
Band of Brothers

正式名称:  Band of Brothers
作者:  Band of Brothers Team
対応:  メダル オブ オナー アライドアサルト v1.11v9
 メダル オブ オナー アライドアサルト リロード v2.15
 メダル オブ オナー アライドアサルト リロードセカンド v2.40
最新バージョン:  不明
公式サイト:  消滅(Internet Archive



Band of Brothersとは第二次世界大戦におけるアメリカ陸軍第101空挺師団第506パラシュート歩兵連隊第2大隊E中隊、通称イージー・カンパニーの戦いを描くテレビドラマ「バンド・オブ・ブラザーズ(Band of Brothers)」をMOHAAで再現したMOD。

The Band of Brothers Mod is based on the real life events that took place in the lives of the men of Easy Company 506th PIR during WWII. You will re-fight some of the most significant and epic battles of the war. From Normandy to Hitler's Eagles Nest prepare yourself for one of the most sought after Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Modifications, Band of Brothers.

The modification will be planned and developed to portray the battles Easy Company experienced as accurately as possible. Our access to historical maps, photos and much more archived information allows us to recreate the battlefields with extreme accuracy. As well as sticking to the historical aspect of the mod we have also chosen to blend some familiar scenes from the hit HBO Series 'Band of Brothers' into the mod to allow the player to relate to the battles. Our team is planning every little detail meticulously all the way down to how for example the weapons fire to insure its accuracy and correctness.

We have many features planned for this mod as well as some that are still being thought out. We hope to provide the player with a unique gaming experience filled with intense adrenaline rushing battles. The mind-blowing special effects and sounds will add to the realism and intensity of the battles. Our battlefields will be 'open' instead of having the player being confined to a single path that he or she must take to accomplish a mission. The whole gaming environment of this mod will be tuned to the senses with realistic sounds, sound effects, and visuals. It will be a true masterpiece of the senses and the ultimate gaming experience.

Our mod will really be pushing the limits of what Medal of Honor: Allied Assault is capable of now. For example the player will be able to jump from a C-47 Skytrain as well as drive vehicles. We will be adding numerous newly modeled weapons, vehicles, and characters to our modification as well. There are many features that have been planned and many more that are still being planned. This will truly be one of the most unique modifications for MOH:AA.

We hope you enjoy our mod when it is complete. Look for many ideas we have to change and some to be added. Thank You.




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最終更新:2008年09月01日 01:00