinking of heading over there myself... But it would be on my own. Nothing personal, I'm just used to working solo...</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_pripyat_group_2">
        <text>Hah, I'm actually setting out to Pripyat soon... But it will be on my own. Nothing personal, I'm just used to working solo...</text>
はあ、実はもうすぐ Pripyat に出発する。だが、俺は独りで行こうと思う。悪気はないが、単独行動が習慣なんだ・・・
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_start_11">
        <text>Welcome to boredom.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_start_12">
        <text>Man, I really want to go to Pripyat!</text>
なあ、俺は本当に Pripyat に行きたいんだ!
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_start_13">
        <text>I just need to work out a way of getting to Pripyat and I'll be there in no time.</text>
Pripyat へ行く方法を考える必要がある。俺は早くそこへ行きたいんだ。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_start_14">
        <text>It's good here! This is life like it's meant to be lived!</text>
<!--This is life like it's meant to be lived!の訳は少々怪しいが、ニュアンスは近いハズ。修正歓迎-->
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_start_15">
        <text>It's good to feel safe, for sure. I just wish it wasn't so boring!</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_volunteer_0">
        <text>I might be able to help you with those artifacts.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_way_0">
        <text>Do you really know the way to Pripyat?</text>
Pripyat への道を本当に知っているのか?
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_bunker_way_1">
        <text>I don't, but if it's full of artifacts like people say, I'm ready to find one right now. I mean, I'm a trailblazer like no other - I was one of the first to find the way to Jupiter. But I always work solo - I ain't got time to watch someone else's back.</text>
いいや、だが、皆が言うようにアーティファクトで溢れているなら、喜んで今すぐ見つけ出す。つまり、俺は他の奴とは違って開拓者なんだ。Jupiter への道を最初に見つけた一人だしな。誰かのお守りはせずに、常に単独行動だ。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_jupiter_0">
        <text>Will you take me to Jupiter?</text>
Jupiter まで連れて行ってくれないか?
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_jupiter_1">
        <text>Of course. You ready to go?</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_jupiter_11">
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_jupiter_12">
        <text>Not yet.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_jupiter_2">
        <text>Not during an emission.</text>
Emission の間は駄目だ。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_pripyat_0">
        <text>Will you lead me to Pripyat?</text>
Pripyat まで案内してくれないか?
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_pripyat_1">
        <text>I'll give it a shot for 5,000. I like it there!</text>
5,000 でやってやろう。あそこは気に入ってるんだ。
<!--give it a shot =試してみよう の意-->
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_pripyat_11">
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_pripyat_12">
        <text>No, thanks.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_pripyat_121">
        <text>OK, it's your choice.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_pripyat_13">
        <text>I don't think I have enough cash.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_pripyat_2">
        <text>I'll give it a shot for 5,000... Let's just wait for the emission to finish.</text>
5,000 でやってやる・・・Emission が終わるのを待とう。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_zaton_0">
        <text>Can you lead me to Zaton?</text>
Zaton まで案内してくれないか?
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_zaton_1">
        <text>Nah, man - it's way too boring there. There's Pilot over there - he's the one you want for the safe but tedious work.</text>
なあ、そこへの道のりは退屈過ぎる。向こうに Pilot が居るだろ。彼こそあんたに必要な、退屈だが安全な仕事をしてくれる人間だ。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_zaton_2">
        <text>Well, I can lead you to Yanov and for 3,000 I can get Pilot to take you to Zaton. What do you say?</text>
そうだな、あんたを Yanov まで案内して、そこから Pilot に 3,000 で Zaton へ連れて行かせよう。どうだ?
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_zaton_21">
        <text>I agree.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_zaton_22">
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_zaton_221">
        <text>Up to you.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_zaton_23">
        <text>I don't have enough cash.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_zaton_3">
        <text>Well, I can lead you to Yanov and for 1,000 I can get Pilot to take you to Zaton. What do you say?</text>
そうだな、あんたを Yanov まで案内して、そこから Pilot に 1,000 で Zaton へ連れて行かせよう。どうだ?
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_zaton_4">
        <text>Nah, man - it's way too boring there. There's Pilot over there - he's the one you want for the safe but tedious work - ask him after the emission.</text>
なあ、そこへの道のりは退屈過ぎる。向こうに Pilot が居るだろ。彼こそあんたに必要な、退屈だが安全な仕事をしてくれる人間だ。Emission の後で彼に頼んでくれ。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_zaton_5">
        <text>Well, I can lead you to Yanov and for 3,000 I can get Pilot to take you to Zaton... Once the emission is over, obviously.</text>
そうだな、あんたを Yanov まで案内して、そこから Pilot に 3,000 で Zaton へ連れて行かせよう・・・言うまでもないが、Emission が終わったら直ぐにな。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_guide_to_zaton_6">
        <text>Well, I can lead you to Yanov and for 1,000 I can get Pilot to take you to Zaton... Once the emission is over, obviously.</text>
そうだな、あんたを Yanov まで案内して、そこから Pilot に 1,000 で Zaton へ連れて行かせよう・・・言うまでもないが、Emission が終わったら直ぐにな。
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_pripyat_start_11">
        <text>They say you made it through the tunnels?... I also came from Jupiter - I found a passage underground. I can take you back there for free if you need... I'm, you know, happy to provide any assistance required to the authorities.</text>
トンネルを突破してきたんだって?・・・俺も地下道を見つけて Jupiter から来たんだ。もし必要なら、タダで連れ戻せるぞ。当局に必要な支援をするんだろ?
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_pripyat_start_12">
        <text>Long time no see! They say you made it through the tunnels?... I found a passage underground. I can take you back for free if you need... I'm, you know, happy to provide any assistance required to the authorities.</text>
久しぶり!トンネルを突破してきたんだって?・・・俺も Jupiter から来た - 地下道を見つけた。もし必要なら、タダで連れ戻せるぞ。当局に必要な支援をするんだろ?
<!-- ちょっと修正-->
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_pripyat_start_13">
        <text>Long time no see! They say you made it through the tunnels?... You won't believe it but I managed to get out of my contract and still get the permit... As soon as I did, I headed here and found a passage underground. I can take you back for free if you need... I'm, you know, happy to provide any assistance required to the authorities.</text>
    <string id="jup_b43_stalker_assistant_pripyat_start_14">
        <text>Long time no see! They say you made it through the tunnels?... I found a passage underground. I can take you back for free if you need... I'm, you know, happy to provide any assistance required to the authorities. By the way, thanks for helping me complete that contract with the scientists... I've had a little look around here and found this - take it. I'm sure you'll find a use for it.</text>
久しぶり!トンネルを突破してきたんだって?・・・地下道を見つけた。もし必要なら、タダで連れ戻せるぞ。当局に必要な支援をするんだろ?ところで、 Scientist との契約を完了させるのを手伝ってくれてありがとう・・・この周辺を散策してこれを見つけた。持ってけよ。お前なら使い方はわかるだろう。
    <string id="jup_b47_ask_topol_about_guard_0">
        <text>Topol, why don't you protect the scientists' bunker?</text>
Topol、なぜ移動研究所の Scientist を護衛しないんだ?
    <string id="jup_b47_ask_topol_about_guard_1">
        <text>Well, we're employed to take measurements and collect samples. We're almost scientists at this stage. Plus, while I don't have anything against the job per se, I'm not sure I can handle the eggheads' new enemies. I don't feel like dying from a merc bullet.</text>
そうだな、俺達は測定をしてサンプルを集めるために雇われている。今では殆ど Scientist だ。その上、仕事そのものに何の不満もないとはいえ、インテリの新たな敵に対処できるとは思わない。Mercenary の鉛弾で死にたくはない。
    <string id="jup_b47_merc_guards_start_11">
        <text>You're in the wrong place, buddy! And you better leave before we make it the wrong time, too.</text>
<!--修正歓迎 意訳した方が通りが良さそうだがかっちょいいフレーズが思い浮かばない-->
    <string id="jup_b47_merc_guards_start_12">
        <text>You looking for trouble or something? Get out of here before you find it!</text>
    <string id="jup_b47_merc_guards_start_13">
        <text>Get lost, buddy. Do that, and we'll keep it peaceful.</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_duty_go_home_0">
        <text>What are you going to do now?</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_duty_go_home_1">
        <text>We're going to Yanov station soon. Come with us, if you like.</text>
直ぐに Yanov 駅へ行く。なんなら一緒に来い。
    <string id="jup_b4_duty_go_home_11">
        <text>Yeah, that's on my way. I'll join you.</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_duty_go_home_12">
        <text>Nah, that's out of my way.</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_duty_squad_start_dialog_0">
        <text>It's a good thing you brought them to us - they wouldn't have lasted long on their own.</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_duty_start_dialog_0">
        <text>Thanks for making an arrangement with Duty.</text>
Duty への配慮に感謝する。
    <string id="jup_b4_freedom_go_home_0">
        <text>What are you going to do now?</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_freedom_go_home_1">
        <text>We're going to Yanov station soon. Come with us, if you like.</text>
直ぐに Yanov 駅へ行く。なんなら一緒に来い。
    <string id="jup_b4_freedom_go_home_11">
        <text>Yeah, that's on my way. I'll join you.</text>
    <string id="jup_b4_freedom_go_home_12">
        <text>Nah, that's out of my way.</text>


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